What do mandarin ducks look like and where do they live, what do they eat and how many years do they live?

Mandarin ducks are considered one of the most attractive and colorful representatives of the fauna. These birds have very interesting and richly colored feathers, which attract a lot of attention. In China, this duck is considered a symbol of family. You can often find her in paintings in wedding salons. This bird is also often given as a gift on a wedding day.

What does a Mandarin duck look like?

The mandarin duck has multi-colored plumage. Moreover, this is more typical for males. Their head and neck are decorated with sideburns and long feathers.One of the feathers on the wing resembles a fan in shape. When the bird swims, the orange fans protrude upward and resemble saddles.

The lower part of the body is predominantly white. The craw has a purple tint, and the top of the tail is dark in color. Rich shades dominate on the back, neck and head. The plumage has green, red, and orange colors. There is also a blue tint there.

At the same time, the colors almost do not intertwine, but have clearly defined areas. The bird has a bright red beak. It is also characterized by orange paws. They have dark membranes on them.

Females have more modest plumage compared to males. Their color helps them camouflage against the background of natural colors. The back is brown, the head is gray, and the underside is white. Color transitions are smooth. The head is also decorated with a small crest. The beak has a dark olive tint. In this case, the paws are light orange, gray or dirty yellow.

Ducks have a small weight, which is 400-700 grams. The difference in weight between the two sexes is almost invisible. Light weight allows birds to fly quickly. They can take off almost vertically from water or the surface of the earth.

mandarin duck

Another obvious difference is the sounds that males make in the spring during breeding. They do not quack, but whistle or squeak. The white mandarin duck is considered a rare representative of this species. It is distinguished by its completely white plumage. At the same time, males have a cream tint in color. The relationship with a typical mandarin can be established by the specific saddle on the back, which is formed by 2 large wing feathers.

Where does it live and what does it eat?

More than 50% of all individuals live in Russia. Bright birds are found on Sakhalin. Mandarin ducks also live in the Amur region and Khabarovsk. With the arrival of autumn, birds fly away from Russia, because the winters are too cold for them. Ducks winter in warm countries where the temperature is at least +5 degrees. Ducks are capable of flying very impressive distances. They often fly to China or Japan for the winter. When the snow melts, the birds return home.

Today, the bird's distribution area has become larger - now mandarin ducks live in the USA, Ireland, and Great Britain.

These ducks primarily eat aquatic plants. They also eat worms, snails, mollusks, and small frogs. A distinctive feature of birds is their passion for acorns, which they pluck directly from trees. Thanks to this, the duck replenishes its body with vitamins and minerals.

In addition, birds can eat plant seeds and grains. To find treats, they often fly to fields where winter crops grow. Mandarin ducks often eat rice and buckwheat. At home, beautiful ducks can be fed with barley, corn, and oatmeal. Birds also enjoy eating bran. In addition, they need animal protein. Minced fish or meat should be used as its sources.

Character and lifestyle

The mandarin duck is considered a very mobile creature. She flies and swims beautifully. Sharp claws allow birds to sit on tree branches. Birds of this breed prefer to live in quiet places where there are no people. These areas are usually covered by branches or trees. They create nests in hollows that are located at high altitudes. Ducks use their own down as a source of heat.This behavior is characteristic of ducks of this species.

Social structure and reproduction

These birds are monogamous. They choose a single partner and are able to remain faithful to him all their lives. On the water and in the sky, birds stay in pairs. They show amazing care for each other. Males help females during the period of incubation of eggs, obtaining food for them.

mandarin duck

When choosing a female, the drake makes circles in the water and puffs up its crest. Most often, several males fight for the attention of a duck at the same time. After which she chooses the best one. The mandarin duck makes its nests in hollows. After which it incubates 7-14 small eggs for almost a month. Newborn ducklings are highly active. Almost from birth they learn to dive and swim. In the process, they obtain food for themselves - small insects and plant seeds. After 6 weeks, the ducklings can already fly.

What are the natural enemies of birds?

The enemies of mandarin ducks include squirrels, which are able to climb into nests in trees. Otters and raccoon dogs also pose a danger to ducks. They often eat eggs and attack chicks. They also pose a threat to adults.

Ducks are small in size, so encounters with predatory animals that are larger than them are dangerous for them.

Hunters play a special role in the destruction of mandarin ducks. Poachers are attracted to the color of males. Their carcasses are often used to make stuffed animals. However, there are often situations when hunters confuse the drake with other species of birds. This is often observed during the molting period.

Population and status of mandarin ducks

Previously, ducks were found in the eastern regions of Asia. However, as a result of destructive human activities and deforestation, the habitats of ducks have significantly decreased.They disappeared from the areas where they used to meet. Back in 1988, the mandarin duck was included in the Red Book. This species of bird was listed as an endangered species. In 1994 the status changed to "low risk". Since 2004, the threat of extinction of birds has been minimal.

Despite trends towards a reduction in numbers and a reduction in the natural habitat area, the number of ducks is not approaching critical parameters. Their population is not decreasing too quickly. Over 10 years, the rate of decline is less than 30%. Therefore, scientists do not express concerns for this species.

Species protection

In Russia you cannot hunt these ducks. The birds remain under state protection. More than 30 thousand ducks have been recorded in the Far East and Primorye. There are a number of protected areas in which birds can freely roost on the banks of water bodies.

A large number of ducks live in Japan, China, and Korea. Wintering birds are also found in these regions. In addition, today mandarin ducks are often bred artificially. Thanks to this, birds appeared in Spain, Austria, England, Germany and other countries of the world.

The Mandarin duck has bright plumage and attracts attention from afar. These birds are considered a real decoration of natural areas. To protect birds from extinction, they were listed in the International Red Book.

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