How many months do turkeys grow before slaughter and weight table by day

Muscovy ducks are more often called Indo ducks on farms. This type of poultry grows and gains weight quickly and has nutritious meat that is easily digestible by the human body. Carcasses can be fried, boiled or baked, it all depends on personal preference. How long do Indian ducks take to grow before slaughter so that the meat remains tender and tasty? This issue is worth thoroughly understanding.

Average weight of turkey ducks by month

Muscovy duck, or musk duck, is beneficial to keep; the meat is not too fatty, allowing it to be eaten by overweight people and the elderly; it is suitable for sports nutrition and people on a diet. Indo-ducks are called mute ducks for their lack of loud cackling, they can only hiss, they are calm, quiet birds.

The carcasses of birds slaughtered in the fall will be fattier, the meat of spring turkeys is leaner. Indo-duck is boiled, stewed in broth, baked in foil or in a sleeve. Tender meat, delicate aroma and combination with mushroom or berry sauces can make dishes made from them suitable for a holiday lunch or dinner. The mute meat is dark red and tastes like wild duck.

Indo-ducks grow a little slower than other varieties of ducks and geese, but they require less feed to feed them, so they are popular in private backyards. The optimal time for keeping them is the spring-summer period and the beginning of autumn, when birds can feed on fresh grass. Ducks are slaughtered before the first moult or after its complete completion. The process begins 90-100 days after birth. The bird becomes an adult after the first clutch.

Important: slaughter is not carried out during the molting period, since the skin will be covered with “stumps” with new feathers.

You can shift the slaughter time to 4.5-5 months. In this case, the meat will remain tender, but will become denser in texture and flavorful. Indian ducks come in white, chocolate, and multi-colored. During the first 3 months of life, birds gain about 3 kilograms.

A variety of Indian duck Weight of the hatched chick, grams 15 days


30 days


45 days


60 days


90 days


Multi-colored 43-45 230-250 450-550 1000-1200 1700-2300 2700-3000
White 45-48 250 500 1200-1300 1700-1800 2000
White drake 47-50 290-300 600-800 1600-1700 2700 2800-3200

After 3 months of age, ducklings grow more slowly, they no longer gain weight day by day, the weight of an adult duck is 3500-3600 kilograms, the drake is larger, weighing about 6 kilograms. Birds are considered old when they are 6-7 months old.

a lot of ducks

Factors influencing growth

Mute birds grow quickly and do not require complex care, but the condition of the bird depends on a number of conditions:

  • hatched chicks need warmth and light for intensive metabolism and development;
  • it is necessary to maintain cleanliness in the room where the bird is located;
  • The diet of indo-ducks is kept balanced and varied;
  • high humidity and overcrowding of birds in the coop should not be allowed;

The food, in addition to green mass, should contain wet mash (cottage cheese, boiled eggs, boiled or steamed corn, salt, chalk, bone meal, yeast). The poultry house is equipped with containers with ash. Small ducklings are fed 7-8 times a day. Adult mute cats need 3 meals a day.

Birds are provided with free access to water. Indian ducks do not need bodies of water for swimming, but they do need a place to splash around.

The birds are equipped with an aviary for walking, which is fenced around the perimeter and covered with a net on top. To protect from rain and wind, a canopy is built. In the coop for resting and sleeping, they build wide floors; instead of a perch, they place a wide board.

a lot of ducklings

How long do Indian ducks grow before slaughter?

The timing of slaughter depends on the preferences of the owners. They are killed before the first molt or wait until it ends. The duration of a full molting cycle is 60 days. It should be taken into account that the growth rate slows down after 3 months. There is no point in slaughtering birds under 3 months of age; there is not enough meat on the carcass.

Indo-ducks are bred in the spring, so that by the time fresh greenery appears, the ducklings will already have grown up.Birds can be kept until autumn; with an abundance of green food, they need a minimal amount of additions to the diet (compound feed, wet mash, mineral supplements). Birds grow up to 3 kilograms in 3-3.5 months, depending on the quality of food.

Some owners leave the mute ducks to grow after 3 months, but it should be taken into account that after the first laying of eggs, the meat of the mute duck becomes tougher. A day before slaughter, they stop feeding them to make it easier to gut the carcasses.

Indo-ducks have taken root in private backyards due to their unpretentiousness and economical maintenance. Mutes provide their owners with eggs and meat, which is suitable for any age category (except for children under 1 year). The liver of the mute mushrooms is delicious. In warm regions from April to October (when fresh greens grow), 2 generations of mute mute birds can be raised if the birds are slaughtered at 3 months of age, even if they are not intended to be kept year-round.
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