Description of varieties and varieties of the Chinese apple tree, planting and care rules, growing regions

The Chinese apple tree, or plum-leaved apple tree, received its name because of the shape of the leaf blade. It is identical to the shape of Chinese plum leaves. This type of fruit tree unites a whole group of varieties that are grown in different parts of the world. The Chinese plum-leaved apple tree is valued for its productivity and unpretentiousness. The varieties winter well, withstand dry summers, are good pollinators, and decorate the garden with lush blooms in the spring. Among amateur gardeners, plum-leaved varieties and small-fruited apple trees of other origins are called Chinese.

History of selection

The Chinese plum apple tree is a whole species of fruit tree of hybrid origin. Each variety has its own characteristics and characteristics of taste, color, size, and ripening period. There are about 100 varieties and forms of Kitayka in the world.

selection history

The first forms were obtained by crossing apple trees (M. baccala) and Domestic (M. domeslica). In Russia, Michurin was engaged in the selection of Chinese apples. Using the Mentor method, he developed two hybrids: Qandil, Bellefleur.

The goal of the breeding work was to obtain winter-hardy fruit trees with improved fruit quality. He used local and southern varieties as material for hybridization. Michurin did a lot of work on the cultivation of hybrids, the result of which is the long-lasting Kitayka varieties.

Modern selection is aimed at obtaining medium-sized, winter-hardy, drought-resistant Kitayka hybrids (height from 5 to 6 meters), with annual fruiting. Saplings of modern Chinese women take root well in the conditions of the middle zone.

plum leaf apple tree

General characteristics of the variety

The Chinese plant has the qualities of a good pollinator and blooms profusely. A gardener who has a fruit tree of this variety does not experience problems with yield. Apple trees growing near Kitayka always bring joy with their harvest.

Tree height and crown width

The trees of most varieties are vigorous - from 9 to 10 m tall, but there are also low-growing varieties of Kitayka - 2-3 meters high. The crown is formed by powerful branches extending upward from the trunk at an acute angle. Formative pruning is required for most varieties of Chinawort.

crown width

In mature trees, the crown has a conical or rounded shape and is dense. Leaves are finely serrated, glossy, with a sharp tip. Flowering is abundant and spectacular. The color of the flowers depends on the variety: white, pink, reddish. The bark on the trunk is thick, brown, with a gray tint. The roots are highly branched and shallow.

Harvest quantity

Different varieties begin to bear fruit at different times. Before purchasing a seedling, you need to familiarize yourself with its varietal characteristics. Abundant harvests in some forms are annual, in others - periodic. Some Chinese hybrids (varieties) are more productive at a young age, while in others the volume of fruit increases as the tree matures.

Taste qualities of fruits

The size of the fruits is not impressive; they are small. The average size of Chinese apples of any variety is 40 g. The skin color is yellow or red, the color may be uneven (darkening). The skin is rough. Description of fruit characteristics:

tree height

  • round or ovoid shape;
  • diameter about 2 cm;
  • weight 25-40 g;
  • the pulp is creamy;
  • taste sweet and sour;
  • the aroma is strong.

The main direction in using the fruits of Kitayka is the production of jams and compotes. The Belfleur variety is suitable for drying. Mousses, liqueurs, cider, and jelly made from apples have good taste. They add a special piquancy to the meat. Goose stuffed with apples acquires an exquisite taste and aroma during baking.

round or ovoid

Frost resistance

Michurin also identified the most winter-hardy among all forms of Chinawort - Anise.It is stored at 50 °C below zero. Amateur and professional gardeners use the plum-leaved apple tree to obtain new frost-resistant, drought-resistant forms.

In the Trans-Urals, Apricot Chinese is popular for its productivity and resistance to frost. Up to 10 kg of fruits are collected from one tree per season. The average weight of the fetus is around 60 g.

Immunity to diseases

Almost all varieties of Kitayka have weak or moderate immunity to scab (leaves and fruits). Prevention of fungal diseases and protective measures against insect larvae and pests can improve the commercial quality of fruits and reduce crop losses.
Subtleties of growing in different regions

immunity to diseases

On the vast territory of Russia, Chinawort can be found in various climatic zones. Each region has its own characteristics of planting and caring for apple trees of this type. Trees of this species are undemanding in terms of soil composition, but when better conditions are created, they bear fruit longer and more abundantly.

