Characteristics and planting of clematis variety Rouge Cardinal, pruning group

Clematis grandiflora Rouge Cardinal is a climbing vine with large, velvety, deep red flowers. This perennial blooms in the second half of summer. Clematis Rouge Cardinal is grown from a purchased seedling; a large-flowered shrub cannot be obtained from seeds. After flowering, before the onset of cold weather, all shoots are cut back to the ground. The following spring, new stems grow and buds appear on them again.

Description and features

Clematis Rouge Cardinal (Red Cardinal) is a climbing herbaceous plant of the Ranunculaceae family. Belongs to the Jacqueman group. This is a late-flowering large-flowered shrub. A distinctive feature of this crop is its rapid growth - within a day the shoots stretch 6-10 centimeters in length.

The vine's tendrils are very tenacious. Clematis easily climbs onto a support on its own, grabs onto any ledge, secures itself and stretches upward. It is a perennial that remains to overwinter in the soil. True, before frost, the shoots are cut to 20 centimeters above the soil level.

Each new season, clematis grows to 1.8-3 meters in length. The root goes 1 meter deep into the ground. The color of young shoots is light green. The leaves are dark green, small, leathery, pinnately complex, and consist of 3-5 leaflets. Rouge Cardinal blooms from July to September. Flowers appear on the shoots of the current year. The flowering of clematis is interrupted by the first autumn frosts.

The flowers are dark red, with 6 petals, velvety, 10-16 centimeters in diameter. In the center there are cream-colored stamen filaments with brownish anthers.

Rouge Cardinal Breeding History

Clematis Rouge Cardinal is a hybrid bred by French breeders in 1968. The new plant was obtained by crossing two clematis - Vititsella and Lanuginosa. The variety has received awards at prestigious international exhibitions many times, and was awarded a gold medal at a competition in Holland.

Rouge Cardinal


The Rouge Cardinal hybrid can be grown from a cutting with a rhizome and a twenty-centimeter shoot remaining after pruning with 2-3 vegetative buds or from a seedling planted in a pot. It is easier to purchase young clematis in a container in the spring and transfer it along with a lump of earth to a flower bed.

Location requirements

Clematis Rouge Cardinal is a light-loving crop, but can grow in light partial shade. It is better to plant seedlings in well-lit flower beds, in places protected from wind and drafts. The shrub does not tolerate stagnant water; the soil on which it is planted must have good drainage.

Soil selection and preparation

The land where planting is planned may be neutral or slightly acidic. Clematis can be planted in loam or sandy loam soil. Too acidic soil needs to be limed. Heavy, clayey, poor soil can be diluted with peat, sand, and rotted humus. The soil is prepared several days before planting clematis. They dig a hole, remove soil from it and add additives.

dig up the ground

In addition to organic matter, peat or sand, be sure to add superphosphate (100 grams), 200 grams of wood ash, 100 grams of bone meal. All ingredients are mixed and poured back into the hole, leaving a small hole for planting the plant itself.

Disembarkation dates

A clematis seedling grown in a container is planted in a flowerbed in May, when the soil warms up to 10 degrees Celsius, and the weather outside is warm and the threat of night frosts has passed. The rhizome with a 20 centimeter long shoot remaining after pruning with 2-3 buds can be planted at the end of April. In the southern regions, the delenka is planted in a flowerbed in the fall (from late September to early November), 1 month before the onset of frost.

Planting scheme

2-4 weeks before planting clematis Rouge Cardinal, prepare a hole.It takes some time for the earth to settle a little. A hole is dug 65 centimeters deep and 55 centimeters wide. The soil is enriched with humus and diluted with peat or sand. A ten-centimeter layer of pebbles is poured onto the bottom of the hole as drainage. Then fertile soil is laid.

 landing in a hole

Before planting, you need to install support for climbing vines. It will support clematis in case of strong winds. It is not advisable to plant the plant close to the wall of the house; it is better at a distance of 30-50 centimeters. Water flowing from the roof should not fall on the bushes. Leave 1-1.5 meters of free space to the neighboring plant.

