Description of varieties and varieties of black thyme (thyme)

Black thyme is used by gardeners for landscaping. It is planted on alpine hills and small flower beds. It harmonizes perfectly with the paths lined with decorative stone.

Thyme blooms almost the entire season: flowering begins in May and ends at the end of August. But even without buds the plant is very decorative. If you stir the curtain a little, the air will smell like resin. Plant phytoncides have a beneficial effect on the body.

Thyme has medicinal properties. It is successfully used in traditional medicine. Brewed herbal tea with a spoonful of honey will pleasantly warm a gardener on a winter evening.

description of varieties

Description of the plant

Thyme belongs to the Lamiaceae family. Thyme has a short stem: 20-40 cm. It is crowned with branches creeping along the ground. They resemble blueberry shoots. The plant also covers the soil with a continuous carpet. The green twigs and stem are covered with fine hairs.

The elongated leaves are attached to the stem by short petioles. They have scent glands. They produce essential oil. The taste and smell of thyme are determined by the number of such glands.


Flowers are collected in a bunch. They come in white, lilac, purple, pink. The inflorescences are very compact, located tightly on the branches. After flowering, fruits - nuts - are formed. They have an elongated shape. Their length is 5-6 mm.

In the wild, this unpretentious plant is found on roadsides, mountain slopes, and sunny forest edges. It feels comfortable on scattered rocks.

In the garden, thyme grows quickly. It reproduces by seeds and rooted shoots (vegetatively).If you do not limit the area, thyme will cover all the beds in the garden.

black thyme

Varieties of thyme

This plant belongs to the Lamiaceae (Lamiaceae) family. There are 400 known species of this unpretentious shrub. They differ in the size of the stems, their ascending or creeping position, the color of the corollas, and their aroma. The most famous types of wild thyme are common and creeping thyme.

Breeders are creating new varieties of thyme. Their characteristics are improved relative to their wild counterpart. They are more decorative, their aroma is brighter. Gardeners have plenty to choose from. You can dig up a bush from the wild and plant it in the garden. Or you can buy a cultivated plant.

corolla color

Purple violet

This subshrub has short shoots (10 cm). The corollas of the flowers are painted a bright purple-violet color. Covers the soil with a dense carpet. A variety that is aggressive towards other plants. Such shrubs should be planted in limited areas. Gardeners use sheets of steel, plastic, natural or artificial stone as a barrier.

short shoots


This is what people call flea thyme. This low plant has woody roots. They produce low shoots (15 cm). The stems creep or slightly rise above the ground. The stem is found bare or covered with hairs, and can be faceted or rounded. The leaves are also covered with hairs.

It blooms with soft pink or rose-red flowers. The air around him is saturated with ether. Settles in dry rocky areas. Does not tolerate excessive soil moisture.

flea thyme


Gardeners choose varieties of Bogorodskaya grass in accordance with their own preferences and characteristics of the plant. When planting in the garden, the resistance of thyme to frost is taken into account.You should not plant heat-loving species in regions with cold winters.

When the area is flooded, you should choose moisture-resistant varieties. For planting on an alpine hill, flea or mountain is recommended.

Gardeners must consider the combination of the plant with other inhabitants of the garden. The color and height of the cover should fit harmoniously into the existing landscape.

herbs according


Prefers chalk hillsides. Feels great where limestone comes to the surface. Drought resistant.

Has bare short stems. They branch heavily. Shoots up to 12 cm long rise vertically upward. The flowers are inconspicuous: the corolla is greenish, the petals are pink and purple. The plant is not particularly decorative. But the aroma is strong. A wonderful honey plant. It should be placed near beds with tomatoes, peppers, and eggplants to attract pollinating insects.

A decrease in nutrients affects the condition of the bush: it becomes less lush. But the aroma intensifies. Chalk thyme retains its aroma when dried, even if stored carelessly.



The second name is vegetable. Its value is its fragrant, juicy shoots. They are used for cooking.