In Siberia

For better survival, seedlings after planting are treated with stimulants “Bud” and “Energen”. 3-year-old plants are used as planting material. For the winter, the trunks of young trees are insulated with covering material, and the soil is mulched. Before the onset of frost, barrier irrigation is carried out and fed with 2-component mineral fertilizers containing potassium and phosphorus.

In outskirts of Moscow

Seedlings are planted in early April. The holes are dug to a depth of 70 cm. To fill, drainage is used - a 20 cm layer of crushed stone or gravel with sand. Crown pruning is carried out immediately after planting. The central conductor is shortened at a height of 0.8 m, competitors are cut out, and the remaining shoots are shortened by ⅔ of the length.

yellow variety

In the Leningrad region

The first days of October are the best time for planting.The soil for filling the planting hole is prepared from the following components:

  • peat;
  • humus;
  • leaf soil;
  • mineral fertilizers (superphosphate, potassium nitrate).

Caring for Chinaworts in the Leningrad region is standard: watering, pruning, feeding.

In the Urals

Chinawort in the Urals is planted in early May. Planting holes are prepared in the fall. A set of mineral fertilizers containing phosphorus, nitrogen, and potassium is added to the backfill soil. A stake is placed in the center of the hole; it is necessary for gartering the seedling. This region is characterized by strong winds. The support will prevent damage to the trunk and young shoots. In winter, the tree trunk circle is covered with a 5-centimeter layer of mulch.

red balls

In the middle zone

Chinese apple trees are planted in April (1st-2nd decade). Compost, sand, humus and mineral fertilizers (according to the norm) are added to the backfill mixture in equal parts. When backfilling, control the level of the root collar above the soil surface. It should be from 5 to 6 cm. Caring for a Chinese apple tree in the Middle Zone:

  • watering;
  • soil cleanliness control;
  • measures for the prevention and treatment of diseases;
  • formative and sanitary pruning;
  • feeding.

fruits with blush

In the northern regions

Planting takes place in September (15-20). Carefully prepare the soil so that the seedling takes root quickly and well. Signs of good soil:

  • loose;
  • allows water and moisture to pass through.

In the northern regions, the soil is heavy, so they dig a hole deeper - 90 cm and wider - 100 cm. It is recommended to put turf and manure mixed with sifted ash at the bottom. For the winter, apple trees are covered with spruce branches (covering material); in spring, summer, and autumn, do not forget about watering and fertilizing.

big branch

Apple tree planting and care technology

Only young seedlings are replanted; grown trees have difficulty taking root in a new place.All forms of Chinese woman require the same care. They need watering, fertilizing, pruning. To prevent diseases, the tree trunk circle is kept clean and loosened.

Planting and growing

The soil should not be swampy, the required depth of groundwater is at least 2.5 m. The holes for planting are prepared in advance. Parameters: diameter up to 100 cm, depth 80 cm, distance to the nearest tree at least 6 meters, the crown of an adult Chinese woman is wide.

Filling mixture:

  • humus;
  • sand;
  • leaf soil;
  • peat.

Before filling, you need to add superphosphate to the composition at the rate specified in the instructions for the product. The time for planting is spring, before the buds bloom, or autumn - no later than mid-October. Seedlings for planting are taken 2- or 3-year-old.

Blooming tree

Agricultural technology

For the first 2 years, the Chinese plant is not fed; the seedlings have enough fertilizer provided during planting. This rule does not apply to depleted (non-fertile) soils. After 2 years, fertilizing should be carried out annually. In the first half of summer, nitrogen predominates in the fertilizer mixture, in the second half - phosphorus and potassium.

The last time phosphorus-potassium fertilizer is applied is after barrier irrigation (before the first frost). If apple trees are properly fertilized, they winter better, bear fruit abundantly every year, and do not get sick.

Young trees are preparing for wintering. To protect the trunk, old newspapers and spruce branches are used. The roots are protected from freezing by a layer of mulch (peat, humus, rotted sawdust), which is removed with the arrival of spring.

The Chinese woman is not fed

To combat diseases and pests, preventive treatments with fungicides are carried out.

A drug Period Diseases
Copper sulfate 1% Before the buds swell From rot, fungi, mechanical damage to the bark
"Nitrophen" Before the buds swell Powdery mildew, pest larvae
Urea Before the buds swell Scab, powdery mildew, aphids, weevils
Copper sulfate Before flowering (buds open) For bark regeneration, pest control
Bordeaux liquid 3% Before flowering (buds open) From pests and diseases
Colloidal sulfur Before flowering (buds open) From fungal infections and mites
"Karbofos" 20 days after flowering From aphids, weevils, codling moths, leaf rollers

Pruning and shaping the tree crown

The shoots of certain varieties of Kitayka form sharp forks that break under the weight of the crop or a layer of snow. The crowns of such trees need to be formed, shoots:

  • turn down;
  • cut out.

