Description and characteristics of the Melitopol cherry variety, subtleties of cultivation

The Melitopol variety of cherries is especially popular not only among amateurs, but also among professional farmers. The variety produces high yields of fruits with excellent presentation and excellent taste. The harvest can be harvested by machine, which is a significant advantage for gardening farms. The tree is suitable for growing in warm southern climates and does not tolerate harsh winters.

How the variety was bred

This variety was obtained thanks to the work of Ukrainian breeders from the city of Melitopol. It is to this place that the cherry tree owes its name. A feature of these climatic conditions is a long, dry summer and little snow in the winter. The resulting plant is best adapted to such conditions.

Today there are 3 varieties of Melitopol cherries known:

  • black (registered 1969), obtained by pollinating the French black variety;
  • early (registered in 1976), bred by crossing the Franz Joseph and Early Mark varieties;
  • red (registered in 1996).

These varieties differ not only in the external characteristics of the fruits, but also in the timing of their ripening. For the first time, a famous breeder from the Institute began working on obtaining this variety. M. F. Sidorenko UAAN M. T. Oratovsky.

Photo and description

A detailed description of the variety and photos make it possible to distinguish Melitopol cherries from other species by characteristic features. It is precisely this that residents of the southern regions most often settle in their garden plots to obtain a harvest of healthy berries.

Chereshnz Melitopolskaya

general description

Large-fruited cherry - the dream of any gardener.If at the same time it does not require much attention and shows sufficient resistance to diseases, then there will not be much trouble with cultivation. Black Melitopol is exactly the variety that thanks for minimal care with a generous harvest.


Melitopol cherries have significant advantages, thanks to which they remain a favorite among gardeners for a long time. These include:

  • increased drought resistance;
  • frost resistance;
  • high yield rates;
  • excellent taste of fruits;
  • good product characteristics;
  • high resistance to diseases;
  • low susceptibility to the negative effects of pests.

beautiful fruit


Despite its great advantages, Melitopol cherries are not without some disadvantages:

  • self-sterile tree;
  • unsuitability for cultivation in harsh climates;
  • when the temperature drops greatly in winter, flower buds die;
  • During return frosts in the spring, most of the pistils are destroyed.


Melitopol cherries form small cone-shaped buds that do not tolerate return spring frosts.

Leaf and flower

The Melitopol leaf blade is large, with pointed ends and characteristic jagged edges, rich green in color.

The cherry blossom period occurs at the end of May. The petals are snow-white, open wide. The flowers themselves have a strong, pleasant aroma.

self-sterile tree


Melitopol fruits are valued not only for their excellent taste, but also for their excellent commercial qualities, large size, and universal use.


Ripe cherries weigh about 8 g, but larger specimens are also found.


The height of the Melitopol berry reaches 2.7 cm.


The width of the fruit ranges from 2.5 to 3 cm.


The wall thickness of cherry fruits is large; the pit occupies less than 5% of the total volume.

Wall thickness


When ripe, the flesh of Melitopolskaya acquires a beautiful dark red color, and its skin becomes red-black with a glossy sheen.


The stalk of this cherry variety is medium in size and divided into 2-3 glands.


The Melitopol seed is small, occupies about 4.5% of the total volume of the fruit, and has a beige color.

general characteristics

Melitopolskaya is a variety with an average harvest ripening period. The fruits begin to be harvested in mid-June. Also, to obtain a bountiful harvest, it is necessary to plant pollinating varieties nearby. The first fruits are enjoyed 5 years after the seedling is planted in the garden.

Taste qualities

Melitopolskaya has excellent taste. The fruits have the perfect balance of sweetness and acidity. Tasters rate their merits at 4.9 points.

taste qualities

Nutrient content

The Melitopol variety of cherries is a real storehouse of vitamins and nutrients. It contains:

  • zinc;
  • copper;
  • manganese;
  • cobalt;
  • iron;
  • phosphorus;
  • magnesium.

The predominant vitamins in cherries are B1, B2, B6, B9, A, E, P and, of course, vitamin C.

Tree height and growth rate

The Melitopolskaya tree grows very quickly and rapidly, but its height does not exceed 3 m, which allows harvesting without special equipment.

Flowering and ripening period

Melitopol cherry blossoms begin in mid-May, and the harvest ripens in the second half of June. The fruits ripen together, almost simultaneously.

fruit ripening


An adult cherry tree of the Melitopol variety, subject to the conditions of agricultural technology and proper shaping, can produce up to 80 kg of high-quality ripe fruit.


Dense pulp and skin make cherries suitable for transportation over long distances without loss of commercial qualities.

