TOP 15 varieties of eggplants for a polycarbonate greenhouse, cultivation and care, planting scheme

Today, growing and caring for eggplants in a greenhouse is a fairly profitable business if you follow technology. This crop is finicky, but if it is watered in a timely manner, fertilized correctly, and protected from pests and diseases, it will certainly please its owners with a good harvest.

Which greenhouses are better

The most suitable greenhouse for heat-loving bushes is a structure lined with polycarbonate. This material has a honeycomb structure, its air layer retains heat well, so it can protect against impending frosts. Enough light gets through polycarbonate, since transparent sheets transmit it in large quantities. If the sun is shining outside, the greenhouse warms up, and this saves heating costs. If necessary, the owners of such a greenhouse additionally insulate the inside with anti-condensation film.

Since the eggplant crop grows small, the structure must be of a size suitable for comfortable maintenance of the plants. In most cases, 2.5 meters in height is sufficient. In cold climatic zones, gardeners prefer to construct greenhouses on a foundation with a depth of 20 centimeters into the ground, and its frame can be either metal or wood. A prerequisite for effective greenhouses is the presence of opening windows so that it is possible to ventilate and regulate the temperature inside.

The dimensions of the structure are calculated based on the number of plants - 3-5 bushes are planted per 1 square meter. At the same time, it is taken into account that the area is reduced by the thickness of the internal lining and heating (if any).

The best eggplant varieties suitable for growing in greenhouses

Today there are varieties that have different ripening periods, bush heights, and requirements for agricultural technology.Accordingly, they differ from each other in yield, weight of fruits, their color, taste and consistency. Below we will describe varieties that differ from others in their advantageous characteristics.

appearance of eggplant


The variety matures approximately 100 days after germination. It has the following parameters:

  • the growth of the bush can reach 190 centimeters;
  • the weight of the fruit is up to 250 grams, and its length is 12-14 centimeters;
  • there is no bitterness in the pulp, it is white;
  • There are many inflorescences on the plants, which is why it bears fruit over a long period and has high yields.

A very popular and tasty variety. On each square meter, with proper care, up to 19 kilograms of eggplants can be harvested.

appearance of eggplant nutcracker


Fruiting begins already on the 95th day. This early ripening hybrid has the following advantages:

  • These vegetables have an elongated shape with an oval edge:
  • Their color ranges from dark purple to black:
  • the mass of most fruits is about 300 grams, their length is 25 centimeters;
  • the pulp is white, without bitterness;

An additional advantage of the variety is its resistance to tobacco mosaic.

bagheera eggplant seeds


The start of fruiting is in 100-110 days. Characteristics of this mid-early hybrid:

  • the plant is tall and reaches 2.5 meters;
  • medium-sized fruits, their weight ranges from 300 to 400 grams;
  • eggplants with a dark purple tint;
  • The flesh is green, the structure has increased density.

These bushes need to be tied up. The planting pattern is 40x60 centimeters, and up to 6 kilograms are harvested from one square meter. This variety is also resistant to tobacco mosaic.

Baikal eggplant bushes


This eggplant is early ripening (85-100 days), it is distinguished by the cluster type of fruiting. The following advantages are:

  • plant height in a greenhouse – from 1 meter;
  • the number of fruits on one cluster is 3-7 pieces;
  • eggplants have an elliptical shape;
  • the fruits are bright pink, with a glossy surface;
  • the pulp is very tender and juicy, the skin of the vegetable is thin;
  • its taste is slightly bitter.

In addition to the listed characteristics, this eggplant has increased resistance to ovary shedding. One plant can grow up to hundreds of fruits.

eggplant bushes joker

Purple Wonder F1

This eggplant variety begins to sing on the 110th day after germination. It has the following characteristics:

  • the height of the bushes can reach 75 centimeters;
  • its fruits are cylindrical in shape;
  • color of vegetables - from dark purple to black;
  • The length of eggplants ranges from 15 to 18 centimeters, and their diameter reaches 8 centimeters.

A special feature of the Purple Miracle F1 variety is that there is no bitter taste at all. This eggplant sets fruit even in temperate climates and is also resistant to spider mites.

eggplant seeds Purple miracle F1


The Fabina eggplant crop is considered an ultra-early crop because it manages to begin bearing fruit within 50 days. In addition, it has the following characteristics:

  • spreading plant;
  • can grow up to 60 centimeters;
  • it forms up to 9 fruits on each bush.

