Instructions for using ammonium sulfate fertilizer in the garden

Every gardener wants bushes and trees to produce a large harvest, and ripe fruits to be of high quality. Using ammonium sulfate in the garden is one way to get a rich harvest of vegetables. Ammonium sulfate is a substance that saturates the soil with important microelements. It has its own secrets of application.

What does it represent?

The unique fertilizer has other names - ammonium sulfuric acid or ammonium sulfate. The chemical product, produced by the domestic industry, is supplied to the market in large volumes. That is why its range of uses is so diverse. It is used in:

unique fertilizer

  • food production;
  • textile industry;
  • agricultural sector.

The drug is completely safe for humans and other living organisms. It is also used for chlorination of water. The powder is crystallized granules that are white or light gray in color. Free from characteristic chemical odor.

food production

What does it consist of?

The main composition of the product is oxygen, nitrogen and sulfur. The proportion of nitrogenous molecules can reach 21%. Sulfur, which is contained in large quantities, has a positive effect on plants. If the fruits take on an uneven shape and are slightly twisted, this indicates a lack of sulfur in the soil. It is necessary to provide additional nutrition for the plants.

Microelements of ammonium sulfate have a positive effect on crop growth and contribute to the formation of high-quality fruits. Has a beneficial effect on uncultivated land. The developed areas help it transform into a nitrate formula, which reduces the effectiveness of the effect. Ammonium salt is perfect for alkaline soils.

agricultural sector

The product is used as a soil fertilizer, regardless of the climatic conditions of the region. Therefore, it can be bought anywhere in the country. The drug is most suitable for spring application to the soil. A high level of nitrogen promotes intensive growth and development of vegetable and garden crops.

Plant treatment

Ammonium sulfate fertilizer can be used at any stage of crop development. Gardeners prefer to water young seedlings with the prepared solution during planting. In this case, it is necessary to take into account weather conditions, as they play an important role. If there is a rainy season in the region, granules are applied in dry form, combining the process with loosening the soil.

textile industry

The amount of precipitation that falls will be enough for the powder to dissolve and begin to act.It is important to understand that the solution, which is prepared by a person, is absorbed much faster, but requires a strict dosage. There are times of the year when fertilizers are most beneficial. It is recommended to apply ammonium salt to the soil before planting crops or after harvesting.

For potatoes

For 1 sq. m you need to add 40 g of the drug. Depending on the culture, the dosage may vary.

As a rule, ammonium sulfate is added to the soil during digging of the bed and ranges from 20 to 40 g per 1 square meter. m. If a small mistake was made when calculating the dose, excess nitrates will not accumulate in the tubers. After supplying the bed with fertilizer, the crop grows faster. Tubers increase the amount of starch content and also strengthen the immune system. Treatment helps plants avoid rot and scab.

plant processing


Vegetable representatives are an early ripening crop, and therefore require regular feeding. Constant application of fertilizers promotes the development of shoots and the formation of fruits. Ammonium sulfate has all the necessary components that stimulate the growth of cucumbers and prolong fruit production. The instructions for use indicate that ammonium salt must be applied to the soil at least 2 times per season in liquid form.

The soil is supplied with fertilizer 3 weeks after the first shoots appear. The procedure is repeated every 16 days. The best time for treatment is after rainfall and watering. 2 weeks before harvesting, fertilizing is stopped.

must be entered


When processing vegetables, ammonium sulfate should be used as a fertilizer with care. Excessive fertilizing can provoke uncontrolled growth of greenery.Otherwise, the cabbage leaves will not grow. For 1 sq. m, no more than 30 g of the drug is consumed. The liquid product is applied to the ground 10 days after planting the seedlings or while digging the soil.

use sulfate


Ammonium salt is an ideal fertilizer for all types of greens. It is used constantly, regardless of the phase of the vegetative period. In a short time it helps to replenish the missing amount of microelements. Re-seeding will develop with the same rapid intensity.

To prepare the solution you need to take 20 g of the drug. This amount will be enough for 1 sq. m. If a person plans to start harvesting in a few weeks, watering the plants stops.

ammonium salt


Ammonium salts are added to the soil during digging, before planting bushes. As soon as the seedlings take root, the granules are dissolved in water and 500–750 ml are poured onto each bush. 1 tbsp is enough for a bucket of water. l. drug. The resulting liquid will be even more beneficial if 200 ml of mullein is dissolved in it.

applied to the soil

Advantages of the drug

Ammonium sulfate is included in the group of chemicals, but has nothing to do with poisons. It does not affect the skin and is devoid of the ability to emit harmful fumes. When working with it, a person may not wear a mask or protective clothing. There is no need to carefully observe safety precautions, as when contacting real pesticides. The advantages of ammonium salt are as follows:

  1. Dissolves quickly in water. This makes it possible to combine replenishment with watering.
  2. The high sulfur content has a positive effect on the quantity, without forgetting the quality of the crop.
  3. Microelements that are part of the ammonium sulfate fertilizer have the ability to be stored in the soil for a long time.
  4. The product is easy to work with. It is applied to the soil in the form of granules or diluted with water to form a liquid state.
  5. Fertilizing is completely safe for living organisms. Does not cause harm to humans when processing plants.
  6. The price of the drug is affordable for every person. Ammonium sulfate is a competitor for nutritional mixtures.

the seedlings will take root

Despite the large number of positive qualities, ammonium sulfate has features that must be adhered to. A person must comply with storage conditions and consumption rates. When working with soil, we must not forget that an excess amount of nutritional components negatively affects the growth of young shoots, inhibiting it.

As a result of fertilizing, the plants will produce a rich harvest and delight with good quality. Using the drug, you can fertilize not only garden crops, but also fruit trees and berry bushes. Many gardeners have successfully used ammonium salt on their plots of land for several years. As a result of using the substance, the development and growth of plants has improved significantly. Therefore, if a person needs to choose an effective preparation for feeding, it is necessary to pay attention to ammonium sulfate.

benefits of the drug
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