The stem rises 25 cm above the soil surface. The leaves are green-gray, fragrant. It takes 30 days from germination to the first cutting. Sensitive to soil moisture. When cultivated in cold regions, solar thyme requires shelter.

succulent shoots


The smallest of the thymes. The trunk rises only 3 cm above the soil surface. It blooms in May-July with pale pink flowers. Does well without fertilizer. But it needs regular watering. Decorative all season.Value: dense soil coverage and maintaining a pleasant appearance throughout the warm period.

dense cover


Subshrub up to 15 cm high. Creeping shoots, easily rooting. It blooms with pink flowers from May to August.

Grows on rocky chalk slopes, carbon outcrops, exposed soils of pine forests. Sometimes settles on sandy soils. Drought resistant. Has value as a medicinal plant. An alpine slide will decorate the garden.

carbon yields


Gardeners have to choose: to plant bush or creeping thyme. The first one rises 20-25 cm above the soil surface. It has looser clumps. Bush thyme looks great as a border around paths or as a colorful border.

You should choose varieties that are suitable for the region. The soil for planting perennial shrubs must be prepared in a special way.

to choose


Subshrub with strongly branching shoots. Stem height 15-20 cm. Settles on rocks and mountain slopes. Selects chalky, gravelly and sandy soils. In June-August it blooms with purple flowers. Excellent honey plant. Grows in the valleys and foothills of Altai.

Value of the species: high content of essential oils, decorativeness, unpretentiousness. The plant will decorate an alpine hill in the garden, attract pollinators and provide the gardener with medicinal raw materials.

mountain slopes


Thyme can also be found in the forest zone. It settles in well-lit clearings and forest edges. The subshrub selects dry sandy or podzolic soils. Blooms with pink flowers from May to August. The stems grow up to 12 cm tall.

Value of the species: unpretentiousness, ability to grow and bloom on dry, poor soils.

ability to grow


The height of the stem is 30 cm. The shoots are long and creeping. Leaves are elongated.It blooms with large purple flowers collected in a spike. Prefers steppe, sunny areas. Forms dense thickets. It is undemanding to soils and moisture. The value is decorativeness and unpretentiousness. An endangered species. Gardeners can maintain the population by growing it on their site.

large purple


This variety is distinguished by the fact that heavily pubescent shoots do not lodge. They form a bright green ball with a diameter of 25 cm. Sommerteim exudes a strong aroma. Gardeners grow it in pots to decorate the garden. Thyme overwinters at home.

shoots do not die


Thyme is a perennial plant. Its stems and leaves are green in color. The corollas of flowers are lilac, pink, violet, even green. For successful cultivation in a summer cottage, you should carefully study the characteristics of the variety or species.

study the characteristics


Thyme is found in the foothills of the Southern Urals. It grows on rocky, gravelly, chalk, sandy, and chernozem soils. Does not like loams and clays. Characteristics:

  • stress resistance;
  • drought resistance;
  • demands for good lighting.

Gardeners can decorate the site with an undemanding creeping plant with large pink flowers.

chernozem soils


Low Bogorodskaya grass. The stems of the subshrub rise 1 cm above the soil. The dark green leaves are 3 mm long. There are no flowers. Forms a moss-like coating. Gardeners use thyme as a low-maintenance, aromatic replacement for moss.

subshrubs rise


The subshrub has become a favorite of the Crimean Peninsula. Thyme grows on rocky and sandy soils in valleys and mountains. The height of the stems is up to 15 cm. The flowers have a purple-pink hue and open in June-July. The fruits are black nuts.Value: rich aroma, drought resistance.

It is difficult to tolerate cool winters. If there is enough snow, it overwinters well, but during “black frosts” the thyme freezes. Gardeners in regions with cold winters should cover the plant.

cold winters


Subshrub with stem height up to 12 cm. Flowers pink-violet. For growth it chooses marls, rocky screes, and crushed limestone. Begins to bloom in June. The nuts ripen at the end of August. It grows wild in North-Eastern Europe and the Urals.

stem height

Early Minor

It grows slowly. The height of the stems of this thyme variety is 5-10 cm. The pubescent leaves are small and emit a strong aroma. Blooms earlier than other varieties: in June. The leaves are colored lilac or light purple. Gardeners use it to decorate alpine slides.

