Top 9 fertilizers with sulfur for plants, instructions for use and when to apply

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of microelements in the life of any living organisms. They participate in the most important processes and influence development and growth. Every summer resident knows about the importance of sulfur for plants. It is part of many fertilizers, can protect plantings from various diseases, and affects the yield, quality and shelf life of harvested products.

Why do plants need sulfur?

This is one of the most important microelements.Why is it needed:

  • participates in protein synthesis;
  • without it, essential oils and enzymes are not formed;
  • lack of sulfur leads to inhibition of plant photosynthesis;
  • without it, nitrogen fertilizers are absorbed much worse by plantings;
  • the growth and development of seedlings stops, they are more strongly affected by temperature fluctuations;
  • promotes better digestibility of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers.

Sulfur is especially important for species with a high content of vegetable protein and cruciferous vegetables (legumes, mustard, garlic, corn, soybeans, radishes). Cereals and vegetables of other groups suffer less from its deficiency, but sulfur affects the immunity of plants, provides better shelf life, increasing the storage period. Fertilizers containing it are used for all types of vegetables, fruit trees and shrubs, cereals, and forage crops.

Important: it is best to apply fertilizers in warm weather, when the soil is slightly moist, they dissolve and are absorbed faster.

Sulfur-containing preparations must be applied before sowing; in addition, they are used as root and foliar feeding during the growing season.

What drugs contain sulfur?

Fertilizers containing this microelement are available in various formulations; they can be liquid, bulk or granular. These are complex products that contain not only sulfur.

sulfur for plants


Complex fertilizer containing 16-20% P2ABOUT5 – phosphorus in water-soluble form, and about 13% mineral sulfur. The needs of cultivated plants for these elements are approximately equal, and the complex fully provides them. It is used for vegetables, fruit trees and shrubs.

Top 9 fertilizers with sulfur for plants, instructions for use and when to apply

Ammonium sulfate

Nitrogen sulfur containing fertilizer. Used for basic application. This means that the complex is applied before sowing crops.It can acidify the soil, so on acidic soils it is used in combination with lime. Contains up to 24% sulfur. After application to the soil, it quickly breaks down into ions and penetrates to the roots of plants.

Sodium ammonium sulfate

In addition to nitrogen and sulfur, this complex contains about 8% sodium. It is used to fertilize cruciferous crops, legumes, and various types of beets. Used in growing forage grasses. It is applied before planting crops and as fertilizer.

Sodium ammonium sulfate

Potassium sulfate

This complex contains sulfur oxide. Suitable for open and closed ground plants, indoor flowers. Used on all types of soil. Suitable for root vegetables, berries, cruciferous plants, fruit trees and bushes.


A complex containing 30% potassium, 17-18% magnesium and 12-15% sulfur. It is called "double salt". Suitable for nightshades (potatoes, tomatoes), legumes, and other garden crops. Enhances plant growth and increases productivity. It is applied to the soil in granules or in the form of a solution.



A sulfur-containing compound containing potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen. The drug is used on any type of soil, used on soils poor in useful elements. Several varieties of azofoska are available with different percentages of components. Used for feeding seedlings.

Nitrogen sulfate

A mixture of ammonium nitrate and sulfur is used to feed legumes and oilseeds; it is used to fertilize various types of cruciferous crops and forage grasses. Depending on the brand, it may contain different percentages of ingredients. For example, 26% saltpeter and 14% sulfur, 30% saltpeter and 6% sulfur, or mixing in other proportions.The fertilizer contains water-soluble sulfur, which is easily absorbed by plants.

Nitrogen sulfate

Diamophoska with sulfur

The drug consists of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. There are 2 types of fertilizer with different percentages of elements: 10% nitrogen and 26% each phosphorus and potassium or 9% nitrogen and 25% of each of the remaining elements. Sulfur is present in the fertilizer as an auxiliary component. It can be used for any garden crops. It is used for spring digging of soil or liquid fertilizing after planting, during the growing season.

Diamophoska with sulfur

Organic fertilizers

Manure and chicken droppings also contain sulfur. Organic fertilizers enrich the soil and increase crop yields. They are applied to the soil before planting crops.

How does sulfur behave in soil?

With a lack of sulfur, plants grow worse, leaves and fruits become smaller. A lack of sulfur is similar in appearance to a lack of nitrogen, but with a small amount of sulfur, young leaves and growing points suffer. Sulfate sulfur, which is formed as a result of the application of mineral fertilizers, is best absorbed by plants under the influence of the process of organic synthesis occurring in the soil. The compounds break down into ions and are absorbed by the roots of the plant.

Diamophoska with sulfur

Features of application and application

Mineral sulfur is poorly soluble in water and is extremely slowly absorbed by plants. Therefore, sulfate sulfur is used in mineral complexes. It is used on any type of soil, as the main fertilizer applied in the spring, before planting crops; it is possible to use mineral complexes before planting.

In this case, fertilizers are applied in strips, immediately after sowing the seeds. Various types of liquid fertilizers are possible.

Safety precautions

When working with mineral fertilizers, be sure to wear respirators, rubber gloves and safety glasses. When preparing and applying fertilizers, personnel must wear protective suits and be instructed on the rules of working with agrochemicals. It is prohibited to smoke or eat while working. It is forbidden to exceed the dosage recommended by the manufacturer.

Top 9 fertilizers with sulfur for plants, instructions for use and when to apply

First aid

If drugs come into contact with the skin or eyes, the affected areas should be rinsed with plenty of water. After this, consult a doctor.

Storage rules

Agrochemical compounds are stored in dry, well-ventilated areas, away from food and animal feed. Packages and canisters with medications must contain information about the name of the product, its purpose and rules of use. The container is stored tightly closed. The drugs should not be used after the expiration date.
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