What is Sudanese grass, how is it grown and where is it used?

Many people are interested in what it is - Sudan grass, how it is grown and where the sorghum-Sudanese hybrid is used. This crop is better known as Sorochin millet or Sudan sorghum. It is an annual flowering plant from the Bluegrass family. The culture has high nutritional value and can be used as animal feed. When planting and growing a plant, it is important to follow a number of rules.

What it is

Sudanese sorghum came to Russia at the beginning of the twentieth century. However, they began to grow this crop on an industrial scale only 50 years later.

Features of the plant

Sudan grass is an annual crop from the Bluegrass family. This plant is characterized by a fibrous root system that is well developed. It goes deep into the ground by 2.5-3 meters. In the horizontal direction, the roots grow by 75 centimeters. In some cases, aerial or adventitious roots measuring 6-8 centimeters in size are formed from the lower stem nodes.

The plant is characterized by a cylindrical, hairless stem, which is filled with white spongy parenchyma. Its height reaches 80-300 centimeters. The number of internodes on the stem is determined by the growing season. In early varieties their number is 3-5, in late varieties – 8-12. The lower stem node is the tillering node.

Depending on the overall bushiness, Sudan grass is divided into the following types:

  • weakly bushy - the number of shoots on a bush reaches 12;
  • medium bushy - there are 12-25 shoots on the bush;
  • highly bushy - the number of shoots exceeds 25.

Depending on the shape of the bush, Sudanese grass is divided into the following varieties:

  • erect;
  • spreading;
  • slightly spreading;
  • reclining;
  • recumbent.

The most common varieties are those that belong to the upright and slightly spreading varieties. As a rule, crops with a dense structure are more productive than loose ones.

Sudan grass is characterized by large leaves, which consist of a sheath and a blade. In this case, the plate is wide-linear. It reaches 45-60 centimeters in length and 4-4.5 in width.The leaves of the middle tier are considered the most developed.

Sudan grass field

The plant has inflorescences in the form of a multi-spiked panicle, the length of which reaches 40 centimeters. The spikelets are single-flowered. At the same time, the panicles are different - sorghum-shaped, compact, semi-compressed, spreading, drooping. At the ends of the panicles there are spikelets.

The fruit is a grain, which is densely located in the spikelet scales. Unlike sorghum, the top part of the grain does not come out. At the same time, 1 panicle brings 4-5 grams of seeds. The weight of 1000 grains is 10-15 grams.


Sudan grass has a number of distinctive properties:

  1. Heat requirements. This culture is considered to be very heat-loving and heat-resistant. Germination of seed material begins at a temperature of +8-10 degrees. In this case, the optimal parameters are +20-30 degrees. It is important to consider that frosts of -3 degrees are detrimental to young shoots. The stems begin to develop intensively at an average daily temperature above +10 degrees.
  2. Moisture requirements. Sudan grass is highly resistant to drought. This is due to the powerful development of roots and a long growing season. This allows plants to use the precipitation of the second half of summer. Sorghum absorbs the maximum amount of moisture from deep layers of soil. This must be taken into account when placing plants in crop rotation fields. The culture responds well to irrigation. This procedure significantly increases the yield of green mass and hay. At the same time, excess moisture has a detrimental effect on the plant.
  3. Light requirements. Sudan grass is considered a light-loving short-day crop. With long daylight hours, it begins to lag behind in its development.At the stage of sprouting and tillering, the crop normally withstands shading. Therefore, it can be used as a seeding crop.
  4. Soil requirements. The plant is considered not too demanding on the composition of the soil. Black soil and dark chestnut soil are well suited for planting Sudan grass. Sandy loam, sandy and light chestnut soil types are considered less successful options. The plant tolerates slight acidity normally. However, it develops with difficulty in swampy, over-compacted and saline areas. Also, sorghum should not be planted in areas with high groundwater.

Common varieties

Today there are relatively few varieties of this crop. The most common varieties of sorghum include the following:

  1. Brodskaya 2 - this crop was bred at the All-Russian Institute of Beef Animal Husbandry, which is located in the city of Brody. This bush produces up to 7 leaves, which reach 60 centimeters in length and 4 centimeters in width. The plant has a spreading-spreading form. By the time the fruits ripen, the crop becomes somewhat narrower. The panicle reaches a length of 30 centimeters. The structure of an average bush includes 35 branches. The weight of the seeds is 10-12 grams. The variety is resistant to diseases of this species.
  2. Anniversary 20 – culture was obtained at the Saratov Production Association. It is characterized by average bushiness indicators. The plant is distinguished by a spreading umbrella. Its seeds are in a transparent shell. This hybrid is characterized by early ripening. The grass can be mowed for the first time already 35 days after the sprouts appear. She is characterized by average endurance.
  3. Chishminskaya early. This variety was bred at the Bashkir Agricultural Institute.It is characterized by a thin stem that reaches a length of 1 meter. The culture is considered early ripening. Already 40 days after the sprouts appear, sorghum can be mowed. This variety is also characterized by average disease resistance.

Sudan grass photo sorghum

Where is it used?

In China and India, this cereal has been eaten for a long time. Porridges are prepared from it, and flour is used to bake flat cakes. In Russia, sorghum is actively used in agriculture as a feed source for animals. Due to the high sugar content in the grass, it is possible to achieve significant milk yield and weight gain.

Sudan grass is considered the most valuable crop for the southern and southeastern regions. In terms of green mass yield parameters, sorghum ranks first among forage crops. It is important to consider that Sudanese grass is considered especially valuable in hot weather and drought. Under such conditions, the yield of other cereals drops significantly, while that of sorghum remains at a high level.