Early Minor

Red Carpet

The height of the stems is 5 cm. Red flowers bloom in June. Grows in sun and partial shade. The variety prefers light, fertile soils, but can also exist on poor, rocky soils. Created for decorating gardens.

Red Carpet

Donna Valey

The stems of this thyme variety rise a maximum of 30 cm above the soil. The shoots are decorated with small yellow-green leaves. A distinctive feature is that the leaves smell like lemon. The inflorescence is capitate, loose. The flowers are light pink.

Forms dense clumps. Does not tolerate heavy soils and overwatering. In winter it may freeze. Valued by gardeners for its decorative properties and unusual aroma.

Donna Valey

Common Compactus

Compact subshrub. The height of its stems does not exceed 15 cm. The shoots have a cylindrical profile. The bottoms are pubescent. The leaves are small, oval, lanceolate. Color: dark green. The soft pink flowers have a purple tint. They bloom in July-August.

Works great on fertile, light soils with good drainage. Prized for its neat jackets.

Common Compactus


Subshrub with creeping shoots. Thyme flowers are light purple in color. The inflorescence is a discontinuous spike. The leaves are dark green, lanceolate. The bottom is pubescent.

An excellent ground cover. It grows quickly: it can populate an entire area within a season (under favorable conditions). Used in alpine slides and for fragrant borders. The value of the thyme species: unpretentiousness, availability of planting material.

creeping shoots


The second name is mountain. Prefers rocky, poor soils with good drainage. Easily tolerates drought. Does not tolerate waterlogging. The stems rise 15 cm. The flowers are red-pink or mauve. Valued for its unpretentiousness and persistent aroma.

poor soils


A native of the Balkan Mountains. Does not tolerate frost. Blooms with pinkish-gray flowers. The curved leaves are covered with dense white hairs. Very decorative, but capricious.

gray flowers

Lemon-scented (Archers Gold)

This is an artificially created variety of thyme. Recently introduced into culture. The leaves have a characteristic green-golden color. The flowers are pale pink. During flowering, the plant presents a solid pink carpet.

Sensitive to waterlogging. Does not work on clays and loams. Used by summer residents on alpine slides. Valued for its decorative effect, bright aroma and medicinal properties.

culture recently


A subshrub with erect stems inhabits the forests of Eastern Europe. The type of thyme is easily recognized by its characteristic sharp carpet. Quickly forms turf. Drought and cold resistant. Purple flowers are collected in capitate inflorescences. The stems and leaves are pubescent. Valued for its high content of essential oils.

easy to recognize

Choosing a suitable growing location

Thyme is an unpretentious plant. But to get a healthy, beautiful plant, you must fulfill the requirements of agricultural technology:

  1. The planting site should be sunny or with light partial shade. When planted in the shade, thyme stretches out. The bush becomes loose and loses its decorative effect.
  2. Thyme varieties do not tolerate drafts. The shrub should be planted in an area protected from northern and northeastern winds. It is a good idea to place the plantings on the south side of the buildings.
  3. The planting site should not be flooded with melt or rain water. It is advisable to organize drainage.
  4. The soil should be prepared in the chosen location. To do this, it is recommended to study the characteristics of the plant and its growing conditions in the wild. Heavy soils (clays and loams) should be structured. It is required to add sand, chalk crushed stone (if necessary), and mature compost.
  5. Particular attention should be paid to the acidity of the soil. For thyme, a neutral or slightly alkaline reaction is acceptable. On acidic soils, lime or ash should be added.

unpretentious plant

If placed correctly, the shrub will delight the gardener with a dense, fragrant curtain already in the year of planting.

How to plant thyme

Thyme is a cold-resistant plant. It can be planted immediately after the snow melts. When planting with a bush or rooted shoot, do not bury the plant. After completing the work, the soil around it should be mulched. Stone chips, crushed stone, and pebbles are suitable.

