From domestic ducks you can get not only meat, soft warm fluff, but also eggs. They are not as popular as chicken ones. Let's consider whether it is possible to eat them, the benefits and harms of duck eggs, their use in cooking and cosmetology. It will be useful for many to learn how and by what criteria to choose eggs for consumption and how to store eggs correctly and for how long at home.
Can you eat duck eggs?
You can eat any poultry eggs, including duck eggs. They are larger in size than chicken ones, they have a different taste, composition and consistency, which not everyone likes. It is not recommended to eat them fresh due to the fact that they can be contaminated with bacteria that cause intestinal diseases. But after heat treatment they become safe. Duck eggs, due to their higher fat content than chickens, are recommended for those who want to increase their weight, athletes and people who do physical work.
Wild duck eggs are also edible and healthy, but it is not recommended to eat them; they can be contaminated with bacteria.
Benefits and possible harm of the product
Duck eggs contain proteins and fats, vitamins and minerals. The product is useful for the organs of vision, nervous system, bone tissue, hair and skin. Regulates water balance and metabolism.
For a man
They restore and improve the quality and composition of blood fluid and, due to their caloric content, help restore physical strength. Their positive effect on the male reproductive system has been noted; they prevent diseases of the genital organs and help in treatment.
For woman
It contains folic acid; this substance is necessary during pregnancy for the normal development of the child’s body. They are quickly and completely absorbed and have a rejuvenating effect. To achieve this effect, you need to use the product at least 2 times a week.
For a child
When consuming duck eggs, vitamins and fats of animal origin, mineral elements, and proteins enter the child's body. The components are important for body growth and normal development. You can give eggs to children from 6 years old, but not raw, but boiled or fried or as part of dishes.They are considered difficult for children under this age to digest. In addition, they may be allergenic.
Features of application in medicine
It is recommended for people whose weight is below normal, or those in need of restoration of physical strength, for example, athletes. The product is included in the diet of people with diseases of the blood, nervous system, and metabolism. It is useful for pregnant women and those who have problems with teeth and bones. Eggs support the immune system well, elevate mood, and regulate the acidity of gastric juice, lowering it. May reduce the likelihood of the formation of malignant tumors in organs.
Use in cosmetology
Fresh duck eggs are used as a beneficial ingredient in home remedies to improve the condition of hair and skin. You can use whites and yolks as ingredients. They act as a strengthening, nourishing and moisturizing agent.
Preparation of the mask: take the white and yolk, mix with clay powder, apply the mixture to the face and leave to dry. Wash off after 15 minutes. warm water. The mask dries the skin and removes pores. For dry and irritated skin prone to rashes, prepare another remedy: beat the egg white and yolk, mix with 1 tbsp. l. potato mush. Leave on the face for a quarter of an hour, rinse with warm water.
Split ends and hair loss are treated with homemade shampoo. Prepare a product from duck yolk and 1 tbsp. olive oil. Apply to hair for ¼ hour, rinse with warm water. To stimulate hair growth, a mixture of duck yolk and a spoon of honey, 2 tablespoons of yogurt and a pinch of citric acid will be useful. The mixture should be whipped and rubbed into the scalp. Leave on for 20 minutes, then rinse off.Use at least once a week for 2 months to notice the desired effect.
Use in cooking
Duck eggs should be eaten boiled or fried, and they should be treated with heat for at least 10 minutes. after the water boils. Before you start cooking, the shells need to be washed; germs may remain on them. Only fresh eggs are edible; stale eggs can cause poisoning.
Duck eggs are eaten not only boiled and fried, but also as part of dough, mayonnaise, salads and other dishes. As an ingredient, they are preferable to a separate dish, since in this case the characteristic taste and smell are not so pronounced. You can cook okroshka, stuff meat and vegetables, put it in side dishes, soups, and sauces. Knead the dough until it is fluffy and soft.
Duck eggs should not be consumed if you have food allergies, diabetes, or small children under 6 years of age. Those who are on a diet should also avoid this product. Healthy people who are not hampered by contraindications should also not get carried away with eating duck eggs. You can eat 2 pieces per day. You can eat them in this quantity every day.
Product selection and storage
As already mentioned, you can only eat fresh product. How to determine freshness: put it in a glass of water. If the egg sinks to the bottom, it is fresh; if it floats, you should throw it away. The shell must be intact, without cracks, uniform light color, without stains or sagging. A little contamination is acceptable, but dirty eggs should not be purchased.
How to store: separate from meat and meat products.The shelf life of a fresh product is a week, boiled - up to 3 days. Buying duck eggs in the store is problematic. But you can buy it at poultry farms and collective farm markets. Homemade products should be treated with caution, because private poultry farmers may not check their poultry for diseases.
To provide your family with duck eggs, you can keep a small number of birds on your property. Representatives of modern breeds lay eggs all year round, not as often as chickens, but this is enough to provide the family with fresh food. Having your own poultry and raising it in compliance with the rules and technologies, you can be sure that they will not be carriers of infections. In addition, ducks can be raised for meat, receiving double benefits from the content.
Duck eggs, although not in such demand as chicken eggs, are no less healthy. They have a different composition, therefore a different purpose. The peculiarity of duck eggs is that they cannot be eaten fresh, only after heat treatment. But for a good housewife this should not be a problem. The benefits and harms of a product are determined by how correctly it was prepared. Fully boiled eggs are not capable of harming the body of a healthy person. If you consume a couple of pieces every day, you can maintain the health of the body, restore strength, improve the functioning of internal organs, and improve blood composition.