In addition, this variety does not require the creation of supports or tying for it.

appearance of eggplant Fabina

Black Moon

The growing season before fruiting is 110-115 days. In addition, the variety has the following description:

  • The skin of eggplants is glossy, dark purple in color;
  • the weight of most fruits reaches 250-350 grams;
  • inside the pulp is light green, there is no bitterness or voids.

The yield of the variety reaches more than 5 kilograms per square meter. Plants have increased resistance to tobacco mosaic. This eggplant has excellent taste.

eggplant seeds Black Moon


This eggplant is an early ripening and productive hybrid. Its additional characteristics are:

  • bush height - from 45 to 60 centimeters;
  • has dark purple, shiny fruits;
  • cylindrical shape;
  • its peel is thin, there are few seeds;

The variety is also suitable for transportation and long-term storage.

eggplant bushes Sofya

Black handsome

The fruits of this variety ripen in 110 days. Description of this eggplant:

  • bushes grow up to 80 centimeters in height;
  • weight ranges from 200 to 900 grams;
  • fruits are black and purple, with shiny skin;
  • The variety is high-yielding (up to 9 kilograms can be harvested from 1 square meter).

The variety has average cold resistance, so it is recommended exclusively for greenhouses.

eggplant variety Black handsome


An eggplant crop that reaches after 105 days. Characteristic:

  • variety of medium height - 70 centimeters;
  • fruits are light green, cylindrical in shape;
  • their weight is about 350 grams, length – up to 15 centimeters;
  • The productivity of the variety is high.

The pulp of these vegetables is tender and completely devoid of bitter aftertaste. In open ground the fruits become smaller.

packaging of Alenka variety

Policeman F1

The variety is a mid-early hybrid (it begins to bear fruit after 120 days). Additional description:

  • The bush is tall and reaches a length of 180 to 300 centimeters.
  • the fruits of these eggplants weigh up to 500 grams;
  • the skin of the vegetables is shiny, dark purple in color;
  • The consistency of the pulp is dense and the color is light green.
  • The shape of the fruit is cylindrical.

These plants need to be left with 2 shoots and tied up. The eggplant hybrid Gorodovoi is able to show resistance to tobacco mosaic.

appearance of eggplant City F1

Technology for growing eggplants in a greenhouse

In order to achieve active fruiting, in addition to selecting suitable varieties, the gardener must know the secrets of preparing a greenhouse for eggplants and the rules for growing this crop.

Prepare the greenhouse like this:

  1. Clear the area of ​​all unnecessary things. Last year's stakes, ropes, and equipment are removed. Remove organic residues from the greenhouse.
  2. Check the condition of the supporting structure and cladding.
  3. Wash the inside of the greenhouse with warm water and detergent.
  4. Treat with a steam generator or lime with chlorine.
  5. Wash off all chemicals with clean water.
  6. If necessary, sulfur bombs are lit.

After the above-ground part of the greenhouse is in order, you need to take care of the soil. It will also have to be disinfected. To do this, take a weak solution of potassium permanganate (alternatively, copper sulfate, Fitosporin or Fundazol can replace it) and water the soil surface. After some time, they dig up with organic matter.

You need to grow eggplants correctly by observing planting dates, growing seedlings from seeds, and caring for plants in a greenhouse.

eggplant harvest

Landing dates

You can find out when it is best to plant plants using calculations.

  1. Seedlings need to grow before planting for at least two months from the period of emergence.
  2. Eggplants are transferred to an unheated greenhouse only after the temperature has stabilized. For the middle zone this is the end of spring and beginning of summer. Therefore, seeds are sown in February-March.

If the greenhouse is heated, then the eggplants are already sown in the last ten days of January, and the grown seedlings are planted in April. This option is not cheap, so you must first evaluate the profitability of growing eggplants.

For regions such as the Moscow region, the planting date falls on May 10, and where the climate is even harsher, the process of growing eggplants in a greenhouse is delayed until later.

Soil and seed preparation

High-quality seeds are the key to success when obtaining a harvest from an eggplant crop. But before sowing plants, we must not forget about disinfection and filling the soil with useful substances.

If the seed material is collected with your own hands, it is advisable to also disinfect it. For this, a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate is suitable, in which it is kept for a third of an hour. After this, they are washed and placed in ash diluted with water. The seeds should remain in this nutrient solution for a day - this procedure increases the percentage of their germination.

