Fertilizer table for summer residents - the best fertilizers and timing of their application

During the entire growing season, the plant needs nutrients. Natural minerals contained in the soil are sometimes not enough for abundant flowering or harvest. Therefore, a mandatory event in the gardening calendar is the application of nutritional supplements. For the convenience of summer residents, their types and timing of use are collected in the fertilizer table.

Classification of fertilizers and methods of their application

Fertilizers are divided into two main groups: organic and mineral. The first include fertilizers obtained as a result of the vital activity or processing of organisms - cow manure, bird droppings, wood ash.

Mineral fertilizers are obtained by synthesizing and combining chemicals. They are divided into four groups:

  • nitrogen-containing;
  • potash;
  • containing phosphorus;
  • complex.

Fertilizers are distinguished by purpose: for general enrichment of the soil at the beginning or end of the season, for feeding seedlings, for maintaining the balance of nutrients during different periods of the growing season. Fertilizers are applied directly to the soil, dissolved in water for irrigation, or used as a spray.

Recommendations for using different types of fertilizers

The timing of the application of fertilizers is due to the fact that the substances they contain have different effects on plants during a certain growing season:

  • nitrogen - awakens and stimulates the growth of young shoots and leaves, therefore it is introduced in early and mid-spring;
  • potassium and phosphorus - promote flowering, the appearance of healthy ovaries and large fruits, used from early summer until autumn;
  • complex fertilizers - applied as needed when there are signs of a lack of nutrients in the plant.

Fertilizing with nitrogen should be stopped before flowering. Otherwise, the plant will intensively grow green mass to the detriment of fruiting.

Fertilizer table for summer residents and timing of their application

Frequency of application of plant fertilizers

Mineral fertilizers must be applied as many times as indicated in the instructions. Organic matter is added according to the condition of the soil and plants. On average, the frequency of feeding is 3 times every two weeks. It is often enough to apply organic fertilizers 2-3 times.

Another factor influencing the frequency of fertilizing of both types is how soon the fruits ripen.

It is enough to feed early ripening crops once. Mid-season plants will need to add fertilizer to the planting hole and then add minerals a couple of times. Crops with late ripening fruits require the most fertilizing - at least three.

Table of fertilizers and timing of their use

The harvest depends on timely feeding. Therefore, work with fertilizers begins during the period of plant awakening. Each region has its own climatic characteristics, so the growing season and weather will be a universal guideline:

Fertilizer Notes
Ammonium nitrate In the form of an aqueous solution

Avoid contact with leaves

Suitable for cold and hot weather

Boric acid Dissolve in hot water

Apply when buds begin to form

Urea Apply into soil heated to +12-14 degrees.
Double superphosphate Nitrogen and phosphorus

Dissolve in warm water

Use during budding and flowering

Azofoska Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium

Apply at the peak of plant vegetative development

Feeding for when it is difficult to determine what substance the plant needs

MagBor Calcium, magnesium and boron.

Use before and after flowering

Nitrophoska Nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium

Apply once every 2-3 weeks from the beginning to the end of the season

Potassium sulfate Fertilize plants during fruit formation
Diammofoska Nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium
Potassium monophosphate For the fruiting period
Superphosphate Phosphorus, nitrogen, sulfur, calcium sulfate

Apply during fruit ripening, before digging up the soil for the winter.


Potassium chloride Only for digging at the end of the season.

Contains a high concentration of chlorine.

During the season, feeding gradually moves from nitrogen to phosphorus-potassium mineral complexes. In addition to the timing of application, it is important to observe the dosage of substances.

Fertilizer table for summer residents and timing of their application photo

Feeding schemes for vegetable crops

The appropriate time and frequency for applying mineral and organic products varies according to the type of gardening plant.

Fertilizers for tomatoes and peppers

Nightshade crops are fertilized three times. The first fertilizing is applied when the seedling has three true leaves. For tomatoes and peppers, an aqueous solution of mullein is suitable for organic matter, and nitrophoska for minerals.

The time for the second feeding comes when the plants begin to bloom. Then the vegetable crops are watered with wood ash dissolved in water and a solution of phosphorus-potassium fertilizer.

The third time nightshades are fed with the onset of fruiting. When the ovaries appear, they again resort to fertilizing with potassium and phosphorus.

Fertilizers are applied in liquid form, spending half a liter of solution on small bushes and a liter of liquid on large bushes.

Fertilizers for cucumbers

The pumpkin family vegetable is unpretentious in terms of fertilizers. Two feedings per season are enough for him.

The first time a cucumber is fertilized later than nightshades - after the formation of the fourth strong leaf. The summer resident is offered the choice of nitrogen-containing products azofoska or nitrophoska. After 25 days, the plant is fed with complex fertilizer by watering and spraying. One liter of mineral-rich liquid is consumed per bush.

