How and when is it better to replant clematis in the fall or spring to a new location?

Clematis are decorative vines that can grow in one place for many years. But sometimes it happens that they need to be removed from one area and transplanted to another. The material will help inexperienced gardeners figure out how to properly transplant clematis to a new place in the fall, as well as what agricultural techniques need to be applied.

When does clematis need a transplant?

Clematis have a deep root system and are difficult to transplant. This is especially true for hybrids that have a tap root system. Therefore, experts recommend planting vines immediately in their designated place. But in some cases, clematis require a transplant.

These include:

  • the vine has grown too much, the flowers are beginning to become smaller;
  • the soil is depleted;
  • the plant was purchased in a pot and needs to be transplanted into open ground;
  • clematis has become infected and begins to fade;
  • due to the growth of neighboring plants, sunlight does not reach the vine;
  • The landing site was chosen randomly.

In addition, replanting may be necessary when changing the design of the garden, or during construction work.

roots in hands

Transplanting an annual

One-year-old seedlings are purchased at the garden center starting in spring. If they are grown in a pot, they can be planted from spring to autumn. Transplanting an annual to another place is easy for them, since the younger the plant, the easier it adapts to new conditions.

Note! In the first year, clematis flowers must be plucked off so that all the plant’s energy is spent on building up the root system and powerful shoots.

Transplanting a young plant

Young clematis has not yet grown enough roots to survive a good winter, so it is preferable to replant it in the spring. During the summer, its underground and above-ground parts will ripen well, and next season it will delight the gardener with its abundant flowering. Grown in a greenhouse, non-hardened plants are planted after the threat of frost has passed.

planting in autumn

Transplanting an adult plant

A liana that has been growing in the same place for a long time must be divided into several parts and replanted. If this is not done, then all its vegetative parts will begin to shrink, since they will not have enough space for development. When transplanting an adult plant, a support must be provided. It must be strong, since a weak one may not withstand the powerful shoots of the plant.

When is the best time to replant clematis?

There is no clear answer to this question. Each gardener, based on his own experience, proves the benefits of planting at one time or another during the season. The survival rate of transplanted clematis largely depends on the region, as well as on the growing conditions of the plant in a particular area.

Good illumination of the area, protection from winds, and breathable soil will facilitate the rapid rooting of the vine. The main condition when planting and replanting clematis is that the procedure must be carried out no later than a month before the first frost.

fertilizer bucket

Benefits of spring transplantation

Clematis has an early growing season, so it must be planted when the buds have not yet begun to grow. What month in the spring is best to carry out this procedure? The advantages of planting in April are obvious, since the transplanted plant will have time to adapt to the new location, and the vines will have time to ripen and not freeze in the cold winter.

Transplanting clematis in spring is recommended for northern regions.

When is the priority for transplanting in the fall?

You can plant clematis in autumn in regions with mild winters. But to prevent the root system from freezing, it is necessary to choose the right month for planting. When is the priority for transplanting in the fall - in September or October? Preferably - the entire first autumn month and the beginning of the next.Before the onset of frost, the root circle is sprinkled with a layer of dry leaves, chopped bark or other mulching material.

Pitfalls of summer transplantation

Summer is not the best time to replant plants. This period is intended for bright flowering, and the pitfalls of summer replanting (in August) for clematis is that their life cycle is disrupted. Clematis grown in a pot and having a closed root system will tolerate the procedure relatively easily.

formed root

Required Tools

Whatever period the transplant is carried out, the gardener will need tools. Here is their list:

  • a shovel for digging up an earthen clod;
  • digging forks;
  • pruning shears for trimming vines during summer and autumn replanting;
  • a garden saw or hatchet for dividing the roots of an adult plant.

Important! To prevent the plant from becoming infected with fungal diseases, tools are disinfected before work.

dig a hole

Transplant stages

In order for the transplant to be as painless as possible for the plant, it is necessary to carefully prepare for the procedure. There are several stages, we will tell you more about each of them.

Choosing the right place

Clematis are photophilous, so the planting site should be brightly illuminated by the sun throughout the day. If there is a lack of light, plants may not begin to bloom. The landing site should not be flooded with water when it rains, so it is determined at a distance of at least 50 centimeters from the walls of buildings. Highly located groundwater will be destructive. The area where clematis will be planted should not be blown by the wind: because of this, the lashes will not be able to stay supported.

Site preparation

The area is cleared of debris and weeds.If groundwater is located close to the surface of the earth, then it is necessary to make drainage ditches so that excess water flows through them. Simultaneously with digging the planting hole, supports are installed. This must be done in advance so that the integrity of the root system is not compromised in the future.

site preparation

Pit preparation

The planting hole is dug 60x60 centimeters in size. Drainage consisting of broken bricks, sand, and crushed stone is laid at its bottom. To make the soil more fertile, add 100 grams of mineral fertilizer to it. If high acidity is present, it is neutralized with dolomite flour.

Transplantation process

Having correctly chosen the planting site, carefully prepared the area, dug a hole, we begin the process of replanting clematis. Its landing takes place in several steps:

  1. The prepared pit is half filled with the substrate so that its top is located in the form of a slide.
  2. At this top, the clematis roots are carefully straightened, then the plant is covered with the remaining soil. The older the clematis, the deeper its trunk. This will stimulate tillering and also protect the plant from frost.
  3. The planted clematis is watered abundantly.

working with a plant

The planting site is mulched with peat. It will protect the soil from drying out, and the roots from hypothermia and overheating.

Advice! Since the root system suffers when the soil overheats, some annuals, for example, marigolds, can be planted with clematis.

How to care for clematis after transplantation

Caring for clematis involves timely watering, loosening the soil, and removing weeds. When replanting clematis in the spring, all flower stalks formed that year are removed. This is necessary so that the plant directs all its forces to rooting and growth.Starting from the next season, clematis begin to be fed. In cold regions, they need to be covered for the winter already in October.

flower wall

Having understood the nuances of transplanting clematis, the gardener will be able to admire their flowering next year. Proper care will ensure that clematis grow in one place for a long time. As they grow, they will radically change the appearance of the garden plot, decorate the working buildings, and decorate the gazebo with canes.
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