The benefits of river silt and its use as fertilizer for the garden

To feed cultivated plants, gardeners use both organic and mineral fertilizers. They contain nutritional components that stimulate plant growth and fruit set. Without fertilizing, it will not be possible to reap a rich harvest. The beneficial properties of river silt were appreciated by both farmers and owners of small summer cottages. Before using fertilizer, you should find out the rules for its use and the timing of application to the beds.

What is sludge made of?

Bottom sludge is formed as a result of the work of certain beneficial microorganisms, whose function is to purify the water in lakes and rivers from organic and animal residues by decomposing them. Most of it is found in reservoirs with stagnant water. It is impossible to name the specific composition of sapropel, since it may differ even in different places of the same body of water. Each type of sludge contains a set of microelements and organic substances that have a beneficial effect on the development and growth of cultivated plants.

The most useful type of organic fertilizer is considered to be that formed at the bottom of a reservoir with stagnant water; the least amount of nutritional components is in river silt.

Characteristics of different types of feeding:

  1. River silt. Since the water in the reservoir is in continuous movement, organic particles do not have the opportunity to accumulate and decompose, therefore only mineral silt is removed from the bottom. In this form, it does not have a beneficial effect on crops, so before use it is recommended to mix it with organic matter (manure or bird droppings).
  2. Swamp silt. The bog variety is based on the remains of plants and moss, which over time compact and turn into peat. In addition to the main set of nutritional components, it has an antiseptic effect on the soil. Thanks to it, pathogens found in the soil are destroyed. Since the composition also contains acids that are dangerous for crops, sludge is used no earlier than six months after being removed from the bottom and kept in a compost heap.
  3. Lake silt, or sapropel. The percentage of organic matter in lake silt is about 80%, so it is considered the most useful.It contains: nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, humic acids, natural growth stimulants, amino acids and microelements such as boron, iron, manganese and molybdenum.

You can distinguish mineral silt from sapropel by their appearance - after drying, the first crumbles into powder, the second becomes hard as stone.

river silt

Beneficial properties of river and lake silt

Sludge from a pond or lake is much healthier than that which forms at the bottom of flowing reservoirs, however, provided that additional organic matter is added, the latter can also be used as plant nutrition.

The beneficial properties of sapropel are as follows:

  • the moisture capacity and air permeability of the soil increases;
  • a fertile layer is formed on clayey, heavy and depleted soils;
  • the vital processes of garden and vegetable soils are launched;
  • nitrates and other harmful substances accumulated in the ground are neutralized;
  • pathogens of dangerous diseases of cultivated plants are destroyed;
  • the survival rate of young plants improves after planting in a new place;
  • the growth of the root system of seedlings is stimulated;
  • the flowering period increases;
  • the development and growth of crops is accelerated;
  • immunity to diseases and plant resistance to adverse weather conditions increases;
  • the concentration of vitamins and nutrients in fruits increases;
  • absolutely safe for crops even when the application rate is exceeded.

Sapropel is much more beneficial for crops than other organic fertilizers, and its only drawback is considered to be the difficulty of extraction.

river silt

How to mine?

The most favorable time for extracting fertilizer is the dry summer period, when reservoirs become shallow.You need to wait until the liquid mass at the bottom dries slightly and transfer it to your garden plot.

If the lake or pond is not shallow enough, use a scoop with small holes; it is important that it has a long handle (at least 3 meters).

It is prohibited to take sapropel from reservoirs located near industrial enterprises and sewers, as it contains many harmful substances that will harm cultivated plants. If it is not possible to obtain fertilizer yourself, you can purchase it at a garden store. It goes on sale in the form of powder, tablets and granules.

What is it used for?

Silt is used on depleted soils to improve the structure of the soil and make it looser, to activate beneficial microorganisms living in the soil, and to increase the breathability of the soil. Also, after applying fertilizer, it is possible to saturate the soil on the site with useful macro- and microelements and increase crop yields.

river silt

Is it possible to immediately add sludge to the garden?

If the fertilizer was purchased at a gardening store, it can be immediately used for its intended purpose, since it has undergone all the necessary processing and preparation. If you extract fertilizer yourself, it must first be prepared in order to get rid of the harmful components in its composition.

Processing and composting

Do-it-yourself sapropel needs preparation. This is done as follows:

  1. The mass is distributed in a thin layer on the grating and left in this form for the entire winter period so that the silt freezes. With the onset of spring, the mass is crushed and added to the soil.
  2. The mineral variety of sludge needs to be composted. A layer of fertilizer is laid out on the prepared area, followed by a layer of manure.It is necessary to form a pile about 1 meter high, alternating layers. You can also add plant residues or slops. Periodically, the pile is watered and shoveled. After about six months, fertilizer can be applied to the soil.

river silt

If the gardener does not have manure, it can be replaced with bird droppings; the composition will be more nutritious and rich, which will need to be taken into account when adding it to the soil.

Application in agriculture

You can use the resulting fertilizer on your garden plot in different ways.

Soil preparation

Sapropel is considered an ideal option for improving sandy loam and sandy soils. When used on clay and heavy soils, it is necessary to add humus or peat to the fertilizing. Fertilizer is applied at the time of digging the soil on the site - in spring or autumn. For sandy soils, you will need no more than 10 kg per hundred square meters; for heavy soils, use half as much. First, distribute the fertilizer over the entire surface of the site, and then dig it up to a depth of 25 cm.

Preparing the beds

Fertilizer is also used in preparing beds for planting plants. The amount of fertilizing required depends on the type of crop. So for beets and potatoes you will need 8 kg of fertilizer per sq.m., for cabbage and cucumbers - no more than 4 kg, and for tomatoes and bell peppers - 2 kg per sq.m.

river silt

It must be remembered that if not manure, but bird droppings were added to the fertilizer, the amount of fertilizer applied is halved so as not to burn the plants.

Planting seedlings

Use fertilizer in the garden when planting seedlings of any fruit and berry crops. The soil selected from the hole is mixed with fertilizer at a rate of 1 to 3-4 and a small amount is poured back into the hole.They plant the seedling and add the remaining soil; a layer of fertilizer 2 cm thick can be laid on top; it will act as mulch.
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