Description of the daffodil Abba variety, planting and care rules

Narcissus variety Abba is an unpretentious bulbous plant that is very popular among gardeners around the world. Abba, like other representatives of this culture, has a beautiful appearance and a pleasant, alluring aroma. Let's figure out what advantages this variety has over other daffodils, as well as what conditions are considered favorable for growing it.

Description and characteristics of Narcissus Abba

Abba is a multi-flowered bulbous plant with leafless stems and beautiful large leaves of varying widths. Its bulbs are dense, medium in size, and the perianth looks like a tubular funnel.

The formed flower has the following characteristics:

  • height ranges from 35 to 40 centimeters;
  • the diameter of one flower, in most cases, does not exceed 7 centimeters;
  • There can be up to 5 flowers on one peduncle;
  • The petals of the plant are snow-white with a bright yellow crown.

Note! Abba is an early flowering variety of narcissus, which should be taken into account when planting on the site.

daffodil Abba

Main positive and negative aspects

Experienced gardeners who have been growing daffodils of the Abba variety on their plot for several years note the following positive aspects:

  • strong, tart aroma, pleasantly spreading over a long distance from the planting site;
  • pleasant appearance;
  • strong immunity, thanks to which there is no need to worry about the safety of the culture;
  • unpretentiousness to environmental conditions;
  • The flowering period is long, which distinguishes daffodil from other ornamental plants grown in the garden.

daffodil abba

The nuances of growing flowers

Despite the unpretentiousness of daffodils, their cultivation requires compliance with some nuances. If this is not done, the plant will grow weak or die. During the planting process, pay attention to:

  • correct planting dates;
  • choosing a place for a flower bed;
  • preparation of planting material;
  • the sequence of actions carried out when planting daffodils in the ground.

If you follow the basic rules, your flowerbed will delight others with its beautiful appearance and equally impressive aroma.

growing flowers

Boarding time

Optimal daffodil planting time begins in early August and ends in the last days of September. More exact dates depend on your region of residence and the local climate.

So, for example, for residents of central Russia, the optimal planting time will be the second half of September. Bulbs planted in the ground during this period will have time to properly strengthen and take root. The plant will calmly survive the winter and produce wonderful shoots in the spring.

Selecting a location

There should be no problems with choosing a place to plant daffodils, since this culture is unpretentious to such things.

landing in a hole

Narcissus Abba grows equally well in both sunny and shady areas. However, there are a couple of interesting points to keep in mind:

  • in shaded areas, the flowering period is much shorter;
  • the flowers formed by the plant in a shaded area are smaller than in a well-lit area.

Note! In shaded areas, flowering time does not exceed 2 weeks.

With good lighting of the flower bed, the flowering time can be increased to 1 month.

Preparation of planting material

The algorithm for preparing planting material is as follows:

  • bulbs that are supposed to be used for planting are inspected for damage and deterioration;
  • healthy, strong specimens are set aside separately and then placed in a solution of potassium permanganate;
  • if potassium permanganate is not available, then it can be replaced with a Whist checker.To do this, put the bulbs in a separate bag, and then fill it with a small amount of smoke emitted by the saber. To do this, it is not necessary to use the entire checker. You can crumble a small piece and set it on fire at the tip of a knife.

young seedlings


Planting a daffodil should not cause any problems for gardeners, since all the steps are simple and understandable even for a beginner:

  • the depth of the hole should be 3 times greater than the planting material;
  • the distance between plantings should not be less than 15 centimeters;
  • there should be a gap of 7 to 10 centimeters between the rows;
  • It is recommended to sprinkle a small layer of sand at the bottom of the hole, then lightly press the onion into it, lowering it bottom down;
  • Then the hole is filled with soil mixed with mineral fertilizers.

If planting was carried out in dry weather, the soil should be watered abundantly.

shovel in the ground

Further care of the crop

Further care of the crop consists of:

  • correct, timely watering;
  • mulching and loosening the soil;
  • pruning the narcissus and preparing the flower bed for wintering.

Rules for watering and fertilizing

When growing daffodils, there are no specific watering schedules that must be followed. Plantings are watered as the soil dries out. Do not over-flood the flowerbed, as this will adversely affect plant growth. On rainy days, the flower beds are covered with waterproof material. This will prevent the bulbs from rotting. After watering, the soil is loosened so that it allows air to pass through better.

water correctly

Mulching and loosening

Mulching is necessary to protect plantings from severe frosts. The following is used as a mulch layer:

  • straw;
  • sawdust;
  • peat;
  • wood ash;
  • dry leaves;

The thickness of the layer ranges from 10 to 15 centimeters.Loosen the soil as needed, most often after abundant irrigation.

shovel with ash

Pruning and wintering

Trimming is done as follows:

  • we wait until the narcissus leaves bloom and wither;
  • cut them with garden shears to the middle of the height.

It is advisable to trim Abba one level at a time. It is not recommended to tie up the leaves after this, as they begin to become less ventilated and illuminated. In regions with harsh winters, daffodils require additional shelter, otherwise the bulbs and roots will freeze.

remove from the garden

Ways to combat diseases and pests

The culture is well protected from various kinds of parasites and viruses, but sometimes it fails and begins to get sick. Typical diseases are:

  • fusarium;
  • rot;
  • viral diseases.

Among the pests are:

  • bulb fly;
  • nematode;
  • root mites.

Prevention measures:

  • before the formation of buds, it is recommended to spray the plant with special insect repellents;
  • After flowering, the flowerbed is treated with a solution of copper sulfate.

bulb fly

Reproduction methods

When propagating a plant, two main methods are used:

  • seminal;
  • vegetative.

growing bulbs

Using double daffodil in landscape design

In landscape design, daffodils are used as landscape compositions, which are distributed in separate groups of 5-6 plants. They try not to plant them in large groups, as this can make the area look slightly untidy. Look good between plantings of perennial crops, such as:

  • geranium;
  • host;
  • cuffs
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