The benefits of grass fertilizer, how to make it and instructions for use

When growing crops, it is important to use different fertilizers. They saturate the soil with nutrients and stimulate growth processes. One of the most effective means is considered to be grass-based feeding. It is distinguished by its ease of manufacture and availability of ingredients. That’s why many gardeners are interested in how to make fertilizer from grass.

What herb can I use?

Weeds absorb and accumulate many useful substances from the soil.Under natural conditions, they wither and rot right in the soil structure, giving it maximum nutrients. This is considered a natural process. Therefore, weed grass can be used to prepare useful fertilizers.

However, it is important to follow these rules:

  1. Cut plants need to be kept for some time. This will help get rid of harmful ammonia. It is prohibited to use fresh plants as top dressing.
  2. Only cut or mown crops are suitable for fertilizers. The fertilizer should not contain roots.
  3. It is best not to wait for the seeds to form, as they will be able to survive the winter and germinate the following year.
  4. It is important to choose the right weed varieties. Large or poisonous grass will not work.

Most often, the following types of weeds are allowed to be used for the production of fertilizers:

  • shepherd's purse;
  • blooming Sally;
  • clover;
  • burdock;
  • dandelion;
  • woodlice;
  • nettle.

grass fertilizer

Benefits of green manure

Using weeds to make fertilizers has many advantages:

  1. Fast absorption. Natural fertilizers are absorbed by plants much faster than mineral preparations.
  2. Quick correction of soil acidity parameters. The use of weeds to make fertilizers can reduce pH parameters.
  3. Saturation of soil with valuable substances. This allows plants to form more stable immunity. Crops planted in enriched areas do not get sick as often and produce high-quality harvests.

grass fertilizer

Best before date

Green fertilizer cannot be stored for a long time. The maximum period for using the finished composition is 7-10 days. The longer the fermentation process takes place, the more ammonia is released. This substance leads to the destruction of all beneficial microorganisms.As a result, a stagnant composition cannot be used to feed cultivated plants.

How to make fertilizer from grass

Preparing green fertilizer is not difficult. However, there are many recipes that help achieve the desired results.

In a barrel

This recipe requires a 50-200 liter barrel. It is possible to prepare a solution from chamomile, clover, and wormwood. Comfrey is also perfect for this.

To make fertilizer, it is recommended to follow these steps:

  1. Prepare raw materials. To do this you need to grind the grass. Thanks to this, she will begin to wander much faster.
  2. Place the weeds in a barrel of water. The liquid should lightly cover the plant material.
  3. Add additional components. They accelerate the release of nitrogen. It is especially useful to use manure for this purpose. It is also permissible to use other products containing nitrogen, for example, urea. To eliminate unpleasant odors, you can use a microbiological agent.

grass fertilizer

Once the fermentation process is complete, you will get an excellent liquid fertilizer. This procedure takes approximately 10-15 days. To determine the readiness of the composition, it is worth assessing its smell. The product should smell strongly of cow manure. In addition, the mass acquires a dark green tint and is covered with many bubbles.

From nettles and grass

Preparing such fertilizer is not difficult. To do this, it is recommended to take fresh nettle. To get a useful composition, it is recommended to do the following:

  1. Prepare and grind plant materials.
  2. Place in prepared container, filling it 50%.
  3. Add warm water - rainwater is best.
  4. Cover the container with mesh or gauze.
  5. Place it in the sun. The composition needs to be mixed 2 times a day.

To determine the readiness of the solution, you should pay attention to the formation of foam - it stops. In this case, the liquid becomes very dark in color. Depending on the weather, the process takes 10-14 days.

The benefits of grass fertilizer, how to make it and instructions for use

The mixture cannot be used in its pure form, as it turns out to be very concentrated. Therefore, before using the composition, it is mixed with water in a ratio of 1:10. The working solution cannot be stored.

Rotten grass as fertilizer

In order for the weeds to rot, you will need a special hole. It is permissible to use plastic containers for its location. To obtain compost, it is recommended to follow these steps:

  1. Find the optimal location for the container. During decomposition, the grass will emit an unpleasant aroma. Therefore, the container should be placed away from residential buildings. In addition, he should not be in the sun.
  2. Place some soil at the bottom.
  3. Make a layer of plants. It may include weeds, fallen leaves, and fruit. The layer size should be 30 centimeters.
  4. Sprinkle the layer with sawdust.
  5. Place the plant material again. Repeat the sequence of layers several times.

grass fertilizer

In order for compost to survive the winter, it needs to be covered. Straw is best suited for this. It will take several months for the plant residues to rot. At the same time, real feeding will be ready only after a couple of years. If you add diluted chicken manure to the composition, this period will be reduced to 6 months.

From grass and weeds

Sometimes gardeners who have large plots specially plant phacelia on them. This plant is perfect for improving fruiting and soil composition. The grass is characterized by rapid growth and is considered completely unassuming.

Phacelia has developed roots.Therefore, it germinates the next year or even during the pruning season. This helps gardeners obtain large amounts of fertilizer.

To make a concentrated fertilizer, phacelia needs to be crushed and mixed with weeds. Then you need to add water to the mass and leave to infuse. The fertilizer will be ready in a couple of weeks.

grass fertilizer

Grass clippings as fertilizer

Weed clippings can be used to make liquid fertilizers or mulch. In the second case, they fertilize berry bushes - gooseberries, raspberries, currants. To achieve the desired results, the plants need to be dried and placed around the bush.

To make fertilizer, the grass must be crushed and mixed with warm water. After just a couple of weeks you will be able to get an excellent nutritional composition. It can be used to feed vegetables.

Green herb infusion

The green infusion is suitable for preparing complex fertilizers. To do this, additional components are added to the composition. The most commonly used are the following:

  • bread;
  • yeast;
  • manure;
  • eggshell;
  • dolomite flour;
  • wood ash;
  • hay.

grass fertilizer

How to apply green fertilizer correctly

The product can be used to fully enrich the soil and prepare beds. It is recommended to mix it with water. When watering at the root, a ratio of 1:10 is required; when applying foliar application, a ratio of 1:20 is required.

The dosage is selected depending on the crop. Cabbage and cucumbers can be fertilized in August. In this case, you need to pour 1 bucket of the composition under the bush. To feed strawberries, use 1-2 liters per seedling.

Grass fertilizer is considered an effective tool that helps saturate the soil with nutrients and accelerate the development of cultivated plants.At the same time, it is important to choose the right recipe and observe the proportions when preparing the fertilizer.
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