Cherry is the first of the stone fruit crops to bear fruit in summer cottages. It often surpasses cherries in taste and has a lot of fans. Regina cherry variety is the work of German breeders. It appeared in Russia at the end of the last century and is rapidly gaining popularity. Let's consider the characteristics, advantages and features of growing your favorite cherry variety.
- How the variety was bred
- Photo and description
- general description
- Advantages
- Flaws
- Bud
- Leaf and flower
- Fetus
- Weight
- Height
- Width
- Thickness
- Color
- peduncle
- Bone
- general characteristics
- Taste qualities
- Nutrient content
- Tree height and growth rate
- Flowering and ripening period
- Productivity
- Transportability
- Drought resistance
- Frost resistance
- Disease resistance
- Application of fruits
- Basic soil requirements
- Landing Features
- Selection of seedlings
- Root system
- Trunk
- Age
- Availability of vaccinations
- Choosing a landing time
- Autumn
- Spring
- Site selection
- Pit preparation
- Landing
- Pollinators
- Schneider late
- Sam
- Donetsk beauty
- Silvia
- Gedelfinskaya
- Wanda
- Lapins
- Bianca
- Karina
- Coral, Lotovka
- Nefris
- Cordia
- Summit
- Secrets of care
- Watering
- Top dressing
- Trimming
- Preparing for winter
- Prevention from diseases and pests
- Moniliosis
- Gommoz
- Mosaic disease
- Gypsy moth
- Black aphid
- Cherry pipe maker
- Cherry sawfly
- Crown formation
- Treatment in spring
- Harvest and storage
- Reviews
How the variety was bred
The parents of the cherry were two popular varieties - late Schneider and Roubaix. The selection was carried out in Germany. Its remarkable taste was quickly appreciated in Europe; Regina is widely grown on an industrial scale.
Photo and description
The German cherry variety is successfully cultivated in warm regions of the country up to the Middle Volga region. This is ensured by two important qualities of Regina - resistance to frost and disease. The tree grows up to 3.5-4 meters, has a crown of medium branching and density.
general description
Regina is classified as an unpretentious variety, therefore it is successfully grown on large farms. Flowering and fruit ripening occur annually. The tree blooms at the end of May, the fruits ripen at the end of July, Regina is a late-ripening variety that ends the cherry season.
Cherries can be stored on the tree for a long time, which is important for busy summer residents; they store well and are transported without loss of taste. The fruits do not leak juice and do not become wet.
The list of benefits of the variety is very impressive:
- taste, beauty and decorativeness of fruits;
- long-term storage without loss of quality, ensured by dry separation;
- annual fruiting of cherries;
- ripe fruits remain on the tree for up to 2 weeks.
Let us also note the very relevant properties of this cherry variety for Russia - winter hardiness and resistance to fungal diseases.
Gardeners consider the only disadvantage of Regina to be the need to plant a pollinator, without which it will not be possible to obtain fruits.
Cherry buds develop late and tolerate frost well at any stage of development. Sawflies are especially dangerous for the buds and can greatly harm the tree.
Leaf and flower
The sheets have a traditional shape - an ellipse, the end is slightly pointed. The edges are serrated. The surface of the plate is glossy and shiny.
The flowers are collected in 2-3 pieces, the petals are white, the cherry blossoms are abundant and friendly.
The fruits are round-heart-shaped, evenly and uniformly colored.
The average weight of cherries is 8.5 grams; when grown in good conditions, they reach 10-11 grams.
The height of the fruit is slightly larger than the width - 2.5-3.2 centimeters.
The diameter of the cherry is 2.5-3.2 centimeters.
The thickness of the fruit pulp depends on the conditions of care and is 0.5-0.9 centimeters.
Exquisite dark cherry color and shiny glossy skin attract attention to large fruits. The pulp is slightly lighter than the cherry shell.
The stalk comes off the fruit easily and does not take the pulp with it, so the berries are stored for a long time.
The stone is medium in size and can be easily separated from the pulp.
general characteristics
The pulp of the berries is dense, without excess juice, gristly. Included in the bigarro class.
Taste qualities
Regina's taste qualities are close to ideal - score 4.8-5 points.The taste of cherries is sweet, with a slightly noticeable sourness.
Nutrient content
Regina demonstrates all the best qualities of cherries. The berries contain:
- carbohydrates – up to 16%;
- fructose, sucrose;
- vitamins B, C, E;
- potassium, iodine, iron, calcium.
There are no fats in the fruits, the content of pectins is high.
Tree height and growth rate
The tree grows up to 3-4 meters, adding up to 50 centimeters annually. The shoots grow upward, which facilitates the formation of the crown.
