What is basil, where does it grow and what does the plant look like?

Not everyone is familiar with such a spice as basil. Therefore, it is interesting to know what basil is. The sonorous name of the herb is fascinating, associated with oriental cuisine and the aromas of exotic dishes. Translated from Greek, basil is translated as “royal”, “royal”. The grass belongs to the Yamnotaceae family, and is not considered a curiosity for summer residents. Varieties of spices have been developed and grown everywhere, adding them to various dishes and canned food.

Biological description and distribution

More than 70 varieties of herbs are known to scientists, but the most common in vegetable gardens are 3 types, which differ in the size of the leaves and their color. Depending on the application, there are camphor basil used in medicine, fragrant or ordinary basil for preparing seasonings.

biological description

If in the countries of the Mediterranean region the spicy plant is found in the wild, then in other areas it is cultivated, grown for treatment and consumption. In Greece, the herb is called reagan, and in India it is known as tulsi - incomparable. The grass does not tolerate frost at all, so it is more common in areas with comfortable climatic conditions: in the Caucasus, Crimea, and the Pacific islands. But summer residents also grow basil in Siberia, choosing varieties adapted to more severe conditions.

The whole plant is fragrant: the basil leaves, the stem, and the calyxes of the inflorescences.

Among the plants there are both annual and perennial specimens.

 spicy plant

Photo of the basil

I wonder what basil looks like in the garden. This plant has tetrahedral stems that rise up to 30–60 centimeters above the ground. You can decorate the area with beds of different types of plants. After all, basil leaves can be green, purple or burgundy. And when the grass blooms, it is impossible to take your eyes off the miniature cups of white, pink, and purple shades. The inflorescences reach a length of up to 30 centimeters, rising at the top of the stem. At the same time, the aroma from the plantings spreads around, attracting insects with a peppery, mint, lemon smell.

There are varieties with smooth and fluffy leaves and stems. They contain glands that secrete essential oils with various odors.

looks like basil

At the end of August - beginning of September, instead of flowers, black fruits-nuts are formed, where basil seeds are hidden. They independently scatter throughout the area, thus spreading the grass. To avoid chaotic growth of the spice, the seeds are collected and planted in beds in sunny areas or in a greenhouse. Grow basil and in pots on the windowsill.

Composition of basil

The aromatic herb contains many beneficial elements. The green parts of the plant contain almost all B vitamins and ascorbic acid. Basil leaves are valued for the presence of potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, and cholines in them. Therefore, it is useful to harvest leaves for medicinal purposes.

aromatic herb

Among the greenery, basil is famous not only for its fragrant flowers, but the plant also has medicinal properties. The leaves and stems are used as a seasoning due to the presence of essential oils in them. Dry herbs are used by culinary specialists to prepare dishes of French, Georgian, and Italian cuisine. 100 grams of spice contain only 23 kilocalories. Plant parts contain more proteins and carbohydrates than fats. The nutritional value of dried grass increases, as its carbohydrate content increases.

Thanks to the rich composition of basil, the plant has both healing and excellent taste. It is recommended to use it as a seasoning in diets for those who want to lose extra pounds.

fragrant flowers

Basil uses and beneficial properties

When people talk about using herbs, they usually mean ordinary basil. The developed plant varieties have many advantages, both culinary and medicinal.

In medicine

Camphor basil is actively used in medicine. Even during the war, the plant was used to prepare camphor alcohol, which served as an excellent antiseptic in the treatment of wounds.

composition of basil

The use of the common basil herb takes into account the fact that basil helps in treating patients with:

  • asthenia;
  • weakened respiratory function;
  • circulatory disorders;
  • depressed state of the central nervous system;
  • epilepsy;
  • headaches and toothaches;
  • colds of the upper respiratory tract, sore throat.

Spice-based products stop vomiting. They should be consumed to improve digestion and increase appetite.

Infusions from the leaves are used for rinsing for stomatitis, compresses in the treatment of allergic dermatitis.

respiratory function

In cooking

Basil and its leaves, fresh and dried, are used in cooking. Greek, Caucasian, and Italian cuisine cannot be imagined without this seasoning.

In Central Asian dishes, vegetable basil is called raikhon. Not a single dish of national cuisine is complete without seasoning. And the main dishes of the peoples of the Caucasus are seasoned with dried Reagan herb. Fresh young shoots are eaten raw with pleasure.

fresh and dried

Place fragrant basil:

  • French in sauces, soups;
  • the British - cottage cheese, pates, stews and tomato salads;
  • Italian chefs sprinkle powdered spice on pasta, boiled and jellied fish;
  • for adding piquancy to salads, sauces, ketchups;
  • in the production of sausages, canned and smoked products.

In order for the herb to retain its aroma in dishes, it is necessary to sprinkle the dish with the spice before serving. 0.5 grams of dried herbs powder is enough per serving.

tomato salads

In cosmetology

Medicinal herbs with a strong aroma are not ignored by perfumers. The essential oil obtained by steam distillation is widely used in the preparation of cosmetic skin care products. After using the cream, gel with basil oil, the skin becomes firm, elastic, and rejuvenated.

Antioxidants in the plant have a positive effect on restoring metabolic processes in the dermis at the cellular level and normalize water-salt and fat balance.

