Biological fertilizers benefit plants, feed them, and are completely non-toxic. Let's consider the action and purpose of "Raikat Start", its composition, release form, methods of application, dosage and consumption of the product in agriculture and private household plots. How to work with it according to safety precautions, what it can be combined with, rules and shelf life, fertilizers that can be replaced.
Composition and release form of the fertilizer "Raikat Start"
Liquid fertilizer from Atlantic Agricola contains nitrogen in the amount of 4%, phosphorus - 8%, potassium - 3%, iron - 0.1% and boron - 0.03%. The drug is made from algae extract, so it contains amino acids, sugars, and plant hormones. Substances and mineral elements are in a balanced state.
The liquid is sold in cans of 100 and 500 ml, 1 l and canisters of 25 l. The different volume allows you to comfortably use it both in the fields, when cultivating large areas, and when using it on personal plots.
What is it used for?
"Raikat Start" is used for seed treatment to realize the potential of crops. After this, they germinate better, develop faster, and productivity increases. Can be used for processing any crops in agricultural and private farms.
The fertilizer is used for growing vegetable seedlings for beds and greenhouses, when transplanting seedlings and seedlings, and when rooting cuttings. In this case, it works as an anti-stress biostimulant and ensures rapid rooting.
Methods of using the drug
"Raikat Start" promotes the conversion of phosphates into a form accessible to plants, better absorption of nitrogen, rapid seed germination, and root growth. Stimulates breathing, enhances stress resistance, resistance to fungi, and withering of seedlings. Strengthens plant resistance to drought and cold. After seed treatment, plants experience rapid root growth, allowing them to consume more moisture and nutrients.
Dosage and frequency of use
In the agricultural sector "Raikat Start" for foliar feeding is bred at a dosage of 2-10 liters per hectare. Plants are fed 1-3 times per season with a break of 10-15 days, 200-600 liters per hectare are used for field crops and 500-1000 liters per hectare for garden crops. For root irrigation, the same dosage and regime are used, the consumption depends on the irrigation method.
In private household plots for leaf feeding of vegetables, berries, fruit trees, flowers and lawn grasses, the application rate is 5-10 ml per 1 liter, consumption is 3-10 liters per hundred square meters. The spraying regime is the same as in agriculture. For root watering, the application rate is 1-10 ml per 10 l, consumption is 5 l per square meter. m. For flowers grown in pots, dosage is 5 ml per 0.5 l, consumption is 0.2-0.5 l per plant. The first spraying is done after planting, the next - with a break of 10-15 days.
Safety precautions
Biofertilizer is non-toxic to humans, animals and plants if used in the dosage recommended by the manufacturer. When preparing the solution, treating seeds and fertilizing, work with the drug in protective clothing that covers the body, wear a respirator, gloves and plastic goggles. Do not remove protective equipment until work is completed. Afterwards, wash your hands and face with soap. If the solution gets on your skin, eyes or stomach, rinse them with water. If there are signs of poisoning, consult a doctor.
Raykat Start fertilizer exhibits good compatibility with pesticides and can be mixed with herbicides, fungicides and insecticides. Do not mix with products containing copper, sulfur and mineral oils. When mixing previously unused products with this fertilizer, it is recommended to test for phytotoxicity on crops.
Expiration date and storage rules
The shelf life of the drug "Raikat Start" is unlimited. It is stored in factory-made jars and canisters with tightly closed lids. It can be stored and stored in warehouses for agrochemicals and fertilizers, along with other agricultural products, at moderate temperatures, in a dark, dry and ventilated place. Do not store food, medicines, household products, or animal feed near the fertilizer.
The Raikata Start solution can be stored for 1 day, so it must be prepared on the day of use and in such a way that it can be used all during the working day.
For use on garden and garden crops, you can use fertilizers with microelements and growth stimulants: “Micro-Mineralis”, “Radifarm”, “Megafol”, “Emiks”, “Kornevin”, “Plantafol”, “Clean sheet”, “Rost” . They contain mineral components necessary for all cultivated plants in different proportions. They can be used to fertilize crops in fields and gardens of private plots.
"Raikat Start" is a liquid fertilizer for treating seeds before sowing and for feeding plants at the roots and leaves. Designed to stimulate seed germination, rapid and powerful development of the root system, accelerating the growth of seedlings and vegetative organs of plants. Accelerates the appearance of stepsons, new stems, buds, improves tillering, fruit ripening, appearance of fruits, their quality (sugar content increases, nitrate content decreases). Normalizes metabolic processes, improves resistance to diseases, pests, and stress factors.
The application of “Raikat Start” at an early stage of crop growth will allow significant savings in the future on various means of protection - fungicides and insecticides.The fertilizer has a positive effect on the harvested fruits, they are stored better and longer, and losses from rot during winter storage are reduced.