On farms with a large number of cattle, Sudan grass is harvested for hay and haylage. After the second mowing, the waste can be used for grazing cows. By this point, natural pastures are already drying up.

Landing instructions

Planting work should begin after warm weather sets in. In this case, the soil should warm up to +10-12 degrees. Before planting, seed material must be disinfected. This is done in a solution of potassium permanganate. After which it needs to be dried.

For 1 hectare it is required to use 15-30 kilograms of seeds. Planting material needs to be deepened by 3-6 centimeters - it all depends on the density of the soil. Loose soil must be rolled down after sowing. This will help achieve friendly shoots.

Sudanese grass dacha

It is important to consider that Sudanese sorghum does not tolerate dense and waterlogged soil. At the same time, the culture develops normally in saline and solonetzic soil. As for predecessors, the most suitable options include legumes and their mixtures with cereals. It is also permissible to plant sorghum after winter plants, sugar beets, and corn.

Care instructions

In a favorable climate, Sudanese grass grows together. After a couple of months, 4-6 leaves appear on the plants. Young crops have an underdeveloped root system. Therefore, weeds can absorb water and nutrients that are intended for sorghum.

To cope with unwanted vegetation, you need to use special preparations. Quite often, farmers use organic and mineral fertilizers that are suitable for Sudan grass. Thanks to this, the plant will begin to quickly develop and establish roots in the soil.

The cereal responds well to the application of mineral fertilizers - primarily nitrogen. They contribute to the growth of green mass and improve the quality characteristics of raw materials. With the help of such fertilizers it is possible to increase the protein content in the plant.

Possible pests and their control

Sudanese sorghum has a fairly strong immune system. Resistance to diseases and pests is associated with a waxy coating on stems and foliage, tannin content in grains and the presence of glucosides and silica in the foliage. However, sometimes the plant still suffers from attacks by parasites, which can cause significant harm to the crops.


This pest poses the greatest danger to young plants at the stage of appearance of 5-6 leaves. Aphids provoke damage to the green mass of the plant, which leads to stunted growth of the crop and even to its death.In addition, the pest is capable of spreading various pathologies.

Sudan grass photo

For preventive purposes, crops must be treated with the preparations “Opercot Acro” and “Zenith”. Such products must be used twice. This helps avoid infection. Good results can also be achieved with the help of such compounds as “Bi-58”, “Sherpa”.

grain moth

As the grains ripen, the moth lays eggs on them. After 2-2.5 months, caterpillars appear and completely consume the contents of the cereal. To cope with pests, it is worth spraying the seeds with “Opercot Acro”. Phosphine can be used in closed warehouses. It is recommended to use the product for 10-15 days. It is quite difficult to control grain moths in the field.

Corn stem borer

The caterpillars of this pest consume young foliage, enter internal fragments of stems and absorb juices. As a result, the plant dies and the caterpillars move to the next bush.

To avoid the appearance of pests, it is necessary to promptly get rid of plant residues, carry out autumn plowing of the soil and adhere to recommendations for crop rotation. However, chemical methods do not always give results, since the caterpillars hide in the stems. At the stage of mass emergence of larvae, you can use Zenit or Bi-58.

meadow moth

The greatest danger to sorghum is the caterpillars of these pests. They absorb foliage and slow down the development of green mass. To cope with parasites, you need to use “Bi-58” or “Rogor-S”.

Fusarium and Alternaria

This crop often suffers from fungi. Their pathogens are found in the soil. With high humidity and damage to the plant shell, pathogens enter young shoots.This can cause the death of the culture. To cope with pathology, the seed must be treated before planting.

Sudan grass sorghum

Root and stem rot

These pathologies are caused by bacteria that live in the soil layer. Root rot is dangerous because it causes severe damage to the roots. As a result, the foliage curls and dries out. As stem rot develops, the upper leaves turn red and dry out.

To avoid the development of pathologies, it is necessary to choose varieties and hybrids that are characterized by stable immunity. Also, for prevention, it is worth treating the seed material and fighting pests using available methods.

Fire smut

In this case, the generative organs of the plant suffer. In this case, instead of grains, smut swellings are formed on the panicles. The affected grains resemble elongated gray sacs. To avoid the development of the disease, the seeds must be treated with Vitavax. In this case, 3-4 kilograms of the substance are used per 1 ton.

Dusty smut

Smut spores are found in the soil and seed material. Infection occurs at the stage of emergence of sprouts, and manifests itself during the sweeping of panicles. They simply turn into a dusty mass.

To cope with the infection, it is necessary to perform autumn plowing, adhere to the rules of crop rotation, remove plant debris and treat seed material.

Sudan grass

How to harvest

Sudanese sorghum is resistant to shattering. At the same time, harvesting is required in a short time so that the moisture content of the grains does not increase and additional drying is not required. When planting for silage, harvesting should begin at the wax maturation stage. Harvesting is done by mowing into windrows with reapers.After which the grains need to be dried and threshed using combines.

Reproduction methods

Sudan grass is propagated by seeds. The crop needs to be planted in a wide-row manner. In this case, the interval between the rows is 60-70 centimeters. It is recommended to use 12-15 kilograms of grain per 1 hectare.

Sudan grass is a very common crop, which is characterized by strong immunity and high yield. In Russia it is most often used as animal feed. To grow this type of sorghum successfully, you need to follow basic recommendations.

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