The apple tree of the hybrid variety Ekrannoe has become famous due to its high yield, attractive appearance and outstanding taste of its apples. In addition, it is unpretentious, resistant to diseases, and apples can be stored for up to 5 months without any problems and, at the same time, do not lose their properties.
That is why it is gaining more and more popularity not only in the Urals, where this variety was bred especially for the inhabitants, but also beyond its borders. If you have chosen Ekrannoe apple trees for your garden, be sure to familiarize yourself with their main characteristics, recommendations for planting and further care.
Description and features
The Ekrannoye apple variety was bred in Sverdlovsk, at a breeding station. Although this hybrid is self-sterile, it is pollinated perfectly by apple trees of other varieties growing nearby.
Apples of this variety are subject to any processing and are easily transported.
If apples are to be stored for a long time, they should be picked when ripe. And then you can easily preserve them for up to 5 months, without losing their taste, by placing them in the cellar, refrigerator, or even on the balcony. They will keep perfectly. If they are packaged and stored in a pit, the apples will begin to rot from the inside.
In overripe Ekrana, the pulp is “starchy” in structure and cannot be stored for a long time.
When describing a tree, you must note it:
- fast growth;
- smooth bark;
- spreading crown of a round shape;
- medium sized fruits.
Characteristics of the apple tree Screen
To become more familiar with this fruit crop, it is necessary to consider the characteristics of the variety.
Tree dimensions
The Screen apple tree is considered medium-sized and fast-growing. An adult tree grows up to 3 meters in height. Moreover, every year she becomes 12 centimeters higher, or even more.
Fruiting and productivity
In the 5th year after grafting with a bud, the tree begins to bear fruit. It blooms and bears fruit with enviable regularity. The productivity of this apple tree is very high: the average for 6 years reaches 116 centners per hectare, the maximum is recorded at 200 centners per hectare.
Tasting evaluation of fruits
Apples are below average in size, weighing no more than 60-80 grams, and have a shiny, smooth surface. They are not particularly aromatic and taste sweet and sour.
The taste qualities of Ekrannoye apples are rated at 4.3-4.5 points on a 5-point scale.
Frost resistance of apple trees
This fruit tree is quite winter-hardy. It calmly tolerates sudden temperature changes, and feels great at -28 ℃.
Disease resistance
The apple tree has good immunity to scab - and this will please many gardeners. But this does not mean that the tree cannot get infectious diseases. This happens quite rarely and, more often, when the year is characterized by high humidity.
So you still have to take precautions. In early spring, for the purpose of prevention, use copper oxychloride, Bordeaux mixture or copper sulfate.
Treatment against fungal diseases and insects must be carried out. For these purposes, the drug Hom or a specialized solution is used.
The treatment must be carried out before the buds begin to bloom - the solution can burn them.
Prevention is also carried out in the fall, after the entire apple crop has been harvested, but before the leaves fall. Trees are sprayed with a 5 percent urea solution.
What are the varieties?
Screen ones do not require special conditions. They are grafted onto other varieties, and semi-cultivated apple trees are also grown using the standard method, as individual trees.
Sometimes, when there is not enough space on the site, the Ekrannoe apple tree can be grafted onto columnar varieties. The tree must have a strong trunk, like a column, overgrown with ringlets. A standard apple tree usually bears fruit in the first year after planting. There are few fruits in the first harvest, but over the years the figure increases.
When the temperature in the region drops to -47 ℃, gardeners are looking for a way to grow an apple tree of this hybrid variety - this is grafting onto wild ranetka. As a result, the tree is much less susceptible to the influence of severe frosts, and begins to bear fruit in the 3rd year. True, the fruits are smaller - 50-70 grams. And the adult semi-culture itself is no higher than 2 meters.
Growing regions
Sverdlovsk breeders bred this hybrid with the goal of spreading it in the Ural region. Its unpretentiousness and frost resistance allowed it to easily adapt to other regions. Many gardeners are happy to admit that this variety, specially bred for cultivation in the harsh climate of the Middle Urals, takes root even better in areas with a milder climate.
- In the Middle Zone.
Planting an Ekrannoye apple tree seedling in the last days of September allows the tree to successfully adapt to the Moscow region: to take root before the first frost.
- In Siberia.
Siberian winters have little snow. You will have to take care that the apple tree does not freeze. Gardeners recommend preparing it for winter in the fall. To do this you need:
- whiten the trunk;
- cover the soil near the tree with compost;
- cover the apple tree with material.
- In the Urals.
The apple tree was initially adapted to the climate of the Ural region. In order for it to grow quickly from year to year and form fruit branches, it requires sufficient moisture and fertilizing. In the first year, the apple tree should be provided with regular watering, and after two years it can be fed.
The Ekrannoye apple tree is the best fruit crop for the Urals; moreover, it takes root well in other Russian regions. Just one seedling grown in the garden, with proper care, will delight the gardener with excellent harvests. But what can we say when there are several of them?