Gladiolus, or swordsman, is a representative of the genus perennial flowering herbaceous plants from the Iris family. Their peculiarity is the presence of a corm. In ancient times they were eaten. They were especially popular among warriors, who attributed magical powers to them. Modern flower lovers must remember that the right gladioli care after flowering is over, this is the key to obtaining healthy plantings next season.
Activities before harvesting the bulbs
About 5,000 varieties of gladioli are now known. To extend the life of varietal flowers, you need to properly care for their corms.
Peduncle cut
Pruning flower stalks of gladioli depends on the purpose of their cultivation. If the plant is intended for bouquet cutting, then the peduncle is cut after the lower flower opens or the three lower buds are colored. In this case, you need to take care of the safety of the leaves, otherwise the bulbs and children will suffer. It is optimal to pierce the peduncle with a knife and break it.
If the skewer is planted to decorate a flower bed or if flower stalks remain after bouquet cutting, they are removed after all the buds have opened and faded. You should not leave wilted and dried flowers on the plant. This will weaken the bulbs. After flowering ends, the flower stalks are cut with a clean knife at a distance of 5-6 cm from the ground.
Plant pruning
Once the flowers are cut, you can begin pruning the entire plant. To do this, you will need not only a sharp, but also a clean tool.
For pruning, use pruning shears or a sharpened knife. The height of the leaves after pruning should not be more than 25-30 cm.
Reducing watering
If during growth and flowering the plant needs to be watered at least once every 10 days, then at the end of summer watering can be reduced to once every two weeks. In rainy weather, additional moisture is not needed. Watering is stopped completely after flowering has ended.
Late varieties are watered for the last time no later than September 10-15. At the same time, loosen the soil near the plant.
Top dressing
In order for the bulbs to successfully survive the winter, they need to be fed after trimming all the flower stalks.For these purposes, you can dilute a tablespoon of superphosphate in 10 liters of water. Add one glass of wood ash there. This amount is enough for 1 square meter of planting. After two weeks, add 1-2 g of potassium permanganate to the indicated ingredients. Use the resulting mixture to fertilize the flowers again.
Flower processing
In unfavorable weather, before digging up the bulbs, the flowers are treated with insecticidal preparations. Small sucking insects from the order Thrips are especially dangerous for gladiolus. They suck the juices from stored corms, causing them to dry out completely. To avoid this, after the last feeding, the flowers can be treated with any insecticidal agent against thrips.
Timing for digging up corms
The time for digging bulbs for early and medium varieties occurs approximately 30-40, and for late varieties - 40-50 days after trimming the greens. In the middle zone, this can be done from mid-September to mid-October. If the grower is late with pruning, then you need to wait at least three weeks after it.
Many gardeners focus on harvesting potatoes and late cabbage. They dig for corms after harvesting the first crop, but before harvesting the second crop. It is important not to wait until the average daily temperature drops below -1...-2 degrees.
Nuances of excavation
It is advisable to start removing bulbs from the soil in dry weather. The following stages and nuances of this process can be distinguished:
- Stock up on pitchforks or a bayonet shovel.
- You need to stick the tool into the ground at some distance from the intended location of the bulb. The forks can be held straight, and the shovel can be held at an angle.
- Dig up the plant from 3-4 sides.
- Gently press the handle of the tool, and with the other hand, remove the bulb from the ground by the remains of the ground parts.
- Lightly shake off excess soil.
Cleaning and storing gladioli
When cleaning, it is important not to rush and be careful not only not to damage the mother bulb, but also not to lose the babies. After collection you need:
- almost completely cut off the above-ground parts and roots;
- sort through and remove damaged, rotten specimens;
- separate the children;
- wash with running water;
- treat with diluted karbofos or other preparation according to the instructions;
- soak for 10 minutes in a pink solution of potassium permanganate;
- place in boxes in one layer;
- put everything in a dry room with a temperature of +25 degrees for three weeks;
- then remove excess scales;
- sort by size.
After these events you can lay gladioli for storage. Selected corms should be placed in clean cardboard or wooden boxes. Move them to a dry basement or cellar. Store at a temperature of +2…+5 degrees. Inspect the planting material several times during the winter and remove damaged specimens.