Thyme also takes root during autumn plantings. The best time is early September. The shoots and bushes will have time to grow the root systems necessary for wintering. This ensures the plant's survival during the cold period.

shrub placement

Reproduction methods

The unpretentious ground cover is easy to propagate by seeds or vegetatively.


This is a labor-intensive method. To obtain a flowering plant in the first year, gardeners grow seedlings at home:

  1. In early February, seeds are sown in seedling boxes to a depth of 0.5 cm.
  2. They are covered with a film with drainage holes for air access. Condensation from the film is regularly removed.
  3. Thyme seeds germinate in a warm place. The tray should be placed closer to the heat source.
  4. After germination, the film is removed and the thyme bushes are thinned out. They leave strong. Weak ones can be added to tea.
  5. When the soil dries, thyme is sprayed. It is important not to overwater the soil: this will lead to rotting of the roots.
  6. Thyme bushes are regularly hardened off: the procedure will help them quickly take root in the garden.
  7. Thyme is planted in a permanent place after the soil has warmed up. 4-5 degrees is enough.
  8. For the first 2-3 days, thyme needs shading with lutrasil. You cannot keep thyme in the shade: the shoots will stretch out.

The advantage of this method: obtaining a large amount of planting material.

methods of reproduction


Thyme shoots take root easily. For propagation, select a non-lignified cutting and cut off a piece of the required length from it. For low-growing varieties, the cutting should have a maximum size of 5 cm. For tall varieties, it should be 10-15 cm.

The cuttings are immediately planted in a permanent place. A mini-greenhouse is being built above it. After 2-3 weeks, the gardener has a new plant.

choose non-lignified

Sometimes thyme cuttings are rooted in a greenhouse. A signal of root regrowth is the appearance of new green leaves.

Often thyme shoots take root on their own. The gardener only needs to cut off the branch with roots and replant it in a new place.

Advantages of the method: preservation of the characteristics of hybrids and simplicity.

need for reconstruction

Dividing the bush

Used when it is necessary to reconstruct an alpine slide or border. The entire mother plant is dug up. Roots and shoots straighten out. The bush is cut with a sharpened shovel or cut with garden shears. The cut areas are powdered with crushed activated carbon. The delenki are transplanted to their designated places.

Disadvantage of the method: the mother plant is injured. The gardener requires skill and caution.

the plant is injured

Features of plant care

Thyme requires little care. The gardener gets a beautiful plant with minimal labor.


A feature of the shrub is drought resistance. It should only be watered during severe drought. In this case, you should only slightly moisten the top layer of soil.

It is useful to spray the bushes before flowering. This will allow the plant to gain strength.

Overwatering thyme is very dangerous: the plant is easily affected by root rot and disappears. In case of prolonged heavy rainfall, the bushes should be covered with film.

It is important to remember: thyme produces ester only in dry, hot weather..

minimal labor costs

Light mode

Bushes are demanding of sunlight. In the shade they wither, lose compactness and decorativeness. Thyme shoots stretch and turn pale. The curtain is crumbling.

A beautiful and fragrant plant will delight the gardener when placed in a sunny place.

Light mode


Thyme does not require special soil fertility. Most species in the wild grow on poor chalky or podzolic soils. Thyme varieties require a moderate application of mature compost.

When growing thyme in the garden, it is sometimes necessary to add lime or bone meal. It is not necessary to fertilize thyme with organic matter or mineral complexes.

soil fertility


Thyme does not tolerate shade.It needs bright sunlight. Weeds deprive him of a comfortable existence. They definitely need to be weeded out.

Draining around the thyme with stone chips will prevent harmful plants from appearing. Adding chalk and constantly loosening the soil will help.

harmful plants

Pruning and shaping thyme

To obtain a dense covering and long flowering, thyme must be pruned. For this procedure, shoots with a small number of leaves are selected. Their removal provides the gardener with beautiful thyme throughout the summer.

Sometimes it is necessary to give the thyme a special shape. On alpine slides it must occupy a certain place. In this case, the thyme is trimmed at the gardener’s request using a topiary frame.

