2 recipes on how to make wine from grape pomace at home

In industrial winemaking, the pulp remaining after squeezing the juice goes to waste. But in a small production such extravagance is unacceptable. Especially if purchased fruits are used to create a strong drink. At home, you can create weak wine from grape pomace (pomace). The product is also called semi-wine, secondary or wine alcoholic beverage. It turns out weak, but with a pleasant taste and aroma.

Is it possible to make wine from grape pomace?

The light alcohol-containing second-press product began to be produced in ancient times. Modern, zealous winemakers do not violate established tradition. After all, even professionals consider secondary strong drink to be a high-quality natural product. It is much healthier than cheap wine sold in supermarkets.

Rules for the selection of raw materials

The quality of the squeezes is of great importance. They must be fresh, without signs of spoilage or rotting.

How to prepare grape pulp to make secondary wine

Pulp (cake) is grape pulp, consisting of ground skin, pulp, seeds, and branches of bunches. This product can be reused. The pulp becomes the main ingredient.

grape pulp

It's easy to prepare:

  1. The enamel tank is filled with squeezed cake.
  2. Add granulated sugar in a ratio of 300 grams per 1 kilogram of fruit component and boiled water.
  3. The top of the dishes is tied with a thin cloth. The container can be glass, but it must be large. Only a capacious container guarantees that the pulp will not sour, but will begin to ferment. To prevent the wort from leaking out of the container, the fruit mass should be no more than half its volume.
  4. The vessel is placed in a room with a constant temperature of at least 22-24 °C and covered with a warm blanket.
  5. Every morning, afternoon, evening, the contents are stirred with a wooden spatula with a long handle. If you do not perform this action, the mass will simply turn sour.
  6. After fermentation is complete, the liquid is removed, the main ingredient is placed in cheesecloth and squeezed out.

It becomes the basis for preparing a wine alcoholic drink.

barrel of cake

How to make wine from grape pomace at home

Secondary strong drink is an excellent solution for zealous winemakers. The technology for creating a product from leftover marc is almost the same as for producing wine from grapes. Only the fermentation of the wine stock lasts longer.

Recipe from leftover dark varieties

A wine alcoholic drink can be made from the remains of dark grapes according to the following algorithm:

  1. The glass bottle is filled with the main ingredient.
  2. Add granulated sugar (300-400 grams per liter of liquid) and warm boiled water.
  3. The mixture is thoroughly stirred until the crystals disappear.
  4. Put a rubber glove on the neck of the container and secure it with tape or thread. Almost immediately it will fill with air and rise up.
  5. The wort should stand until the cake becomes light and compacts into a dense mass. As soon as this happens, the liquid is filtered and placed in a clean container, which is closed with a water seal.
  6. The finished product is poured into clean glass bottles. It is better to conduct tasting after six months.

The entire process of preparing half wine lasts approximately 9-10 months.

preparation of the component

White grape pomace option

You can make a strong drink again from the pulp of white grape varieties:

  1. Fill the enamel tank with the remains of the pomace so that they fill 1/3 of the container.
  2. Add some seedless raisins.
  3. Pour warm boiled water, leaving 1/3 of the volume empty. If these proportions are not observed, then the wort, which begins to ferment, will overflow.
  4. The container needs to be placed next to the battery, covered with an old blanket. The winemaker needs to ensure that the temperature is maintained at approximately the same level.
  5. The contents of the container are stirred every 5-6 hours.
  6. After a week, the liquid is separated from the cake.
  7. Add sugar crystals (100 grams per liter).
  8. The previous procedure is repeated a week later.
  9. The bottle is covered with a towel and left for a month.
  10. The wort is filtered through several layers of gauze and placed in a container with a water seal.

As soon as the liquid brightens, it is distributed into bottles and sent to a permanent storage location. The product is immediately used for its intended purpose.

white waste

Storage of the finished product

The second half wine is kept in a dark room at a temperature of 10-13 °C. Humidity should not be higher than 85%. It is necessary to ensure that the containers are not exposed to direct sunlight.

The shelf life of the grape drink is approximately 1.5 years. The opened product is used as directed within a week.

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