As a rule, the flesh of apples is cream-colored. But breeders all over the world are trying to develop a crop with an unusual fruit color. Thus, an American specialist produced a variety with fruits whose flesh is pink-red. The apple was named Pink Pearl. Further information about the characteristics of the variety, technical characteristics, planting, and crop care.
- History of selection Pink pearls
- Features of the variety
- External parameters
- Specifications
- Chemical composition and beneficial properties of fruits
- Apple tree productivity
- Soil and climate requirements
- Resistance to diseases and pests
- Planting a tree
- Deadlines
- Procurement of seedlings
- Choosing the best place to land
- Preparing the soil and hole
- Apple tree care
- Regularity of watering
- Foliar and root fertilizer
- Trimming and shaping
- Preventative treatment
- Preparing for winter
- When to expect the first harvest from young trees
- Dates of ripening and harvesting of fruits
- How to store and where to use
History of selection Pink pearls
The apple tree variety was bred in California. American specialist Albert Ethier carried out breeding work in 1944. The scientist crossed 2 apple trees: Nedzvetsky and Surprise. The result is a variety called Pink Pearl.
Features of the variety
The Pink Pearl apple tree is self-sterile. Pollinator trees need to be planted next to it. The unusual thing about the culture is that the fruit pulp is pink-red in color. Apples do not oxidize when cut and retain their color when cooked.
External parameters
The trees reach a height of 4-5 meters. The crop grows especially quickly in the first 4 years. The inflorescences are pink. The skin of the fruit is light green. The sides are covered with a light blush. The average weight of apples is 150-200 grams.
The first fruits are harvested in the 3rd year after planting. They have high transportability, but not good shelf life. The use of fruits is universal.
Chemical composition and beneficial properties of fruits
The fruits of Pink Pearls contain anthocyanins that are beneficial for humans. They are antioxidants and promote healing in many diseases. In addition, apples contain a large amount of vitamins and microelements. Pectins contained in fruits improve the condition of the gastrointestinal tract.
Apple tree productivity
Fruiting of the variety is periodic. 70-90 kilograms of fruit are collected from the tree. Apples begin to ripen at the end of August. In order for Pink Pearls to form fruits, pollinating trees are planted next to them.To do this, select varieties that bloom at the same time as Pink Pearl.
Soil and climate requirements
The trees grow and bear fruit well in regions with temperate climates. In these areas, trees safely endure winter frosts without shelter. The apple tree is unpretentious to the composition of the soil. But the best yield indicators will be when planted in fertile soil.
Resistance to diseases and pests
The culture has good immunity. But under unfavorable conditions it can be affected by powdery mildew and scab. To prevent the appearance of diseases and pests, the apple tree is sprayed with fungicides and insecticides. The procedure cannot be carried out during flowering to avoid the death of pollinating insects.
Planting a tree
You need to purchase seedlings grown in the same region where the planting will take place. Zoned trees adapt more easily to a new location. An area for planting apple trees is selected that is well lit by the sun.
In cold regions, the Pink Pearl apple tree is planted in the spring. Over the course of a season, the crop adapts well to a new place and will safely survive the winter. In warm areas, planting trees in the fall is allowed. For the winter, the plants are mulched; in cold areas, the trunks are wrapped in agrofibre.
Procurement of seedlings
1-2 year old plants are chosen for planting. The height of apple trees should not exceed 1.5 meters. The root system is placed in a container with water for 1-2 hours. For disinfection, you can add potassium permanganate. The trunk is cut by a third before planting.
Important! Seedlings are purchased from plant nurseries or at the market from reliable sellers.
Choosing the best place to land
Trees are planted on the sunny side of the site. In shade and partial shade, apples will not be able to absorb enough sugars. The territory is selected protected from cold winds.Groundwater must lie deep.
Preparing the soil and hole
The area is cleared of debris and dug up. A hole is dug measuring 80x80 centimeters. A layer of drainage material is laid on the bottom. The hole is filled with fertile soil. A seedling is placed in the middle, the roots are straightened, and covered with soil. The root circle is moistened generously with water.
Apple tree care
Care consists of watering, fertilizing, loosening the soil, and mulching. To prevent the appearance of diseases and pests, they are treated with special preparations. In order for the apple tree to bear fruit abundantly, a crown is formed.
Regularity of watering
The seedlings are watered weekly for 2 months. Use at least a bucket of water. In the future, they are guided by weather conditions. In order for the apple tree to safely overwinter, in mid-autumn the tree trunk circle is irrigated abundantly.
Foliar and root fertilizer
In spring, trees are fed with nitrogen. During flowering, complex mineral fertilizer is applied. Before fruit formation, the tree crown is sprayed with nutrients. In the fall, a mixture of potassium and phosphorus is added.
Trimming and shaping
During the season, sanitary pruning is carried out, removing dry, diseased, broken branches. In the spring, before the sap flows, shoots growing inside the crown are cut off. Pruning is carried out annually. Use a sharp, disinfected instrument.
Preventative treatment
Several times during the season, the Pink Pearl apple tree is treated with special preparations. Fungicides are used for fungal diseases. To prevent trees from being affected by harmful insects, insecticides are used. Spray plants in calm weather.
Preparing for winter
Apple tree Pink Pearl has good winter hardiness.It is enough to carry out moisture-recharging irrigation in mid-autumn, then mulch the root circle. The trunk and lower branches are whitened with lime solution. To enhance the disinfectant properties, you can add copper or iron sulfate to it.
When to expect the first harvest from young trees
The apple tree begins to bear fruit in the 3rd year after planting. Fruit weight is 150-200 grams. The fruits have an unusual pink-red color of the pulp. The better the lighting of the tree, the brighter the color of the apples.
Dates of ripening and harvesting of fruits
Apple tree Pink Pearl is an early autumn variety. In warm regions, the fruits begin to ripen at the end of August. Mass collection takes place in September. Apples are picked in dry, warm weather. If the fruit is intended for storage, the stalk is kept on it.
How to store and where to use
Apples are stored in a dry, cool place. They can be placed in a wooden box with the stems facing up. Each layer is sprinkled with sawdust. The fruits are consumed mainly fresh. Fruits can also be dried, frozen, and canned.