Then they are taken out and wrapped in a damp cloth for another day. During this time, the seeds will already sprout. And if you use this method of preparing seed material, then seedlings will appear within 5 days. In other cases, you need to wait for the appearance of young plants within two weeks.

eggplant bushes

Preparing soil for seedlings

In order for the soil to meet the requirements and have the proper degree of nutrition, it must be prepared:

  1. Prepare a suitable composition. It’s good if there is enough organic matter and it has high breathability. Most often it is combined from the following components: compost, garden or leaf soil, sand and ash.
  2. To achieve uniformity, it is sifted through large sieve cells.
  3. Then the soil is disinfected. To do this, it is kept in the oven for about half an hour at a temperature of 40 °C. Alternatively, you can steam it in a water bath.

If desired, you can purchase a ready-made substrate at a specialized store.

We grow seedlings

As soon as the shoots appear, the temperature for young plants is maintained at 22-23 during the day, and 16-17 °C at night. Watering is done only with settled water, once every 5 days.

If such a need arises, then feed the seedlings with potassium nitrate. To do this, take 1 teaspoon of the substance for half a bucket of water. In this case, the soil is irrigated with this solution so that the fertilizer does not fall on the plants themselves.

When 2 true leaves appear on each plant, a dive is carried out - they are planted one in each glass. At the same time, the seedlings, in comparison with how they grew before, are deepened to the cotyledon leaves.

In order for seedlings to develop properly, they need at least half a day of daylight. That's why gardeners use fluorescent lamps.

eggplant seedlings

Planting seedlings in a greenhouse

Each vegetable crop differs from others in the size of the root system and the size of the bushes. And so that there is no competition between eggplants for light and nutrients, the planting scheme must be chosen correctly, otherwise the crop yield will decrease.

Yes, these plants have increased demands on development conditions, but the gardener can finally decide on the distance when he knows which varieties will grow in the greenhouse.

As you can see from the description, the parameters of different varieties of eggplant differ significantly from each other. For small specimens, the optimal distance in a row is from 30 to 45 centimeters. The distance between rows can reach 50 centimeters. Spreading - 50 centimeters in a row and 65 centimeters between rows.

Caring for eggplants in a polycarbonate greenhouse

The technology of growing in a greenhouse is quite different compared to care in open ground.A polycarbonate greenhouse has its own microclimate, which, on the one hand, promotes the development of eggplants (more heat), and on the other, affects them negatively (air stagnates, humidity is higher than normal, condensation forms on the walls). Therefore, the gardener’s task is to preserve the advantages of growing conditions and minimize the disadvantages.

How to maintain a comfortable temperature

It is difficult to find a plant that reacts to temperature conditions as sensitively as eggplant. This is due to the fact that inflorescences are pollinated and fruits set only with sufficient heat. The plant feels comfortable at a temperature of 25 °C. If it drops below 15 °C, then the bushes may stop growing, and when, on the contrary, it rises to 35 °C, pollination and the appearance of future fruits stop. Therefore, it is imperative to control the amount of heat.

This is done using 2 thermometers. One of them is placed at the top of the structure, and the other in the soil.

eggplant in the greenhouse

To lower the temperature, gardeners perform the following actions:

  • ventilate;
  • cover the outer surface of the greenhouse with shading material;
  • spray it with water and chalk;
  • water inside the path.


Since eggplants are a somewhat finicky crop, it is advisable not to immediately use tap water for watering plants. These bushes require standing water at room temperature. If you water eggplants cold, they will go into shock.

When watering, the liquid should penetrate into the soil at least 20 centimeters, where the root system of this vegetable crop is located. Gardeners irrigate only the ground around the eggplants, and leave them dry to avoid the occurrence of fungal infections. Moisten the soil early in the morning, 1-2 times a week.The best invention used in a greenhouse is drip irrigation.


Fertilize eggplants in the greenhouse 3 to 5 times per season. Today, the most relevant are complex feedings: Kemira, Mortar. Add 1 ½ tablespoons of these preparations to 10 liters of water.

eggplant bush

If the period of formation of future fruits has arrived, then a nitrogen-phosphorus solution is added to the soil, containing 1 teaspoon of ammonium nitrate and 1 tablespoon of superphosphate fertilizer in one bucket of water.