Gardeners often carry out a healing pruning procedure after the thyme has faded. Thyme is mowed, leaving 2-3 cm above the ground. This event is successful in regions with warm winters. In cold areas, thyme may freeze.

dense coverage

Diseases and pests

If you follow the growing rules, thyme is resistant to diseases. In rainy summers or with excessive watering, thyme is affected by fungi. In this case, the entire bush is dug up, and the soil is disinfected with a solution of copper sulfate.

Thyme is loved by aphids, weevils and sand borers. But they settle on weak bushes. Healthy plants do not attract pests. Prevention is done by timely weeding and loosening. Compliance with growing rules is the main condition for the existence of beautiful thyme bushes in the garden.

sand slugger

Combination with other plants

All varieties and types of thyme go well with other plants. The ground cover has a shallow root system. This allows it to be grouped with plants with deep roots.

Gardeners often choose to place thyme as a tapeworm. It is planted in hanging pots and filled into a clearing in the recreation area. The ground cover looks lovely in these cases too.

other plants

Gardeners look for interesting combinations of colors and aromas when creating plantings. Flowers are odorless, but with large bright petals, complement the thyme ether.

Gardeners often place thyme near strong-smelling flowers. They fill open ground. In this case, you should be very careful: mixing aromas can lead to negative consequences. The existing composition will have to be destroyed.

Thyme is an excellent honey plant. It is specially planted next to vegetables that require pollination. The presence of thyme ground cover in the garden increases the yield of cucumbers and tomatoes.

will have to be destroyed

Thyme on the windowsill

The unpretentiousness of thyme allows it to be grown in an apartment. It is necessary to create comfortable conditions for thyme:

  • select a container slightly larger than the thyme roots (planting material is taken when dividing the bush);
  • pour soil inside for succulents or cacti;
  • add chalk crushed stone;
  • mulch the top with stone chips;
  • place on a sunny windowsill;
  • protect from drafts.

Thyme on the windowsill

The advantage of thyme: it perfectly tolerates dry winter air in rooms. Watering is required as the earth clod dries. On cloudy days, thyme should be provided with additional lighting for up to 18 hours.

By placing thyme on the windowsill, gardeners will be able to enjoy the ether of thyme throughout the year.

room air

Pros and cons of use in landscape design

The presence of a subshrub in the landscape will bring many positive emotions to the gardener:

  1. The plant can serve as a background for large plantings or act as a tapeworm. There are no limits to imagination and creativity.
  2. The aroma of spice saturates the air with ether, making it healthier. While walking in the garden, a summer resident receives an aromatherapy session.
  3. The honey plant enlivens the area: it attracts bright butterflies and bumblebees. City dwellers like this unity with nature.
  4. Beauty is not the only advantage of having thyme in the garden. A gardener can stock up on medicinal herbs for the winter.
  5. The bush provides material for bouquets. Bogorodskaya grass goes well with mint, lovage and silver wormwood. Popular belief ascribes to this collection the ability to protect against evil spirits.

There is only one drawback to the presence of a subshrub: rapid growth and aggressive takeover of territory. This problem is solved by mechanically limiting the landings.

landscape design

Where is thyme used?

The shrub has an interesting chemical composition:

  • acids (ursulic, quinic, chlorogenic, caffeic, oleanolic);
  • fats;
  • vitamins (C, A, PP);
  • mineral salts;
  • flavonoids;
  • gum.

This makes it possible to use the leaves and stems for medicinal purposes. The oil obtained from thyme is used as a bactericidal and antiviral agent. The home medicine cabinet contains many recipes for various ailments.

chemical composition

The plant is an excellent aphrodisiac. Thyme extract is included in natural medicines to increase potency.

Essential oil is popular in scent healing. Its aroma is used to relax and calm stressed people. It is dripped into the container of the aroma lamp. A candle lit below evaporates water and saturates the air in the room with vapor.


An infusion or decoction is prescribed as a preventive or adjuvant remedy for the treatment of diseases of the nervous system. Drinking drinks relieves irritation and improves sleep. Often canvas bags with dried thyme are hung indoors.The room is filled with the smell of a flowering meadow. The mood of the people in it improves.