The juice obtained from the spicy herb helps heal inflammation on the skin and heal ulcers. Therefore, fragrant basil is used in lotions and cleansers. The drugs can reduce the amount of acne on the face and heal purulent acne wounds.

attention perfumers

Herbs with the scent of lemon, cinnamon, and mint are added as a flavoring to soaps, perfumes, and toothpastes. In addition, the products also have an antiseptic effect on tissues and mucous membranes.

People with allergic reactions or sensitive skin should not get carried away with spice-based cosmetics.

antiseptic effect

At home

An experienced housewife can use common basil to scent the rooms of the house, spreading the sprigs on parchment paper.

The finished oil of the plant is instilled into special aroma lamps, selecting the desired scent. When cleaning the house, add 2-3 drops to a bucket for washing the floor. And by dropping it onto a soft cloth, they wipe the furniture.

House cleaning

In home canning, fresh leaves of the herb are used, added to marinades to prepare preparations for the winter. The plant goes well with tomatoes. It will add originality to ketchups and sauces.

You can cook the herb, put it in airtight bags and put it in the freezer. So until the next harvest, the housewife will use the seasoning.

The leaves are kept fresh in a glass jar by infusing them with olive oil. You can season your dishes with spicy herbs for 3 months.

glass jar

Useful properties and contraindications for consuming basil

Like any essential oil crops, spicy herbs should be used with caution, especially for those who suffer from:

  • blood clotting disorders;
  • thrombophlebitis, varicose veins;
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
  • hypertension and heart failure.

The herb is harmful to allergy sufferers who experience reactions to the strong spicy aroma of the plant.

blood clotting

To increase appetite, you should use basil leaves by adding them to tea or dishes, but excessive consumption will lead to irritation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines.

You cannot use preparations with herbal essential oils more than 3 times a week. Excessive doses will lead to poisoning. It is dangerous to give spice-based products to children under 7 years of age or to women during pregnancy and lactation. Vegetable crops, like fragrant basil, can give an unpredictable reaction. Aromatic, it may cause dizziness and loss of consciousness when taken in large quantities.

Those who have increased sensitivity of tooth enamel should not get carried away with chewing fresh leaves of the plant.

Before using herbal preparations, you should definitely consult your doctor.

increase appetite

Folk recipes

Traditional medicine advises taking fragrant basil in cases where:

  1. Gets sick in transport. A couple of leaves of grass are placed in the mouth for the duration of the trip.
  2. The nervous system is depressed, and there is a feeling of heaviness in the stomach. 15–30 grams of raw materials are poured with boiling water in an amount of 60 milliliters. The product must be infused until it cools, then strain and take half a glass 2 times a day. After a week of treatment, take a break for 14 days, then repeat the course.
  3. Shoots in the ears.The juice from the leaves and stems of the plant is squeezed out when the grass has not yet bloomed. In its pure form, it can be instilled into the ears for purulent otitis media.
  4. A urinary tract infection was detected. Use internally in diluted form, mixing with water in equal quantities. The solution is taken for cystitis, pyelonephritis 2-3 times a day. You can replace the juice with an infusion of basil leaves: 2 tablespoons of the herb per 500 milliliters of hot water. Drink half a glass three times a day.
  5. Need to improve vision. From essential oil in the amount of 2-3 drops per glass of hot water, make compresses on the eyelids for 10-15 minutes once a day. Thanks to the strong antioxidant in basil oil, you can keep your eyesight intact until old age.
  6. We need to prepare for the birth of the baby. To facilitate childbirth, start drinking an infusion of common basil, lemon balm, borage, and violet flowers within a week, taking the plants in a ratio of 2:2:1:1. Pour 1 tablespoon of the collection with 500 milliliters of hot water. Drink 100 grams of the drug, alternating with raspberry leaf tea.
  7. It is necessary to eliminate inflammation in the mouth. To soothe toothache, use an infusion of leaves, rinsing the mouth 2-3 times a day.
  8. I have a cold in my throat and a cough. Basil essential oil (4-5 drops) can be added to the potato broth and inhaled.

motion sickness in transport

Fresh grass leaves purify the indoor air and repel insects. Indians and Africans rub crushed spice leaves on their skin to get rid of flying parasites.

Interesting facts about basil

There are many interesting things associated with basil. Where the bushes of the plant grew, garden pests do not appear.Therefore, it is worth starting to grow herbs on your site, since basil will attract beneficial insects with its smell, which will pollinate garden and vegetable crops. The plant attracts bees and bumblebees in the greenhouse, so you can plant herbs there too.

plant bushes

Indians consider the fragrant plant to be divine. It protects the home from evil spells and cleanses a person’s aura. And the Egyptians used aromatic powder in mummification mixtures. Rosaries were made from the stems of the plant, which could protect against evil forces and the evil eye.

In southern European countries, Reagan is considered a plant indicating loyalty and love. If a young man accepts a stalk of grass from a girl’s hands, then he becomes her groom. Considered a strong aphrodisiac, the plant will help increase sexual desire. It is advised to take the herb before lovemaking for both men and women.

The taste of basil is considered incomparable and regal. After all, previously, dishes with spices were served only in rich houses. Now everyone can enjoy the aroma by adding fresh leaves to summer salads. Without them, you won’t get a real Italian pesto sauce.


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