Septembers, as they are popularly called, or Virginian (New Belgian) asters, received such a name for a reason.
Anemone (anemone) is a herbaceous perennial, a flower of the Ranunculaceae family. The genus includes about 170 wild and
One of the favorites for decorating a personal plot is the perennial gaillardia. Features of planting and care, methods
Planting tigridia and caring for it in open ground is of interest to many gardeners. This plant is
Chionodoxa is a winter-hardy perennial plant that, with proper planting and care, blooms in open ground.
Lavender is a medicinal aromatic crop. Used to obtain essential oil, healthy tea. Unforgettable
Osteospermum is a perennial flower that came to the CIS countries from South Africa, planting and care
Crocosmia is a bulbous plant widely grown in the CIS countries by experienced gardeners and beginners.
Some people decorate their gardens and summer cottages with heather. It is a herbaceous and perennial plant,
Among rhododendrons, Katevbinsky is the first representative of an evergreen shrub brought to Europe from Northern
Garden poppy is popular among gardeners. The flowers of this culture, due to their bright colors, will become
Gardeners have long begun to plant not only flowers and ornamental shrubs on their plots, but also