Cropping begins when the seedling reaches 2 years of age:

Trimming and shaping

  • the central conductor is chosen, competitors are cut out;
  • Long branches are shortened.

The conductor is shortened to 80 cm. Two types of trimming are practiced. On the outer bud - to expand the crown. On the inner bud - to strengthen the center and raise the shoot. Throughout the life of the apple tree, the density of the crown is monitored, excess shoots are cut out, and sanitary pruning is carried out to remove branches beaten by frost, dry and broken by bad weather.


Chinese apple trees are propagated in two ways. The first option is seeds, the second is grafting. For spring sowing, seeds are stratified from December to spring. In early autumn, freshly collected planting material is sown. For planting in late autumn, the seeds are stratified for 1 to 2 months.

shorten branches

Features of ripening and fruiting

Chinese apples of different varieties ripen from mid-summer to mid-September. When choosing a seedling for your garden, you need to take into account the characteristics of this type of apple tree.
Fruiting period

Some varieties begin to bear fruit early; from the year of planting to the appearance of the first fruits, it takes 5 to 6 years. The harvest of other forms has to wait a long time. Many plum-leaved varieties produce their first fruits at the age of 8-9 years.

Fruit ripening time

The massive apple harvest runs from August to the end of September. There is little carrion. The keeping quality of Chinese apple trees varies. Belfleur retains its commercial and consumer properties the longest. After picking, the fruits last for 4 months and tolerate transportation well.

ripening and fruiting

The harvest is stored in boxes made of plastic, wood or baskets. Optimal storage temperature is +2…+4 °C. If there is no cellar, the fruits are kept in the refrigerator, undamaged ones are selected, if there is damage on the skin, they are sent for processing.

Benefits and qualities of the fruit

The fruits are rich in vitamins. They serve as an excellent prevention of hypertension: they strengthen the walls of blood vessels and stimulate blood circulation. The most delicious apples grow on the Chinese dessert. The variety is also very productive. Up to 70 kg of fruits are harvested from one tree.

The Dolgo variety apples have a good wine-sweet taste. They are aromatic, can be stored for very little time, and the jam made from them has a unique taste. The following varieties of apples are suitable for long-term storage:

fruit quality

  • Kerr;
  • Long sweet;
  • Pepin saffron;
  • Qandil.

Summer varieties of apples are not stored for a long time, but their advantage is early fruiting. Eating fresh fruits from your garden helps your body replenish missing nutrients. For lovers of homemade wine, preserves and jams, summer varieties of Chinese wine do not let them get bored; they provide a lot of raw materials for preparations.

Varieties and descriptions of Chinese varieties

There are many forms of Chinese. Almost all of them are small-fruited.From a wide variety of unpretentious varieties for each climatic zone, you can choose a summer one, early ripening, with little storage, or a late (autumn) one with a long shelf life.

early fruiting


Parents: Chinese Long plus Haralson. Selection was carried out in Canada. Kerr due to its characteristics (frost resistance, drought resistance) is suitable for cultivation in temperate climates of mid-latitudes.

The height of the tree is small, the crown is rounded, moderately dense, and does not require shaping. The leaf is ellipsoid, light green with jagged, smooth. The flowers are large in size and pink in color.

The first harvest is harvested after 3-4 years, harvest time is September. Productivity is uneven over the years. Mature trees have abundant fruiting one year, and average fruiting the next. The productivity of young apple trees is consistently high. Apples are stored until January, and honey notes appear in the taste over time.

its characteristics

Advantages and characteristics of the Kerr variety:

  • weight 45 g;
  • elongated shape;
  • the skin is dark red;
  • the taste is slightly tart, sweet and sour;
  • winter hardiness;
  • good immunity.

Landscape designers include the Kerr apple tree in their garden compositions.


The author of the variety is V.V. Kichina. Chinese Red produces abundant harvests; about 160 kg of fruits are removed from the tree. The apples ripen in early September; they sit firmly on the branches and do not fall off. The first fruiting occurs in the 4th year after planting. Fruit characteristics:

elongated shape

  • weight 25 g;
  • skin (color) - scarlet;
  • stalks are long;
  • Storage duration is no more than 2 months.

