Reasons why gladioli do not bloom, methods of treatment and prevention

Gladioli are a decoration for a garden plot. Breeders have developed varieties with different shapes and colors of petals. But sometimes the appearance of gladioli disappoints the gardener, since the plants may not form a flower arrow all summer. Or the buds on the formed peduncle dry out without blooming. Below is information about why gladioli do not bloom, what is the reason, and how to correct mistakes in care.

Possible causes of problems with flowers

There may be several reasons why gladioli do not bloom. Having identified errors and corrected them, the gardener will grow spectacular plants with gradually opening buds on his plot.

Poor quality planting material

By purchasing planting material from random sellers, the gardener may not wait for the gladioli to bloom. Buds will not form on plants that are too young. The bulb must first grow in volume and become stronger. Only after this is she ready to extend the flower arrow. If large corms have not bloomed, they may be infected with pathogenic microorganisms and pests. In addition, you need to purchase varieties of gladioli that are adapted to the region in which the gardener lives. For example, in cold areas, late-ripening plants may not have time to form buds.

Note! The peculiarity of some varieties of gladioli is that after flowering they need 1-2 years to rest.

Wrong place to land

Plant the bulbs in a well-lit area. In the shade, gladioli may not bloom. In partial shade, plants do not produce a beautiful arrow: it will form thin and curved.

why gladioli don't bloom

The landing site must be ventilated. If plants are located too close to each other and there is no ventilation, there is a possibility of them becoming infected with fungus. In addition, the area for planting gladioli needs to be changed every 2 years.

Failure to comply with landing rules

The crop is planted on the site after the ground has warmed up to 10 °C. When performing the procedure, observe the following rules:

  • planting depth on heavy soils is 3 bulb diameters;
  • on the lungs - 4 diameters.

If the planting is too deep, the development of the gladiolus is delayed; it may not produce a peduncle this year.One more rule must be observed: young and adult plants are planted separately. Otherwise, large gladioli will kill the children and will not allow them to fully develop.

Important! To prevent infection of corms by diseases and pests, the furrows are watered with Fitosporin before planting.


Plants react to a lack of moisture in the soil, as well as to its excess. In hot, dry weather, the crop is watered every 2-3 days. If gladioli grow at higher elevations, they will require daily irrigation.

why gladioli don't bloom

Frequent rainfall and abundant watering contribute to the appearance of fungal diseases. Plants weakened by pathogenic microorganisms do not form a peduncle.

Improper care

In order for gladioli to bloom beautifully and profusely, they need to be properly cared for. It is as follows:

  1. The bulbs are fed several times a season. Lack of nutrition leads to the plant losing its immunity and being attacked by diseases and pests. Weakened bushes find it difficult to form and bloom buds.
  2. The crust formed after watering prevents soil aeration. To allow air to penetrate deeper, the soil around the plants is loosened.
  3. The area is sprinkled with mulch. It helps retain moisture in the soil and controls temperature balance. In addition, mulch prevents nutrients from being washed out of the soil.
  4. So that the bulb can also grow a peduncle next season, after the buds dry out this year, it is cut off. In this case, at least 4 leaves are left, since the underground part of the plant is fed through them.

why gladioli don't bloom

Note! Mown grass, straw, and peat are used as mulching material.

Diseases and pests

The flowering of gladioli is very dependent on the presence of diseases and pests.


The disease is caused by a fungus. It enters the soil through an infected bulb, and is also formed due to abundant watering of plants and excessive fertilizing. With fusarium, the bulbs become covered with brown spots, and the aboveground part grows poorly. The leaves turn yellow prematurely and the flower arrow does not form.

Important! The infected area is treated with fungicides, and gladioli are planted on it after 5 years.


Small insects pierce the tissue and suck out cell sap from stems and leaves. Thrips reproduce quickly: from spring to autumn, 9 generations of insects can develop. The pest penetrates the bud and infects it. Then it gradually crawls into the ground, destroying the corm. To prevent the appearance of thrips, the plant is treated with Karbofos.

thrips pests


The larva of the click beetle usually infects young gladioli. The wireworm makes holes in the bulb; if the soil is dry, it gnaws through the core of the stem. The pest likes to appear in an area overgrown with weeds. Therefore, plant debris, especially wheatgrass, is carefully removed around the gladioli. For bait, you can place cut raw vegetables in the ground: carrots, potatoes, beets.

Onion root mite

The pest enters the site with seed material. It penetrates inside the bulb, gradually thinning it. Propagates quickly in high soil moisture. In plants weakened by the pest, buds do not bloom or do not form at all. They get rid of root mites by spraying the seed material with an acaricide.


Gladioli are beautiful garden plants. The flower arrow forms buds, the color and shape of which depends on the variety.But sometimes flowering may not occur.

Having studied the information about the causes of problems with plants and corrected errors, the gardener will grow spectacular gladioli on the site, blooming buds within a few summer days.
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