My favorite roses became sick, the stems cracked, the leaves began to curl. An insidious type of fungal disease that affects all types of flowering plants can cause irreparable harm to your favorite rose garden. What to do if signs of rust appear on roses, how to treat them and how to avoid rust? Let's consider methods of combating fungal infection using traditional methods and the method of treatment with fungicides.
- Why does rust appear on roses?
- What types of roses are most often affected by the disease?
- Signs of rust
- Measures to combat the problem
- Folk remedies
- Nettle infusion
- Wormwood infusion
- From tea with vodka
- Baby or laundry soap
- Treatment with fungicides
- "Falcon"
- "Strobe"
- Bordeaux liquid
- "Topaz"
- How to prevent rust on flowers?
- Resistant varieties
Why does rust appear on roses?
Weakened plant immunity, poor-quality unsystematic plant care, lack or excess of fertilizers, bad weather conditions are prerequisites for outbreaks of fungal diseases in rose gardens.
A fungus of the genus Phragmidium disciflorum spreads quickly; roses often pick up the infection from other diseased plants in the garden; pathogenic spores are carried by the wind and enter the soil with water.
Important! When the first signs of the disease appear, it is necessary to sound the alarm and treat the affected bushes with fungicides. Folk remedies are used to prevent the disease.
After treating the leaves, stems and buds of plants, the soil must be disinfected; if possible, it is recommended to replace the top part of the soil.
Never apply fresh manure to roses as an organic fertilizer. A bush can get burned from a large amount of nitrogen, and the risk of developing rust increases.
What types of roses are most often affected by the disease?
All types of roses are susceptible to the effects of this insidious fungus: tea, climbing, park, and rosehip-based species. The disease does not spare the plant; in advanced cases of the disease, the plant must be removed.
Breeders are improving rose varieties every year. For beginners, when choosing flowers, it is recommended to give preference to varieties that are resistant to rust and other types of fungal diseases. A list of them can be found in the description of the variety on the packaging.
Signs of rust
An experienced gardener regularly inspects flower beds for the first signs of disease or insect pests. It is not difficult to identify rust; the disease has the following symptoms:
- Bright orange spots and specks appear on the leaves, stems, and buds of roses.
- The plant slows down its growth rate.
- Some of the buds are deformed.
- The leaf blades turn yellow and fall off.
- The stems are cracking.
The first signs of infection can be noticed in the spring in mid-May. The fungus lives on roses all season. In autumn, with the arrival of the first cold weather, the orange coating of rust on the surviving bushes changes its color to black.
Measures to combat the problem
When a fungal coating appears on a plant, it is necessary to begin treatment immediately. First of all, it is necessary to find out the reasons contributing to the development of the disease and, if possible, eliminate them.
Remember that when treating rust, it is necessary to treat not only the upper part of the plant, but also to disinfect the soil. In autumn, it is recommended to remove the top layer of soil under infected bushes, adding instead clean fertile soil consisting of a mixture of black soil, sand and wood ash.
Folk remedies
The problem of fungal diseases of ornamental flowering shrubs has been known to gardeners for a long time. Folk remedies are used as preventive measures and a small area of infection.
Nettle infusion
A weed, nettle, grows in any garden plot. This plant can be useful; since ancient times, an infusion has been made from the stinging herb that can fight rust on roses.
The collected nettles are crushed and poured with boiling water at the rate of 10 liters of water per half a bucket filled with chopped nettles. The mixture stands for two days, then the infusion must be filtered and used for spraying. If necessary, repeat the procedure.
Wormwood infusion
Wormwood is a little more difficult to find on the site; this grass is more often found in fields, but per 10 liters of water it will require half as much as nettle.Wormwood is crushed, poured with boiling water and left for a day. The infusion is filtered and sprayed on diseased roses. It is recommended to treat the soil under the bushes, watering the roses with the remaining solution.
From tea with vodka
To create a cure for rust, you can use an infusion of tea with vodka. To make it, you need to prepare a strong brew of black tea and add a small amount of alcohol or vodka to it and mix thoroughly. Leaves and stems of diseased plants are wiped with cotton pads containing this solution. The product is suitable for indoor roses.
Baby or laundry soap
This solution is easy to prepare. Rub two bars of laundry or baby soap on a grater, and dissolve the shavings in 10 liters of warm water. You can apply the product to plants by spraying or using a cotton swab. It is recommended to spray the soil under the infected flower. The procedure is carried out several times with an interval of 3-4 days.
Treatment with fungicides
You can get rid of rust on roses by using fungicides. The use of chemicals is justified in the case of a large focus of the disease and in the event that folk remedies have not helped.
A fungicide produced in the form of a concentrated emulsion. Manufacturer: German company Bayer. The active ingredient is spiroxamine. Capable of inhibiting the effect of mixed infections. The products are applied to the affected plants according to the instructions. It is enough to carry out one treatment per season.
"Falcon" is an economical product with low consumption. Protects plants from fungal spores throughout the growing season. Harmless to humans, bees and small animals.
A new generation fungicide with a broad spectrum of action.Refers to biological products that are safe for humans and bees. The active ingredient is kresoxim-methyl. The drug is highly effective when applied to wet leaves.
Bordeaux liquid
A time-tested remedy against fungal diseases of ornamental, fruit and vegetable plants is a mixture of copper sulfate and slaked lime. It is used against rust, gray rot, coccomycosis and other fungal diseases. Roses are treated with Bordeaux mixture in spring and late autumn. The product is applied to the leaves and stems of plants.
Systemic fungicide. Refers to long-acting preparations; it is enough to treat roses once a season. The product is quickly absorbed by the plant, the drug is safe for humans, bees, and small animals.
How to prevent rust on flowers?
Roses are ornamental flowering plants that are susceptible to infection by various fungi, in particular rust. To prevent the development of rust in rose gardens, it is recommended:
- Growing rose varieties with rust immunity.
- The right choice of location and soil for the flower bed.
- Preventive treatment of bushes with fungicides in early autumn and before the onset of winter.
- Sanitary pruning of roses.
- Controlling the amount of nitrogenous fertilizers and fresh organic matter applied.
- Timely detection of the first signs of the disease.
- Maintaining the required level of soil moisture.
With the right choice of location and careful treatment of flowers, growing prickly beauties will become a favorite activity that does not bring any trouble.
Blooming healthy roses will reward the gardener with their fragrance and neat appearance for the work invested.
Resistant varieties
Thanks to the efforts of breeders, it is not difficult to select varieties of roses with immunity to rust; just read the description of the variety. The manufacturer will always emphasize the plant’s ability to resist fungal diseases as the merits of the species.
For example, from hybrid tea roses it is necessary to select the following varieties:
- Elina;
- La Perla;
Popular floribunda varieties with stable immunity:
- Morena;
- Rosenfee;
- Goldelse.
Of the climbing varieties, it should be noted:
- Santana;
- Aloha;
- Belcanto.
When forming a rose garden, it should be remembered that even modern varieties with increased immunity to infections can get sick if the plantings are not cared for. They carry out preventive treatments of plantings and carry out systematic plant care. When the first signs of infection are detected, the bushes are treated.
In the early stages of infection, rose bushes can be saved.