Flowering and ripening period
Regina begins flowering when most of its relatives have long faded - in mid-to-late May. The fruits also begin to ripen late - in mid-to-late July. If the fruits last a long time, you can eat fresh cherries for most of August.
The first cherry harvest is harvested in 3-4 years. A remarkable property of Regina is its annual flowering and fruiting, which does not depend on the vagaries of the weather. An adult tree produces up to 40 kilograms of fruit.
Dry tearing allows the fruit to remain firm and whole for up to 3 weeks. The harvest is well stored and can be transported over any distance without losing quality. The dense pulp does not flow, the skin is not injured.
Drought resistance
For successful development at all stages of the growing season, cherries need sufficient moisture. The variety is not considered drought-resistant. Watering is monthly; the soil layer at the roots should be free of cracks and obvious signs of drying out. When the soil dries out after watering, it is loosened.
Frost resistance
A healthy tree can withstand frosts down to -25°, which makes Regina popular and in demand among gardeners.
Disease resistance
Regina is considered one of the most resistant cherry varieties.In humid, cloudy weather, watering is reduced to avoid rot on the fruit.
Application of fruits
The use of fruits is universal:
- the best taste is fresh until mid-August;
- freezing;
- preparing desserts;
- compotes and other types of preservation.
Keeping quality, preservation of taste after transportation and long-term storage make the variety popular in agricultural farms for industrial cultivation.
Basic soil requirements
Cherry grows well in loamy and sandy loam soils. When preparing a site for planting, the soil is enriched to this state. Clay is added to sandy soils; it retains moisture well. Clay soil is combined with river sand to make it lighter and looser.
Any type of soil must be fertilized and mixed with organic matter to provide nutrition to the seedling. It is recommended to prepare the soil in advance, 1-2 years in advance, so that the land acquires fertile properties.
Landing Features
When planting, it is important to strictly follow all the requirements so that the seedling quickly grows and develops fully.
Selection of seedlings
Agronomists recommend choosing locally selected seedlings that are better adapted to the characteristics of the region. It is better to buy cherries at a nursery than at street markets or order them online.
Let's consider how to choose a cherry seedling.
Root system
A healthy root will ensure rapid establishment and adequate nutrition of the plant. Root system requirements:
- 3 large roots with small branches;
- absence of rot, creases;
- white and juicy when cut;
- Elastic - bends rather than breaks.
The root should be moistened and covered with soil. When transporting it, cover it with a damp cloth.
The size of the seedling is 1-1.5 meters. The trunk is smooth, without cracks, 3-5 branches more than 30 centimeters long.The kidneys are whole and alive.
Young seedlings 1-2 years old take root best.
Important: seedlings older than 3 years should not be purchased.
Availability of vaccinations
Only grafted seedlings provide varietal identification of cherries. Regina's bones grow into wild animals. The grafting site is healthy, intact, without rotting or cracks.
Choosing a landing time
Cherries are planted in spring and autumn. The period depends on the climatic characteristics of the region and the availability of seedlings on the market. In any season, it is important to plant Regina in time so that the seedling develops in favorable conditions, takes root and grows.
Before winter, cherries are planted in warm regions with mild winters and hot summers.
Advantages of autumn planting:
- the growing season is completed, all the energy of the cherry goes to rooting;
- wet autumn reduces the need for watering;
- In the spring, a tree that has taken root over the winter tolerates heat more easily and suffers less from pests.
In hot regions, spring plantings often die due to high soil temperatures and lack of moisture.
A sudden cold snap often destroys young plants. Poor rooting leads to the fact that the cherry tree cannot survive a cold winter with little snow and dies. Rodent infestations often destroy young plantings in summer cottages.
Cherries are planted in spring in most regions of the country. Cold winters are dangerous for weak autumn seedlings - they do not have time to take root and mature.
During the warm spring-summer season, the seedling manages to grow roots and gain a foothold in the soil. He has almost six months to do this. You can overcome the effects of the dry period by timely watering. Summer residents can fight diseases and pests by monitoring cherries all summer.
In addition to growing roots, the seedling must ensure the growth of branches and leaves, which requires a lot of effort from it. Young plants are often attacked by pests that prefer immature, juicy young growth. Summer residents need to constantly monitor the condition of the seedling - protect it from insects, prevent it from drying out and slowing down the growing season.
The autumn selection of seedlings is always greater; many gardeners purchase cherries at this time, plant them in drops, and plant them in the spring.
Site selection
Heat-loving cherries require a lot of sun and light. It is important to provide it with illumination by choosing a convenient area. Location requirements:
- sunny area - south or west side;
- no stagnation of water, low groundwater flow - 2 meters or more;
- high place without accumulation of fog.