Organic matter, although it has a good effect on the growing season, can only push eggplants to increase green mass. In such cases, it is advisable to use complex fertilizer Biud, which is diluted 1:20.

Bush formation

This important stage of eggplant care is not recommended for all varieties. Only tall and medium-vigorous plants are formed, and low-growing vegetable crops do not need this. Therefore, on compact eggplant bushes, they pick off dried leaves and those that block the sunlight for the ovaries.

The remaining varieties begin to form 14 days after planting in a permanent place of growth. If the plant is depressed, then it is given a week or two of additional time without this procedure.

There are several options for performing the formation:

  1. In 1 stem. Used for dense plantings. When forming up to 4 leaves, the side branches and inflorescences are broken off. At a height of 8 leaves, the stepsons are removed, and some of the future fruits are left. After the 10th leaf, branches with ovaries are left.
  2. In 2 escapes. When the eggplant reaches a height of 30 centimeters, remove the top. After the growth of the side branches, the 2 most developed of them are left, and the leaves located below are torn off. Then they take stepsons in a timely manner.
  3. In 3 stems. They do everything similarly to the previous option.

All tall varieties of eggplant are tied to supports.

eggplant harvest


Eggplants have flowers of both sexes on one plant, and pollination can occur independently. Unfortunately, there are no corresponding insects in greenhouses, and gardeners, in order to increase plant yields, have to slightly move the bushes.


When ventilating greenhouses and greenhouses, open windows, transoms and doors. But they do this on the one hand so that there are no drafts, since they are harmful to eggplants. In greenhouses where there are two entrances, only one of them is opened to avoid turbulence.

Ventilation makes it possible to reduce the temperature and humidity in greenhouses.

Possible problems during cultivation

Often, gardeners experience the following difficulties when cultivating eggplants:

  1. Leaves change color from green to yellow. This is due to a violation of the timing of watering or incorrectly applied fertilizing, and perhaps due to a disease.
  2. Falling flowers. The reasons for this phenomenon lie in the deficiency or excess of water in the soil.
  3. They don't want to set fruit. One of the reasons is the lack of pollination, excessive feeding or lack of formative pinching.
  4. Burns on the green parts of plants. This problem occurs due to direct sunlight.
  5. Curling of leaf blades on bushes. The cause may be excess humidity or lack of light, and possibly pests.

eggplant bushes

Diseases and pests

Unfortunately, harmful insects and diseases can appear on eggplants not only if they are improperly grown in protected soil conditions.Therefore, before treating plants with any chemicals, it is necessary to establish what disease or insect caused this condition of eggplants.

When purchasing a specific drug to get rid of a specific lesion, carefully read and strictly follow the instructions.

Most often, eggplant crops, due to high humidity, can develop fusarium, gray mold, late blight, and sometimes spider mites appear.

In order to be more likely to grow healthy eggplants, take preventive measures:

  • Before sowing, treat the seeds if you collect them yourself;
  • soil disinfection when growing seedlings;
  • good care of the eggplant crop in the greenhouse at all stages of the growing season;
  • replacing the top layer of soil after harvesting;
  • creating the right microclimatic conditions in greenhouses;
  • systematic inspection of eggplants for the absence of dangerous insects and diseases;
  • thorough removal of weeds;
  • correct application of fertilizers;
  • compliance with watering and ventilation regimes to avoid excessive dampness and dryness.

Breeders are also working to ensure abundant future harvests, creating varieties that will be even more resistant to diseases and pests.


Harvest and storage

The fruits are harvested when they reach technical ripeness. Usually it occurs 25-40 days after the bushes flower. Coloring of fruits may appear before they ripen. The first sign that the vegetable has already reached maturity is the degree of elasticity of the pulp. Check it by pressing on the fruit with your finger. This creates a dent on the eggplant, which will recover in a few minutes. The reached vegetables are cut using pruning shears.This leaves a small tail.

Store eggplants in a cool, dark place. To do this, they are placed in boxes in 2 balls, layered with straw or parchment paper. After every 14 days, they are reviewed for the presence of rot. Those vegetables that have undergone changes are removed from the box.

Since eggplants are finicky plants, they are not easy to grow. But those vegetables that you can buy in stores can in no way compare with those that you grow yourself. Therefore, you just need to carefully apply the necessary agrotechnical measures and be patient. The time will come, and eggplants will delight their owners with a wonderful harvest.
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