The seedling from the pot, along with a lump of earth, is carefully transferred to a previously prepared hole. The stem is covered with earth up to the first internode. After planting, pour a bucket of water under the bush. If the soil near the bush sags over time, you need to add some soil. When a division is planted, the roots, along with the shoot, are deeply immersed in the soil. The root collar should be 5-8 centimeters below the soil surface. Only the top of the seedling should remain at the top.

Rules of care

Clematis Rouge Cardinal is an unpretentious crop. However, if the rules of agricultural technology are not followed, it may bloom poorly, wither or drop buds. In the spring, at the beginning of growth, the vines are directed in the desired direction, forced to curl around a support, and tied up. If this is not done, the growing branches will intertwine or stretch in the wrong direction.

clematis flower


After planting, clematis should be watered regularly. Once a week you need to pour a bucket of water under the bush. An adult plant is watered only in dry weather. When watering, it is advisable not to allow a stream of water to enter the center of the bush.

Top dressing

Clematis Rouge Cardinal responds excellently to the application of organic matter and all kinds of mineral fertilizers. The bush is fed 3-5 times per season. If clematis grows in poor soil, you can add compost or rotted humus under the bush in the spring. Organic and mineral fertilizers are not applied at the same time; an interval of 10-14 days is maintained.

In the summer, once a month, the foliage is sprayed with a urea solution (1 teaspoon per 10 liters of settled water). Before flowering, the bushes can be irrigated with a solution of boric acid (2 grams per 10 liters of liquid) and added with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. In summer, clematis is fertilized with superphosphate and potassium sulfate (35 grams per 10 liters of water).

 urea solution

Weeding and loosening

After watering, the soil around the bush needs to be loosened a little and the weeds removed. In hot weather, to protect the roots from overheating, it is recommended to mulch the soil near the clematis with peat or sawdust.

Trimming Groups

Clematis needs constant care. Throughout the summer, remove dried or broken shoots. Using pruning, the height of the bush is adjusted. If you pinch the main stem, you can stop its growth and stimulate the development of side shoots. Proper autumn pruning of shrubs is of great importance. All varieties clematis according to the method of autumn pruning are divided into 3 groups. Rouge Cardinal belongs to the third group.


Clematis that bloom on last year's shoots are not pruned before the onset of winter. Such plants are only slightly shortened in the fall. After all, branches grown in the new season rarely form buds. The first group includes large-petaled, alpine, mountain, and Siberian clematis. For the winter, frost-resistant varieties are left on a support without shelter, and hybrids are bent to the ground and insulated.

formative pruning


Clematis, which bloom on last year's shoots and on new branches, belong to the second group of pruning. In summer, old shoots are removed after flowering is completed, and in late autumn, young branches are shortened by a third. Before wintering, the plant is bent to the ground and insulated. The second group includes clematis Patens, Florida, Lanuginosa.


This pruning method is suitable for clematis Rouge Cardinal. In autumn, the shoots are completely cut off. Only small stems 20 centimeters long, with a pair of buds, are left. Next spring, new shoots grow, and flowers bloom on them in mid-summer. Clematis that are completely cut off before winter are more durable. The shoots of such plants do not need to be preserved until the next season or insulated. The third group includes clematis Jacquemman, Intergrifolia, Vititsella.

remove stems

Shelter for the winter

The roots and short cut stems remaining in the ground are covered before winter. The temperature outside should be below freezing. The base of the bush is sprinkled with peat with humus, sawdust, and dry leaves. In winter, add more snow to the place where clematis overwinters. Remove the cover in the spring, after the snow melts.

Diseases and main pests

Clematis Rouge Cardinal can suffer from anthracnose, rot, fusarium, powdery mildew, and rust. Fungal and bacterial diseases can be caused by improper care, lack of nutrients in the soil, and rainy and cool weather. It is advisable to carry out preventive treatment of plants with chemicals in the spring.

After the snow melts, before shoots appear, the ground can be watered with lime milk (210 grams of lime per 10 liters of water).

To protect against fungal diseases, fungicides are used: Maxim, Skor, Horus, Quadris, Radomil. In hot weather, the shrub is subject to attacks by insect pests.Preventive treatment with insecticides (Aktellik, Aktara) saves you from them.