Drafts and cold winds slow down growth; cherries without sun become sour, less juicy and aromatic. It is important to remember that the crown needs ventilation to protect it from rot and harmful insects, so the tree should not be planted in closed corners.
Let us also note the pleasant neighborhood for cherries - cherries, plums, pollinating cherries. It is not recommended to grow apple trees, pears, gooseberries, and raspberries near Regina.
Pit preparation
Time frame for preparing a planting pit for cherries:
- for spring - autumn;
- for autumn planting - 2-3 weeks.
A hole 60-70 centimeters deep and 100 centimeters wide is prepared for the seedling. The upper part of the removed soil is set aside and a soil mixture is prepared from it. The composition of the mixture is soil, humus (2 buckets), complex (phosphorus, potassium) mineral fertilizer, ash.
The prepared soil is poured into a heap at the bottom of the hole, and the future support for the cherries is strengthened in it.
Before planting, the roots of Regina's seedlings are cut off and placed in water mixed with growth stimulants (Zircon, Kornevin).
The seedling is placed on a mound in a hole so that the grafting site remains above the soil surface. The earth is added in layers and carefully compacted so that no voids form. Having filled the hole halfway, pour in 5-10 liters of water and wait for it to settle.
Fill the hole completely, compact the earth, form a circle and pour in 2 buckets of water. The surface of the root circle is mulched.
Almost the only drawback of Regina is the obligatory planting of pollinators near the tree. The main difficulty is that we need certain varieties that bloom at the same time. The following varieties of cherries and sour cherries are recommended.
Please note that there is no need to plant a tree on purpose. The neighbors have a growing suitable crop close enough. They also use the recommended variety to graft onto Regina or any neighboring tree.
Schneider late
Cherry is one of Regina's parents. A very high-yielding variety, the fruits are quite sour.
A well-known pollinator of many varieties. The taste of Sam fruits is slightly bitter. Does not crack in any weather.
Donetsk beauty
An excellent variety with red-pink fruit pulp, cherries - up to 7 grams, sweet and juicy.
The tree grows almost without side shoots. Winter insulation is required for many regions. The fruits are sweet and large.
The variety is very productive, the trees are tall, the crown is thick. The fruits are sweet, juicy, up to 6 grams. The bone does not come off.
The fruits are slightly flattened, weight up to 8 grams. The color of the fruit is carmine.
Not a winter-hardy cherry variety; it grows well only in warm regions. The berries are juicy, with a pronounced aroma, and remain on the tree for a long time.
Regina is planted at a distance of 3 meters for pollination.
Large fruits are very dark in color, juicy, cone-shaped. Hard, dense bark protects the tree from fungal diseases.
Coral, Lotovka
Cherry Coral blooms late and is short in stature. The pulp is sweet, juicy with a wine flavor. Lotovka (Lutovka) is a cherry variety, practically not used fresh, intended for processing.
The cherry variety shows good yield results only in warm regions. Does not have high winter hardiness.
A variety of cherries with very dense red pulp, fruit size – up to 10 grams.
A tree with a powerful crown will take up a lot of space on the site. Fruits - up to 10 grams with light red, slightly sour, aromatic pulp.
Secrets of care
Proper care not only increases yield, but also improves the taste and size of the fruit, making them sweeter and juicier.
Regina cherry is not drought-resistant and requires regular watering. Their scheme is adjusted depending on humidity and precipitation. During wet summers, reduce the frequency and prevent water from stagnating.
The following standards are recommended:
- young tree – 30 liters once a month;
- adult, fruiting – 50-60 liters at least 3 times per season.
The first watering is carried out during the opening of the buds, then according to the scheme. It is important to adjust the timing and amount of water depending on the weather conditions. During dry summers, watering is increased and the soil in the circle is mulched to retain moisture for the roots.
3 weeks before harvesting, stop watering to prevent the fruits from cracking and becoming sour.
It is important to loosen the soil and destroy weeds in time; cherries do not like them. To avoid damaging the roots, use a fork or a hand cultivator for loosening.
Top dressing
During the first year, Regina feeds on fertilizers applied during planting and does not need additional feeding. Nitrogen fertilizers are applied in small doses (120 grams per circle) in the second year. Urea will ensure the growth of green mass and enhanced vegetation.
From the 3rd year, regular feeding begins:
- humus - once every 2-3 years;
- superphosphate and potassium salt - annually, in the spring.
The trunk circle increases as the crown grows (by 50 centimeters per year). Fertilizers are applied dryly, by digging along the edge of the circle, or in the form of a solution with watering. Sweet cherries love feeding with ash and dolomite flour.