Drought resistance

Melitopolskaya is a drought-resistant variety and can easily tolerate prolonged absence of moisture.

Frost resistance

Cherry of this variety has good frost resistance. In winter, it can withstand temperatures as low as -25 °C.

Disease resistance

Melitopol has increased resistance to moniliosis and gray rot. It is affected by fungal infections only in conditions of high humidity and in the absence of preventive treatments. But the plant needs mandatory prevention against coccomycosis.

disease resistance

The most common pests that attack cherries are:

  • cherry fly;
  • caterpillar;
  • aphid;
  • kidney weevil;
  • sawfly.

Application of fruits

Melitopol fruits are suitable not only for fresh consumption, but also for all types of processing:

  • making homemade wine;
  • making jam and compotes;
  • juicing;
  • freezing;
  • drying.

fruit weighing

Basic soil requirements

Melitopol cherries should be grown on fertile loamy, sandy loam soil with good air permeability. If the land does not meet these requirements or is very heavy, then measures are taken in advance to improve its characteristics.

Landing Features

The quality and quantity of the future cherry harvest largely depends on the correct choice of planting material and compliance with planting rules, so this procedure must be taken responsibly.

Selection of seedlings

The choice of seedling is the key to success in obtaining tasty and healthy berries. There are a number of requirements for young plants in order for them to develop normally and be healthy.

selection of seedlings

Root system

A seedling with a closed root system can be planted on the site during the entire growing season by transferring it from the pot into the ground. But cherries with an open root system should be planted only before the buds begin to bloom. The roots must be well developed and show no signs of disease, rot, mold or mechanical damage.


A cherry seedling suitable for planting must have a trunk thickness of 15-17 mm. The bark is not allowed to have stains, deep scratches, or other visible deformations.


Melitopol cherries take root best if the tree is 1-2 years old at the time of planting.

Tree age

Availability of vaccinations

The varietal characteristics of the plant largely depend on the grafting, as well as on what rootstock was used to grow the planting material. At the young cherry grafting site It is still clearly visible, so you must definitely pay attention to this and check with the seller what rootstock was used in this case.

Choosing a landing time

Melitopol cherries with an open root system are planted at a time when they are still dormant and the buds have not begun to bloom. In spring, this time is the end of March - the first half of April, and in the fall, work is carried out immediately after the end of leaf fall. Before the onset of cold weather, the seedling must have time to take root well.

Site selection

Melitopol cherries are planted in well-lit areas. It is advisable to set aside a place for this on the south side of the garden, which will be reliably protected from drafts and strong winds. There should be no stagnation of excess rain or melt water.

plant on the site

Pit preparation

The pit for planting a seedling should be prepared in advance. If planting is planned for spring, then preparations begin in the fall. A mixture of humus or compost with the top fertile layer of soil is added to the bottom in a 1:1 ratio. If necessary, other sparingly soluble fertilizers (for example, superphosphate) are added there. If the site is dominated by acidic soil, then it would be advisable to add dolomite flour in small quantities.

The depth of the planting hole is about 0.6 m, and its width is 0.8 m. The distance to neighboring trees or shrubs is left at least 4-4.5 m.


Before planting, the cherry seedling is immersed with its root system in water with a root formation stimulator diluted in it for a couple of hours. After this, the main stem is cut off at a height of 0.6 m. In the planting hole, the soil at the bottom is formed in the form of a small mound, on which the tree is carefully placed and its roots are straightened. A peg for garter is driven in nearby and the hole is filled with nutritious soil mixture. The root collar should be above the ground level, and the grafting site should be slightly higher.

The soil around the Melitopol cherry is compacted, watered abundantly and mulched with hay or mown grass.

tree planting


Melitopolskaya is a self-sterile variety and requires mandatory planting nearby of trees of another variety with similar flowering periods. Only in this case will it be possible to get a generous harvest from it.

Ruby early

A fast-growing tree with a spherical crown. A variety with early ripening. The cherries are small in size and dark red in color. The pulp is juicy, tasty, meaty.Ruby early has increased resistance to common diseases, produces abundant harvests, is drought-resistant, and tolerates low temperatures in winter. The taste qualities of cherries are rated by tasters as dessert. The harvest is suitable for transportation.

Ruby early


Cherry with a very early ripening period and high yields. The fruits are suitable for transportation over long distances, which makes Skorospelka profitable for growing for commercial purposes. The crown is not prone to thickening, which makes pollination effective, and ripening cherries receive a sufficient amount of sunlight. The variety is drought-resistant, withstands winter temperature drops, and has good immunity to diseases. A minor drawback is that it is demanding on the soil.