Maxim package


Fusarium wilt is caused by fungi living in the soil. They infect the roots, penetrate the vascular system, grow, and clog it with mycelium. A diseased plant quickly loses its freshness, withers, and dries out. To prevent diseases in the spring, the ground is watered with a solution of copper or iron sulfate; in the summer, a solution of Trichodermin is poured under the bush.


A fungal infection that affects the roots and shoots of clematis. The pathogen is located in the soil, penetrating through the roots into the stem, clogging internal vessels, and disrupting their patency. Nutrients do not reach the top, the plant begins to wither and dry out. A plant affected by a fungus cannot be saved.

In the spring, preventive measures are taken to reduce the likelihood of fungal disease. The soil is watered with a solution of potassium permanganate, Fundazol, Trichodermin, copper sulfate or Bordeaux mixture.

fungal infection

Spider mite

A tiny reddish insect that weaves a web on the underside of a leaf. Activated on hot days. It feeds on the sap of the plant, causing the leaves to turn yellow and the buds to dry out. Insecticides that save from spider mites: Actellik, Karbofos, Inta-Vir.

Front sight

A small two-winged insect, the larvae of which feed on clematis leaves, creating an extensive system of passages in them. The integrity of the leaf plates is compromised, causing the leaves to wither and fall off. You can save clematis from flies using a trap (sticky tape). As a preventative measure, the leaves are sprayed with insecticides (Aktara, Konfidor, Mospilan).


This is a small insect with an oblong dark brown body.Larvae and adults feed on plant sap. Insects live in the soil. In search of food they climb clematis. The vital activity of insects is indicated by spots on the leaves and yellowing of the foliage. Insecticides that save from thrips: Actellik, Fufanon, Aktara, Marathon, Ortin.

bug pest


Microscopic worms that live in the soil. Insects damage the root system of clematis. Brown swellings appear on the roots, causing rotting, which is why the bush looks drooping, stops growing, and withers. Clematis leaves can be attacked by another type of these insects - leaf nematodes. The activity of pests leads to the drying out and death of foliage. Drugs that save from nematodes: BI-58, Rogor, Dimethoate.


Clematis Rouge Cardinal is propagated mainly vegetatively. Large-flowered varieties cannot be grown from seeds, since new plants do not retain the hereditary characteristics of the mother crop.

Dividing the bush

This method is used to rejuvenate the bush. With age, clematis Rouge Cardinal begins to bloom poorly and loses its decorative effect. The bush is divided in the spring, before the buds begin to grow, or in the fall - after flowering. For division, choose a shrub 5-8 years old. Cut off the entire above-ground part, leaving only short shoots with vegetative buds at the base.

bush division

The bush is dug up, the roots are separated from the ground, and divided into several sections with a knife. On each part there should be a shoot with buds and enough roots. Each division produces an independent plant.

By layering

In summer, the regrown lower side stem is bent to the surface of the soil and covered with earth. The top is brought out.In the second year, the branch will grow roots; it can be cut off from the mother plant, and the emerging young shoot with roots should be transplanted to a new place.


In summer, slightly woody cuttings 10-12 centimeters long are cut from the plant, the leaves are torn off and placed in water with Kornevin or Heteroauxin. Then the branches are stuck into a damp sand-peat substrate and covered with a plastic bottle on top. When the cuttings take root, they are transplanted to a permanent place.

flower cuttings

Application in landscape design

Clematis Rouge Cardinal is grown for vertical gardening of garden plots, house walls, fences, balconies, terraces, pergolas, and gazebos. A tenacious vine can grab onto any support, arch, or climb up a tree. The plant can be grown in containers, on balconies and loggias. With proper care, clematis can grow in one place for 10-20 years.


Valentina, 47 years old.

“I’ve been growing clematis Rouge Cardinal for about 9 years. Over the summer, the vine grows to a height of up to 2.45 meters and blooms profusely. In the fall, I cut off the stems, leave shoots 20 centimeters high, and sprinkle them with soil. The flower overwinters well, and in the spring, to stimulate growth, I feed it with nitrogen.”
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