Fertilizer table for summer residents and timing of their application cucumbers

Fertilizers for onions and garlic

Vegetables of the Onion family are fertilized three times per season.Garlic feeding scheme:

  • after the last snow melts, water with an aqueous solution of mullein, nitrogen-phosphorus or complex fertilizer. Fresh compost can be spread between the beds;
  • when the third leaf appears, add a choice of nitrogen and phosphorus, ammonium nitrate, urea or a mineral complex. Consumption - 20 grams per square meter;
  • when the bulb begins to set, fertilize the beds with the complex product “Agricola No. 2”.

After 10 days, fertilizing with Agricola can be repeated. But within a month before harvesting, they stop feeding the garlic bed.

Onions will also need three feedings:

  • 20 grams of potassium sulfate and superphosphate, diluted in a bucket of mullein solution - when the length of the onion feather reaches 5 millimeters;
  • phosphorus-potassium or complex fertilizer - during the formation of scales on the bulb;
  • the same mineral fertilizer or the preparation “Agricola No. 2” is applied after 10 days.

If onions grow in fertile soil, you can do without additional enrichment.

Fertilizers for beets and carrots

Tuberous-root vegetables are fertilized according to the same scheme. For the first time they are fed with nitrophoska two weeks after planting. The next time to fertilize carrots and beets comes again after 14 days and again it is necessary to add nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus.

After three weeks, the crops are fed for the last time for the season with potassium sulfate. Calculation of the dose of nitrophoska is 40 grams per square meter, and potassium is 15 grams per square meter of planting.

Fertilizer table for summer residents and timing of their application

Fertilizer application schemes for fruit trees

Apple trees, pears, cherries and other garden crops are fed, alternating organic matter and minerals:

  • April - urea or bird droppings solution;
  • May - potassium sulfate and superphosphate;
  • June - wood ash and nitroammophoska before fruit set.

For the northern regions, the deadlines are moved forward by a month. During fruiting, trees can be fed with complex fertilizer.

Feeding schemes for berry crops

Popular garden shrubs are fertilized three times per season. Raspberries require four feedings. Procedure for adding nutrients:

  • for gooseberries - superphosphate and potassium, urea in the spring before the leaves appear, in the fall superphosphate, humus, potassium sulfate and ash;
  • for raspberries - compost, ash and superphosphate when planting, bird droppings with watering during the period of foliage growth, urea when the ovaries appear and ash in the fall;
  • for currants - nitrophoska and humus in the planting hole, urea in the spring before the buds open, compost, superphosphate and potassium sulfate in the fall.

Strawberry beds are fed with nitrophoska in the spring, and during flowering with wood ash or potassium sulfate.

Ash is again added to the soil of fruit-bearing strawberries with watering, and in the fall - complex fertilizer.

Fertilizer table for summer residents and timing of their application strawberries

Recommendations for fertilizing flowers

Flowering ornamental plants require the same minerals as garden crops - nitrogen for green growth, potassium and phosphorus for bright and lush flowering.

After planting in the ground, flower seedlings are fed with a solution of mullein or manure. During the formation of buds, superphosphate is added. Watering with an ash solution will help make flowering last longer.

Precautions when overfeeding plants

In order for vegetables, fruit trees and flowers to receive minerals in moderation, you should not fertilize the soil more often than once every two weeks. A sign of nitrogen oversaturation is overgrown greenery without fruits. From excess potassium and phosphorus, the leaves lose their green pigment, dry out and fall off.

If an overdose occurs, the beds need to be “detoxed”-watered, using one and a half buckets of clean water per square meter. After abundant watering, the soil needs to be loosened and mulched. If the plant is wilting quickly, it is likely that its roots are burned. Replanting in clean soil will help it recover.

Safe use of fertilizers

The main rule when working with chemicals is to follow the instructions and wear gloves. Other recommendations:

  • mix substances in the fresh air or in a ventilated area;
  • prepare such a volume that will be consumed at one time;
  • spray plants in dry and windless weather, on a cloudy day or at dusk.

Plants are not sprayed with chemical fertilizers during flowering, so as not to poison the bees arriving on the pollen.

Fertilizer table for summer residents and timing of their application

Common mistakes when using fertilizers

When it comes to feeding, it is better to underfeed the plants than to overfeed them. You should not increase the amount of substances out of the desire to get a faster and larger harvest. The effect will be the opposite.

When working with fertilizer, you must avoid the following mistakes:

  • use cold water to prepare the solution - all substances dissolve in warm water;
  • spray plants before rain or when there is wind - the fertilizer is washed off or blown away, chemicals can get into the eyes or face;
  • apply fertilizers of the same composition - for example, urea and ammonium nitrate.

Do not mix substances by eye or store the solution. Failure to comply with the proportions will lead to oversaturation of the soil with some elements and a lack of others, which will negatively affect the plant.

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