4 apples ripen in a cluster of Kitayka Red. The variety is successfully grown in the Central region of the Russian Federation. The use of Chinese Red is varied; it is used to prepare:

  • wine;
  • juices;
  • jam;
  • compotes.

The variety is susceptible to scab, ripens late, and the fruits do not fall off.Caring for an apple tree makes it easier for the variety to grow stunted.

good immunity

For a long time

Autumn variety, native to the USA. They have been growing Long in Russia since the middle of the last century. Early fruiting - first harvests at 4 years of age. Regions where Chinagrass has been successfully grown for a long time:

  • Western and Eastern Siberia;
  • Northwestern;
  • Northern;
  • Central.

The plant is low-growing, its height does not exceed 4 meters. The crown shape is wide, conical or round. There are many branches, leaves with a glossy surface, very elongated. The flowers are white, large - up to 4 cm in diameter.

storage duration

Parameter Description
Shape (of fruit) Oblong
Weight (of fruit) From 15 to 20 g
Basic skin color Yellow
Blush Bright red
Shelf life 2 to 3 weeks
Pulp (taste) Sweet
Pulp (color) Cream

The fruits make products of excellent taste: juice, jam, compote. They ripen at the end of August, and mass harvesting of fruits is carried out in September. Abundant harvests are not regular. Advantages of the apple tree Long: frost resistance, low susceptibility to scab.


Authors L. E. Zakubanets, M. V. Kachalkin. The fruits are colored bright yellow. The tree is columnar, medium-sized. The productivity of the variety is high. China Yellow ripens by mid-August. The fruits are small, the size of large cherries. Weight no more than 20 g. The variety is resistant to scab.

bright yellow


More than 100 years ago, Michurin, as a result of selection, received the late-ripening variety Bifler, which is still grown in gardens of the North Caucasus region and the Volga region; varietal characteristics are given in the table.

Parameter Meaning
Fruiting Later, occurs after 8 years
Productivity High, weakly periodic
Ripening period Late ripening (September, end of the month)
Winter hardiness Average
Diseases Scab susceptibility
Tree Vigorous
Crown (shape) Round
Fruit (shape) Round-oval, with ribbing
Weight 200 g
Fruit (skin color) Light yellow, blush pink-red, striped
Pulp (color) White
Pulp (structure) Fine-grained, delicate
Taste Sweet and sour

Productivity (average) - 150 c/ha, fruiting annually. Apples can be stored for 2 to 4 months. This is an autumn variety, so the apples gain flavor 1-2 weeks after picking. Variety value:

  • good taste;
  • transportability;
  • marketable condition;
  • the fruits do not fall off.

When purchasing the Bellefleur variety, you need to know that a 20-year-old tree produces a full harvest; before that, the volume of harvested apples is average and low. Pollinator varieties: Chinese Saffron, Antonovka, Autumn Striped.

Beefler variety


Columnar, small-fruited apple tree Pink Fairy Tale. Amazes with beautiful flowering. The color of the buds is red. The height of the tree is from 1.4 to 2 meters. Fruit characteristics:

  • weight - 50 g;
  • color - red-raspberry;
  • coating is waxy.

Fruiting is annual.


According to its characteristics, Kitayka Zolotaya is suitable for the Volga-Vyatka and North-Western regions of the Russian Federation. Its selection was carried out by I.V. Michurin, parent material:

  • Chinese apple tree;
  • White filling.

The form is early, the fruits of Chinese Golden ripen by mid-July. It begins to bear fruit in the 4th year. The tree is tall, about 8 meters. An adult plant has a pyramidal, spreading crown, while a young one looks more like a broom. The branches are dense, the angle of departure is sharp. The flowers are white, the leaves are long with slight pubescence, the edge is serrated.

Columnar small-fruited

The bulk of the fruits grow at the end of the branches, their characteristics:

  • short shelf life - from 7 to 10 days;
  • appearance is unattractive;
  • peel (color) - yellow;
  • weight from 40 to 60 g;
  • diameter from 5 to 7 cm;
  • pulp (structure) granular, soft;
  • taste sweet;
  • the aroma is strong.

Frost resistance and productivity of the tree are high, resistance to diseases is low. The fruits are stored for a short time and quickly fall off; housewives use them for various preparations. The apple pulp becomes cottony on the 4th day after picking.