The phytoncides contained in thyme improve the health of the air. Pathogenic bacteria die. This property is useful during ARVI epidemics.

hang indoors

Thyme improves immunity and strengthens the body. Increases resistance to colds, ARVI and flu. The infusion effectively treats wet cough.

Cooks didn’t ignore the shrub either. Mediterranean cuisine has many recipes that use the spice leaves. Every gardener has at least once tried black or green tea with thyme and bought spicy mixtures with this plant. Thyme extract often makes the composition of dishes original and unforgettable.

Cosmetologists use the bactericidal properties of the shrub to refresh inflamed, acne-prone skin. Baths with infusion soothe and saturate the skin with vitamins and minerals.

refreshing inflamed

Thyme infusion recipe

Tincture in a water bath is used for rinsing the mouth and throat, inhalation, and rinsing hair instead of store-bought products. How to cook:

  • chop equal parts of mint and thyme (dried or fresh);
  • pour a tablespoon of the mixture into a glass of water heated to 80 degrees;
  • wrap the dishes and leave for an hour in a warm place;
  • After filtering, the finished infusion is divided into 4 equal parts.

Take the drug regardless of food. For taste, it can be diluted with water and sweetened with honey.

glass of heated

A decoction of thyme is prepared as follows. Dry or fresh grass should be crushed (the fractions of the plant will more fully release all the elements). Pour 1 liter of cold water and bring to a boil in a water bath. Wrap, cool, strain. The decoction is taken in equal parts throughout the day.

Alcohol tincture of thyme

This product is recommended to be taken orally and used instead of lotion for problem skin. How to cook:

should be crushed

  • chop a glass of fresh thyme shoots;
  • Place in a glass jar with a tight-fitting lid;
  • pour 0.5 liters of good vodka;
  • keep in a cool, dark place for 3 weeks;
  • shake once every 7 days.

Strain the finished infusion and store in the refrigerator. Take half a teaspoon orally once a day. To cleanse the skin, wipe your face with a cotton pad soaked in the tincture. It is recommended to add the product to water when rinsing hair (a teaspoon per liter of warm water).

Keep refrigerated

Advantages of the product: alcoholic infusion of thyme is stored for a long time (up to 1 year), prepared in June (the herb gains maximum beneficial properties). Disadvantage: not everyone is allowed to drink alcohol.

The benefits and harms of the plant

There are no absolutely beneficial or harmful plants in nature. Before using drugs, you should familiarize yourself with the properties and contraindications. If necessary, you should visit a doctor before treatment.

alcohol infusion

Thyme has a strong effect on the body:

  1. The shrub has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. Infusions are used for toothache as a mouth rinse. Decoctions help reduce inflammation in sore throat or stomatitis.
  2. Thyme helps normalize blood circulation.
  3. Traditional medicine recommends using a decoction or oil as a disinfectant for minor cuts and skin injuries. This is especially useful for gardeners who work with the soil.
  4. The oil promotes the healing of wounds and cracks. Children will like this aromatic medicine. Every gardener should have it in their home medicine cabinet.
  5. Herbal tea strengthens the immune system. It will help improve the condition, helps with furunculosis and diabetes.But you need to visit a doctor to prescribe a treatment regimen.

The beneficial properties of the aromatic herb are used in preparations for the treatment of colds and flu. Vitamin tea from thyme is useful for spring vitamin deficiency.

sore throat or stomatitis


Not everyone is allowed to use thyme preparations without harm to health. You should limit the use of drugs and teas:

  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • patients with liver and kidney diseases;
  • those suffering from stomach and duodenal ulcers;
  • for allergy sufferers;
  • people with high blood pressure.

not everyone is allowed

Thyme will not be useful for people with individual intolerance to its components. Thyme has the property of warming. Using it as an antipyretic will lead to undesirable consequences. The patient's condition will worsen.

It is important to remember: long-term use of medications will cause nausea and vomiting. You should stop using the products and consult a doctor.

drugs will provoke
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