Valery Chkalov

One of the time-tested varieties that has not lost its popularity among connoisseurs of delicious fruits. Cherry is cold-resistant, drought-resistant, with good immunity to diseases. Chkalov belongs to the early varieties and pleases with a bountiful harvest already in mid-June. The maximum height of the tree reaches 6 m. When ripe, the cherries become dark red, heart-shaped, weighing up to 8 g each. Their taste is sweet, with a slight sourness.

Valery Chkalov

Secrets of care

To get a good harvest, it is important not only to plant a tree, but also to be able to properly care for it.


A young cherry seedling requires that the soil around it be constantly moist. This can be achieved through regular watering. An adult tree especially needs watering during the following periods:

  • budding;
  • formation of ovaries;
  • before the onset of frost;
  • during periods of drought.

Water is poured into the irrigation furrow, which should be done in advance. Its size corresponds to the crown radius.

water required

Top dressing

Immediately after planting, Melitopol cherries do not need fertilizing. Fertilizers are applied for the first time after the tree begins to bear fruit. In the spring, you will need to incorporate urea into the soil, and in the fall, use urea and potassium. Before the onset of cold weather, a layer of organic matter is poured into the tree trunk circle: compost or humus. In areas with acidic soil, a small amount of lime or dolomite flour is applied every 5 years..

Pruning using the Spanish bush method

Since Soviet times, the following method of growing a tree has been used: the crown of the cherry tree is formed according to the principle of a sparse layer: a tree with one main trunk up to 7 m high. However, over the years, fruiting worsened, the berries were set almost at the very top and it was problematic to collect them. Modern technologies make it possible to restrain the growth of green mass and direct the forces of Melitopol cherries to the formation of ovaries.

When the crown is formed using the popular Spanish bush type method, the height of the plant does not exceed 3 m, and harvesting is carried out without special equipment.

tool trimming

In the first year, the seedling is pruned at a height of a maximum of 0.7 m. Over the summer, side branches will grow on it. Of these, the 4 strongest are left, growing in different directions upward, and the rest are pinched. As soon as the length of the remaining main branches reaches 0.5 m, they are cut off at the same level. The tops that grow after such pruning of cherries should be regularly cut out.

In the second year, all main shoots of the second order are shortened to 0.3 m so that they are at the same level. In mid-summer, third-order growths should already reach a height of 0.5 m.They are pulled to a horizontal position with the help of weights, and the remaining young shoots are cut to a length of 0.3 m. In the third and subsequent years, the cherries will already be formed. You will only need to periodically shorten the branches that extend beyond the crown and do a little thinning.

man by the tree

Prevention from birds

To prevent Melitopol cherries from becoming a delicacy for birds, by the time the fruits ripen, a small fishing net or other similar material is thrown over it. If the tree is small, then a frame is first built for these purposes.

Harvest and storage

Melitopol cherries are harvested in mid-June. The work is carried out both manually and using mechanized means. Fruits can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 14 days. The harvested crop is consumed fresh or used for any type of processing or harvesting. It is noteworthy that after freezing the cherries do not flow and retain their shape well.

fruit expert


During the existence of the variety, many gardeners have personally tried Melitopol cherries, growing them in their own gardens. Of course they are willing to share feedback.

Marina Eduardovna: “After studying reviews on the Internet, I decided to purchase two varieties of cherries for the garden: Melitopol and Valery Chkalov. We had to wait a long time for the harvest. When they managed to collect the first fruits, the whole family was very happy: the cherries grew unusually large, sweet and beautiful to look at. There was no big hassle with leaving. We limited ourselves to molding the crown, applying fertilizers and systematic watering. They did not treat for diseases, so as not to once again pollute the land with chemicals. But I planted flowers with a strong aroma around the perimeter to repel pests.”

tree formed

Nikolai Grigorievich: “I’ve been growing Melitopol for a long time. There was no need to plant a pollinator, because two varieties of cherries grow on the neighboring plot. I would like to note that in our gardening community there are problems with water supply, so it is not possible to water the garden regularly. But even in such difficult conditions, the tree produces a stable harvest of fruit every year. We eat part of the harvest fresh, and from the rest we make small preparations for the winter.”

Nina Sergeevna: “I planted Melitopolskaya on the advice of friends. After 4 years, the tree produced its first harvest. The soil on my site is depleted, so I constantly have to apply fertilizers and feed the cherries. If this is not done in time, the fruits become smaller and the plant sheds some of the ovaries. Over the course of several years, I have already gotten used to this regime and try to feed on time. The variety suits me: the harvest is enough not only to provide a family of 3 people with fresh cherries, but also to make preparations.”
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