At a young age, all improperly growing young shoots are removed from the cherry tree. Damaged, broken branches are cut out throughout their life. The crown should not be thickened; this leads to loss of fruit quality.
The top is of decisive importance; its condition is especially monitored. When stronger branches appear, the main conductor is replaced to avoid competition. Old branches (7-8 years old) are shortened, rejuvenating the cherries and stimulating the growth of young shoots.
Preparing for winter
Regina's frost resistance protects the tree from low temperatures. A young cherry seedling, especially one planted in the spring, needs autumn preparation for cold weather. Main stages of pre-winter preparation:
- Remove old mulch. The trunk is cleaned of damaged bark and whitened with lime.
- The soil in the circle is dug deeply and the cherries are watered.
- Fertilizers are applied 2 weeks before the actual cold snap.
- The soil around the cherries is covered with a layer of mulch of 20 centimeters.
- The trunk of young seedlings is insulated with burlap.
- Protection against rodents is provided by a mesh or spruce branches.
If there is not enough snow, add it manually.
Important: the trunk can only be covered with breathable materials in winter; film should not be used.
Prevention from diseases and pests
Regina cherries are well genetically protected from fungal diseases, but with high humidity and lack of ventilation they can suffer from rot and viral infections.
Gray rot is a fungal infection that often affects fruits in wet summers. Diseased cherries should be removed from the tree, collected from the ground and disposed of. The disease is expressed in fruit rotting and monilial burn (damage to parts of the trunk).
For treatment, biological products (Fitosporin, Fitolavin) and chemicals (Topsin M, iron sulfate, Kuprozan) are used.
This is the name for gum leakage - the flow of juice caused by unfavorable conditions. For treatment, removal of congealed juice and treatment with copper sulfate are used.
Mosaic disease
Viral disease affecting cherry leaves. Yellow stripes appear on the plates along the veins, they curl and fall off. A viral disease cannot be treated. The tree is most often uprooted and destroyed.
Gypsy moth
The pest feeds on any plants and can penetrate cherries from a neighboring forest and completely ruin all plantings. In the fall, they inspect the cherries and pick off all the clutches of eggs. Treatment with insecticides – Chlorophos, Metaphos.
Black aphid
Small insects settle on the lower part of the foliage and in the forks of the trunk. The foliage becomes sticky and covered with a coating on which dust settles. They use Spark to fight, Commander. It is especially important to fight ants, with which aphids share common vital interests.
Cherry pipe maker
Adult beetles eat ovaries and leaves, the larvae penetrate the seeds and destroy the fruit.The taste qualities of even surviving fruits are lost. It is important to treat cherries with insecticides (Aktara) on time - 4-6 days after flowering, then after another 10 days.
Cherry sawfly
Caterpillars of small insects devour foliage and ovaries. Capable of stripping cherries down to the trunk. They use insecticides - Karbofos, Actellik.
Crown formation
The first time cherry trees are pruned is after spring planting. If Regina is planted in winter, pruning is left until spring. A sparse, tiered, sparse crown is formed. Basic Rules:
- number of branches – 5-10;
- lower branches – 50-60 centimeters from the ground, all small shoots below are removed;
- the distance between tiers is 50-60 centimeters;
- the tier consists of 3 branches;
- at a height of 3.5-4, the growth of cherries is stopped.
It takes 4-5 years to form the crown. Later, the tree is thinned out, old branches are removed, and space is given for young ones to grow.
Treatment in spring
With the arrival of spring, the insulation is removed and the cherry trees are pruned. It is important to remove damaged branches. The pruning areas are coated with copper sulfate and pitch. Until the buds come to life, the cherries are sprayed for protective purposes with urea or other drugs (Nitrophen) against pests and diseases.
Harvest and storage
Cherry fruits are removed from the stalk, especially if they are left for storage. There is no need to quickly harvest the entire crop. Cherries hang on the tree for up to 2 weeks without loss of quality or cracking. It is better to eat freshly picked fruits.
The cherries are cut with scissors or pruning shears and placed in small boxes in 2-3 layers. Store in the refrigerator.
The quality of the fruit, unpretentiousness and good winter hardiness of Regina are advantages that are noted by all amateur gardeners and farm owners.Cherries lie and remain on the tree for a long time, delighting with a long period of fresh consumption. You can make delicious preparations for the winter from the fruits.
The main difficulty is choosing and planting a pollinator that is suitable for flowering time. When solving this problem, growing Regina does not cause any other problems.
Regina cherry is a wonderful variety that allows you to get tasty fruits even in not the warmest regions. The variety is gradually becoming beloved and popular among summer residents. The southern guest is gaining a place in summer cottages, delighting with dark, fleshy fruits and a long fruiting period.