In the wild, the plant clings to rock crevices, thrives in wetlands, along streams, and tolerates cold winters. The perennial grass's inflorescences are borne in clusters, but smooth, wavy or ruffled leaves cascading like a fountain give the bush a stunning appearance. Although the plant, whose homeland is East Asia, lives for a very long time, in order to avoid loss of decorativeness, the hosta is transplanted to another place. It is best to do this in the fall.
Description and features
A perennial from the Asparagus family was first described by a scientist from Austria and is divided into 4 dozen species, each of which is interesting in its own way. The plant does not have a stem, but has many roots with which the hosta clings to the ground, rocks and gorges. Long peduncles are formed above a rosette collected from leaves separated by stripes, spots, and strokes of white, yellow, and blue shades.
The perennial is grown in a flowerbed next to peonies, combined with irises and lilies, in the garden - under bushes and trees. Hosta flowers are painted in different colors, they are:
- pink;
- purple;
- blue.
In their place a box full of seeds is formed. The bush will grow in height up to 0.8 m, in dwarf varieties - up to 15–20 cm. Hosta is undemanding to the sun, loves shade and moisture.
When to replant
The plant lives in one place for years, forming a lush bush with powerful branched roots. In order for hosta leaves to delight you with beauty and sophistication, you need to determine the time for replanting.
It is moved to another place to avoid:
- bush thickening;
- development of diseases;
- loss of decorativeness.
The plant is replanted every 5 years; in the first season, dividing the rhizome is not recommended; the hosta does not get used to the new area well and will look unattractive.
When caring for bushes, no special knowledge is required, but the plant must be replanted within a certain time frame. In mid-latitudes, work is carried out no earlier than the last days of April in the spring, in the summer - from the end of August to the beginning of September. In Siberia, the hosta is sent to a new place in the last ten days of May.
In the Moscow region, it is better to replant perennials in the fall. Spring is not suitable for all varieties. The month and date for the procedure are determined taking into account the climate of the area.
Preparing a new site
The land in the garden where the hosta will be grown is cleared of weeds. Sandy soil is diluted with peat. Sawdust, which has already rotted, is added to heavy soil. Depleted soil is fertilized with ash and microelements.
To destroy insect larvae and fungal spores, before planting the perennial, the area is watered with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
The holes for the plant are dug to a depth of 0.4 m and made wide. An interval of one meter is left between bushes of large varieties of perennials, and 30 cm between dwarf species.
Selecting a location
Hosta loves shade; a spreading and lush perennial grows in such an area. When there are light stripes on the leaves of the bush, you can plant it closer to the sun, but the hosta develops more slowly.
Soil requirement
The ornamental plant takes root in different soils, but loves non-acidic loams and dies in an area where water comes close to the surface. In sandy soil, the hosta blooms profusely, but develops slowly.
Having chosen a place where the ornamental plant will be comfortable, they remove the debris, rake up the remains of stems and leaves, pull out the weeds by the roots, and dig up the soil using a shovel.
Before planting a perennial, organic matter is added to the soil. Wood ash is perfect for this purpose; superphosphate or potassium salt is poured into the prepared holes. If the hosta grows in depleted soil, it is fed three times per season. mullein and mineral fertilizers.
Planting hole
The perennial is placed in holes that are dug to a depth of 0.4 m. The roots of the hosta are located horizontally. For tall varieties, the hole is made more than a meter wide, for medium-sized bushes - from 50 to 80 cm, for dwarf species - 20 is enough.Expanded clay or crushed stone is poured onto the bottom of the hole, and the drainage layer is covered with humus.
How to transplant correctly
If you need to move an adult bush to a new area, before removing it, dig it up on all sides and lift it with a pitchfork along with a lump of earth.
Bred to the host by division from the main plant:
- First, check to see if there are any slugs or damage on the roots.
- The bush is washed and dried.
- Dried parts are cut off with pruning shears.
- Dip into a solution of potassium permanganate.
Seedlings with 2 or 3 rosettes of leaves can be separated from the main plant with a disinfected knife. The sections are treated with a fungicide. The hosta will delight you with its decorative appearance next year.
Features of autumn transplantation
The bushes are divided for propagation in April, when the plant has not yet woken up. However, some varieties of perennials do not take root well in the spring, and hosta planting is postponed to the end of August or September.
In the fall, it is not recommended to pour fertilizer into the holes, otherwise the flower will grow and will not have time to take root before winter and will freeze in severe frost..
During planting, which in mid-latitudes cannot be transferred to October, the leaves are torn off and petioles no longer than 15 cm are left. The hosta is covered with agrofibre or other material that allows air to pass through but retains heat.
Separated seedlings will last until spring if they are folded in polyethylene with sawdust and placed in a basement or refrigerator, where it is not higher than +5 ° C. It is not recommended to place the hosta in the same place where other species or varieties of this perennial grew, since they are infected with the same diseases.
Is it possible to replant a flowering plant?
It is not prohibited to move the hosta to a new area even in summer; the plant takes root well and takes root quickly. An adult bush is watered abundantly and removed, clearing the clod of earth.On a flowering perennial, all the leaves are not torn off. Plant the plant in a hole, where a drainage layer is arranged and fertilizer is poured. Young bushes are irrigated once every 3 or 4 days and protected from the scorching rays of the sun.