The variety is late, autumn, large-fruited. Found Saninskaya Chinese woman N.I. Kichunov in the city of Samara (1899). The Saninskaya apple tree is grown in the gardens of the Volga region. The harvest takes place between the end of August and the beginning of November. For consumer ripeness to occur, about a week must pass after harvesting.

tree yield

The fruits are small with a continuous integumentary color, the taste is slightly tart, sweet and sour. Saninskaya Kitayka apples are used for preparations: wine, jam, juice. The fruits are stored for a short time, from 2 to 3 weeks.

The plant is powerful and tall. A 40-year-old specimen of Kitayka Saninskaya, found in Penza, had the following dimensions: height - 9 m, crown width - 8 m. The shape of the crown is spreading, the shoots are slightly pubescent, densely leafy, the color of the bark is olive. The leaf blade is elongated-elliptical, the edge is serrated.

About the fruits:

  • weight 25 g;
  • different shapes: oval-conical, oval;
  • the surface is not smooth, there may be bumps or ribbing;
  • peel (color) - yellow;
  • blush is solid red;
  • waxy coating;
  • pulp (color) - yellow;
  • pulp (structure) - granular;
  • taste rating - 4 points.

Valuable qualities of Chinese Saninskaya: durability, winter hardiness. Among the shortcomings, experts point out the mediocre taste of the fruit.



Author: P. A. Zhavoronkov. In this work I used seedlings of the Kitayka Apricot variety.The plant is vigorous, frost-resistant, and its characteristics are suitable for growing in the gardens of the Urals and Siberia. Crown parameters:

  • rare;
  • broad-pyramidal;
  • the trunk and branches (bark) are gray;
  • shoots (thickness) average;
  • The shape of the leaves is elliptical, curved downwards, the surface is shiny, wrinkled, the pubescence is weak.

leaf shape

Cream Chinese begins to bear fruit in the 5th-6th year. A tree aged 10-12 years produces 25-40 kg. Fruiting is annual. Ripening time is average.

Fruit (characteristics) Meaning
Weight 60 g
Pulp (color) Cream
Form Round
Skin Not shiny, with a coating, yellow-green
Blush Pale, red
Taste Spicy
Juiciness High

Fruit scab is mildly or moderately affected.


The fruits of Honey Apple trees have a dessert taste. Most varieties of this species are summer. During selection, emphasis was placed on frost resistance. The breeders' goal was to obtain a variety that would bear fruit in any climatic conditions. Among the autumn varieties, Honey Ranet is popular. Its fruits ripen in September-October.

fruits are affected


The dwarf (plum-leaved) apple tree is popular in the Moscow region. Small shiny fruits are loved by gardeners. They have a universal purpose and can serve as raw materials for any type of workpiece.


Selection by S.P. Kedrin (Samara Experimental Station). Parental forms: Pepin London, Antonovka saffron. The variety is widespread in the Middle Volga region. Characteristics of the tree (crown):

  • vigorous;
  • crown (shape) - wide-conical;
  • crown (thickness) – average;
  • the branches are thick, the abutment angle is obtuse;
  • bears fruit on ringlets;
  • The leaf size is medium, the edge is crenate, the shape is narrowed, the pubescence is medium.

loved the fruits

Fruits (characteristics) Description
Weight 150 g
Surface Ribbed
Skin Smooth with shine, medium thickness
Coloring Yellow
Blush Brown-red
Subcutaneous points Yes, white
Pulp Cream color, fine-grained structure
Taste Sweet and sour

The fruits ripen after September 10 and retain their consumer properties until February. They begin to bear fruit in the 5th year of life, with annual harvests from young apple trees and periodic harvests from mature trees. Winter hardiness is good, scab resistance is moderate.

consumer properties


The Chinese Colonoid plant tolerates frosty winters well. The height of the trees is average, the crown (shape) is columnar. The branches are covered with yellow-orange bark, thin, long. The harvest ripens by the end of July. High fruit shedding is a disadvantage of the columnar Chinese plant.

Description of fruits:

tree in autumn

  • small size (20 g);
  • color amber yellow;
  • the stalk is short;
  • the taste is harmonious, sweet and sour.

Apples do not last long (7 days after picking), they are used as raw materials for making desserts and winter preparations.

For each region of the Russian Federation, you can choose a successful variety of Chinese. Low-fruiting apple trees bear fruit steadily and for a long time. Their care is minimal.

large berry
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