Description and characteristics of Bibo eggplant, cultivation and care

Bibo is an eggplant whose variety was included in the general register only ten years ago. In practice, this means that Bibo is not yet a full-fledged variety, but for now only a hybrid, the propagation of which in the second generation produces unpredictable results. That is why you cannot buy seeds from your own hands - only in specialized stores where there is quality control and where you can complain if the fruits do not meet the standard.

Description of the variety

Bibo is intended for cultivation in open ground, if we are talking about the southern part of the country, or for growing in greenhouses, if we are talking about Siberia and areas with a similar climate. He was brought out relatively recently, and the process is still ongoing.

characteristics of eggplant

Characteristics of eggplant Bibo F1

Bibo's characteristics are as follows:

  • height - small, no more than 70 centimeters;
  • bushiness is moderate, the eggplant does not grow too wide;
  • yield is average, about five kilograms per square meter;
  • The harvest time is early, the fruits ripen in ninety days.

Bibo's fruits are oblong, of average length for an eggplant.

growing too big

Bibos would be absolutely indistinguishable from others for a non-professional if not for their specific coloring - the fruits are pure white, their skin is glossy and thin. Underneath is white pulp, devoid of cavities, without bitterness.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantages of Bibo are as follows:

absolutely indistinguishable

  • high product characteristics - white eggplants they look original, therefore the chance of selling them increases, plus the products are of high quality, most of the fruits look presentable and suitable for sale;
  • early ripeness - Bibo is harvested at the end of summer, which is quite convenient;
  • solid yield - not all varieties produce five kilograms;
  • resistance - Bibo tolerates transportation well, and is also immune to classic diseases of its species: tobacco mosaic virus and fusarium.

There is only one drawback: since Bibo is a hybrid, you won’t be able to get seeds from your own garden bed. You will have to buy them every time.

Growing the variety

Bibo is quite unpretentious. It can be grown either by planting in open ground or using seedling techniques.

look original

Landing dates

Like most eggplants, Bibo loves warm soil.Seeds can be planted if it warms up to thirteen degrees, which usually happens at the end of May. But seedlings need to be planted earlier - at the end of February or beginning of March, so that they have time to ripen.

can be planted

Planting seeds

In order for the seeds to germinate, you need to perform some simple manipulations with them:

  • check for germination - to do this, put it in a glass of water for half an hour and select only those that sink to the bottom;
  • warm it up - to do this, place it on a plate and place it on a radiator;
  • disinfect - after a couple of days, remove the seeds from the battery and soak for 15 minutes in a solution of potassium permanganate;
  • treat with a growth stimulator - after potassium permanganate, wash it, place it on a plate, pour it with a simulator from a special store or cover it with ash.

After twelve hours, the seeds are removed from the plate and, without washing, planted. To do this, find boxes or cups and pour the prepared mixture for planting seedlings into them. Then they make small depressions and place the seeds in them.

simple manipulations

It is important to place one seed per pot - eggplants do not like active competition.

Sprout care

In order for the sprouts to sprout, they need to be looked after:

active competition

  • water every other day, so that the soil is always slightly moist;
  • fertilize - small doses of standard seedling fertilizer will be enough;
  • illuminate - for this you need to use a special lamp or a fluorescent lamp, and do not overexpose it, since the sprouts need no more than twelve hours of light a day.

Eggplants love the sun, so you can keep them on the windowsill so that they get at least a little light.And two weeks before it’s time to replant them in the ground, you need to start moving the pots to the place where the eggplants will grow later - this will allow the bushes to get used to street conditions. The main thing is not to overdo it. Two hours a day will be enough.

slightly damp


Seedlings are planted in May, when the soil is warm enough. In this case, you need to find a place that would be protected from the north wind, well warmed by the sun and where the soil would be light, without increased acidity. In autumn it is good to fertilize it with organic fertilizers.

The landing occurs sequentially, even a person who has never tried it can handle it:

find a place

  • holes are dug - shallow, no deeper than the bayonet of a shovel;
  • filled with water - it is desirable that the water be warm;
  • the seedlings are transferred into the holes from the pots - this must be done carefully, with the same soil in which they grew as seeds, since eggplants do not like transplanting;
  • The roots are sprinkled with earth and peat on top.

There should be at least 40 centimeters between the bushes and at least 6 between the beds, otherwise they will shade each other and interfere with growth. Seedlings need to be watered every other day, at least in the first two weeks.

holes from pots

Rules for caring for eggplants

When Bibo settles in, all that remains is to provide him with decent care.

just provide


Bibo, like most eggplants, is fertilized three times:

  • two weeks after planting in open ground;
  • before flowering begins;
  • before harvest.

For the first time, use a Nitrophoska solution, the second time a mixture of fertilizers rich in phosphorus and potassium, and the third time the same. In this case, you need to apply it carefully, at the root - the fertilizer will damage the leaves.

open ground


Bibo, like most other varieties, is watered twice a week.You need to make sure that the soil is not too wet, but also not too dry. After the watering session, remove the weeds and loosen the soil under the roots - if this is not done, the eggplants will begin to wither and the harvest will fall.

 will begin to wither

Bush formation

Bibo is distinguished by small, neat bushes. They do not need supports, since they themselves hold up perfectly, and there is no need to trim them. The maximum that may be required is careful removal of yellowed leaves, which still do not benefit the plant.

benefits to the plant

Disease and pest control

Bibos rarely get sick - this is precisely why they were bred, and not for their exotic white color. But they are often attacked by Colorado potato beetles, which are partial to all nightshades.

To avoid their invasion, it is worth planting basil, calendula, beans, and marigolds next to eggplants - they repel the beetle. If the remedies do not help and the pest does appear, it can be collected manually or poisoned with special insect repellent compounds.

It is also important not to deplete the land. Eggplants should not grow in the same place for more than a year, just as they should not grow where there were already tomatoes or potatoes.

white color

This simple alternation will help avoid illness in the future.

Collection and storage

Bibo is harvested in August, as it ripens.

diseases in the future

It is important to remember that eggplants should not be overcooked. This makes their skin thicker, and the flesh acquires a characteristic bitterness. As soon as the eggplants have reached a size of 15 centimeters, they must be cut off with sharp pruning shears.

Store Bibo in a cool place (can be on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator) for no longer than one and a half months. It is no longer worth it - it will mold or rot.

Bibo is great for making stews, eggplant game, ratatouille.You can eat it raw, or you can roll it up and use it all winter.

one and a half months
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