Description and characteristics of the Favorite apricot variety, history and cultivation characteristics

Apricot fruits are a storehouse of vitamins; not so long ago they could only be consumed by the population of the southern regions; now new varieties are cultivated in many regions with a changeable, cool climate. The most suitable variety for Central Russia and quite young was the apricot called Favorite, which has quality characteristics and high nutritional value.

History of the variety

The right to own the developed variety Favorite belongs to the Main Botanical Garden; specialist L.A. Kramarenko selected the best seedlings from free pollination of apricot flowers in the 3rd-4th generation. The variety was developed 18 years ago, 4 years later, in 2004 it received a registration number and was included in the State Register of Breeding Achievements.


A full description of the Favorite apricot was made in 2004 by the originator of the bred variety. It is recommended for industrial cultivation and planting in individual gardens. Its fruits are consumed fresh, they are used to prepare fruit drinks, jam, juice, compote, put them in confectionery and make dried apricots. The winter hardiness of the variety is average, the roots can withstand temperatures down to – 25 °C.

The Favorit variety blooms in the second half of May, the fruits ripen by the end of August, in September.

Fruiting occurs in the 3-5th year, a possible period of up to 40 years. Apricot is self-fertile, but it is better to plant other pollinating varieties Tsarsky, Monastyrsky, Lel nearby. Favorite fruits can be stored in special refrigerators or in well-ventilated rooms with a temperature of +8 °C for up to 1 month.

apricot favorite

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Advantages of the Favorit variety:

  • good transportability;
  • long shelf life of fruits;
  • beautiful presentation;
  • self-fertile, flowers bisexual;
  • early pregnancy in the 3-5th year;
  • buds are resistant to short-term frosts.

Apricot disadvantage:

  • late ripening, does not have time to ripen under unfavorable weather conditions;
  • average yield 13 c/ha;
  • the tree requires formative pruning;
  • The taste of fruits directly depends on weather conditions.

apricot favorite

Characteristics of the tree and fruits

The apricot tree of the Favorit variety is medium-sized, from 2.5 to 4 m, with moderate growth vigor. Annual shoots are branched. All branches bear fruit, regardless of age.

The fruits weigh from 30 to 40 g, are large, the skin is dense, soft, pubescent with a shine, orange in color with blush on the sides. The pulp is sweet, juicy, orange in color. Tasting assessment of taste qualities is high 4.5-5 points. The stone is round, flattened, with a clear rib, medium in size, up to 8% of the fruit, easily separated, the kernel is sweet with bitterness.

Landing rules

To get a good harvest and preserve the tree for many years, you need to adhere to the basic rules when planting and caring for the Favorite apricot.

apricot favorite

Dates and place of landing

Planted in central Russia in spring in April and autumn in September. There should be no short-term frosts during planting in spring and autumn. The landing site should be on the south or south-east side of the site, without drafts, the area should be well lit.

Planting is carried out 2-3 m from buildings and fences, and other fruit trees.

Selection of seedlings

The purchased seedling needs to be planted within 1-2 days, especially if the root system is open. The seedling must be healthy, without damage, rot, with flexible branched branches and roots, 1-2 years old. It is better to buy from special nurseries with a closed root system.

apricot favorite

Preparing the site for planting

The site is prepared for planting in 1-2 weeks, a hole measuring 70 cm deep and 80 cm wide is dug, a drainage layer of broken brick, expanded clay or small stones is laid on the bottom, and a layer of sand is poured on top. The excavated soil is mixed with peat, sand, lime, organic fertilizers, sawdust and wood ash, thereby enriching the soil.

Planting process

1/3 of the mixed soil is poured into the prepared hole in the form of a mound, on which the seedling is placed and the roots are straightened; a strong support must be dug near it so as not to damage the roots. Sprinkle the second part of the soil mixture on top. A root circle is made from the third part. The root collar should protrude 3-5 cm above ground level.

apricot favorite

Features of care

Like any other variety, Favorite apricot requires minimal care in accordance with its characteristics.


Pruning for Favorite is very important, since the crown of the tree is spreading, young branches branch strongly, so they need to be thinned out so that the middle is well ventilated. Sanitary pruning is carried out in spring, autumn, sometimes in summer, in case of diseases or mechanical damage to the branches. Formative is best done in early spring before sap flow begins.


The norm for a 5-year-old tree is 15 liters once every 10 days; watering is especially important during flowering and berry formation. Stop watering 2 weeks before the berries ripen and frost.

watering apricots

Top dressing

Apricots are fertilized 2-3 times per season; in the spring they need fertilizing with urea or preparations containing potassium, nitrogen, and calcium. In summer and autumn, complex fertilizers are applied.

Preparing for winter

The Favorite variety has average resistance to frost, so it is necessary to hill up the tree and cover the trunk circle with straw or spruce branches.

Pests and measures to combat them

Most often, aphids, weevils, and beetles can damage a tree, so in spring and autumn it is necessary to carry out preventive spraying against pests: “Fufanon”, “Phosfamide”, “Inta-Vir”, “Aktellik”. In autumn, fallen leaves around the tree are removed and the soil is treated with an insecticide.In the spring, you need to dig up the soil around it, apply fertilizer and spray the budding leaves for prevention.
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