Description of the variety and characteristics of Raditsa cherries, cultivation and care

Fans of large, tasty and juicy fruits will love Raditz cherries. The description of this variety suggests that the tree is capricious and has a hard time withstanding the winter, but the quality and quantity of the harvest completely compensate for all the shortcomings. Experts recommend growing cherries in the Central region; they are not suitable for harsher climates.

How the variety was bred

Breeders from the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Lupin worked on the development of Raditz cherries. The credit for obtaining a new variety belongs to M.V. Kanshina, who crossed Kommunarka and Leningradskaya black, beloved by gardeners. In 2001, Raditsa was entered into the State Register and recommended for planting in the Central region.

Photo and description

The description of the Raditsa variety allows us to highlight the characteristic features inherent in this particular cherry and making it possible to distinguish it from other similar varieties.

general description

The variety is mid-season, very productive. The tree grows rapidly, quickly gains height and reaches 4 m in height. The crown is oval, not very thick, well leafy. The fruits are red, tasty, with excellent commercial characteristics.


The cherry bud is of a generative type, large in size, and shaped like a cone. She is strongly discouraged from escaping.

Cherry buds

Leaf and flower

Raditsa's leaf has an obovate shape and is slightly elongated. Its color is bright green, jagged edges are clearly visible, and the base is rounded. The inflorescence contains 3 separate flowers with snow-white petals. The anthers and stigma of the pistil are at the same level, the calyx is goblet-shaped.


The Raditsa cherry is famous for its fruits, for which both amateurs and professionals plant it in their gardens.


Depending on the growing conditions, the weight of the Raditsa fruit is 4.6-5.7 g.


The height of the cherry fruit is 2.5-3 cm.

Cherry leaves


The width of the Raditz berry reaches 2.5-2.8 cm.


Of the total volume of cherries, the pit accounts for only 5.2%, which is why the berry is fleshy, with a thick layer of pulp.


When ripe, the flesh of the fruit acquires a dark scarlet color, and the skin becomes red-black.


Raditsa's peduncle is small, pigmented, and divided into 3 glands.

Ripe cherries


The seed is small, beige in color, and occupies a little more than 5% of the total volume of the fruit.

general characteristics

Raditsa is a mid-season, high-yielding variety with fruits of universal use. The harvest is distinguished not only by high taste, but also by commercial characteristics. Cherries contain:

  • sugar - 11.2%;
  • acid - 0.4%;
  • dry matter - 16.1%.

For every 100 g of product there is approximately 13.5 mg of ascorbic acid. The fruits are not prone to cracking.

Taste qualities

The cherries taste sweet; tasters rated their quality at 4.5 points.

Variety Raditsa

Nutrient content

Cherry fruits contain a large number of useful substances:

  • vitamin C;
  • thiamine;
  • vitamin A;
  • B vitamins;
  • calcium;
  • iron;
  • phosphorus;
  • zinc;
  • potassium;
  • beta-carotene.

Tree height and growth rate

Raditsa grows quickly and rapidly. The maximum height of an adult tree reaches 4 m.

Flowering and ripening period

Cherries begin to bear fruit 4 years after the seedling is planted in the garden. Fruit ripening occurs simultaneously.Flowering begins in the first half of May, and the harvest ripens by mid-June.


Raditsa is considered a high-yielding variety, yielding about 60 centners of ripe cherries from each hectare of plantings.

Ripe cherries


The medium-density pulp provides the fruit with good transportability.

Drought resistance

The variety is not considered drought-resistant and requires regular watering. At the same time, the tree does not tolerate stagnant moisture.

Frost resistance

Raditsa cherry is a frost-resistant variety that can withstand winter temperatures down to -29 °C. If this indicator is exceeded, the tree freezes by 1.5 points. In the event of spring return frosts, the yield is reduced by 56%.

Resistance to coccomycosis, moniliosis, clasterosporiasis

Raditsa has increased resistance to coccomycosis and moniliosis, as well as average immunity to klyasterosporiosis.

Branch with leaves

Application of fruits

Cherries are suitable for fresh consumption, as well as various types of processing:

  • preparing tincture;
  • making homemade wine;
  • preparation of compotes;
  • making jam;
  • making jam;
  • making jelly;
  • conservation;
  • freezing;
  • drying.

Basic soil requirements

Raditsa cherry prefers light, fertile loamy or sandy loam soil with good air permeability for planting. This variety cannot be planted in areas where clay, sand or peat predominate. The groundwater level should not approach the surface more than 2 m.

Preferred climate

Raditsa is excellent for cultivation in temperate climates. The tree also feels good in the gardens of the Moscow region.

How to choose a seedling

A real Raditz seedling should have a noticeable grafting site, which indicates that the plant is truly a varietal plant. The cherry tree chosen for planting has a main trunk thickness of about 17 cm.

Raditz Sapling

Preference should be given to a seedling 1-2 years old, which has at least 3-4 branches about 0.4 m long. A tree with two trunks can easily break under the weight of the harvest. The root system should not be too dry. Cherries are selected without mechanical damage, broken shoots or signs of disease.

Planting dates and scheme

Raditsa cherry trees are planned to be planted in the spring. The work is carried out before the buds begin to bloom on the seedlings, that is, almost immediately after the snow begins to melt. The distance between neighboring fruit trees or shrubs and planted cherries is left about 4 m.

Before planting, the roots of the cherries are dipped in root stimulator for 10 hours, after which the damaged roots are carefully trimmed. A wooden peg is driven into the prepared planting hole, the tree is installed and the root system is carefully straightened, after which the hole is filled with earth. The root collar must protrude 4 cm above the soil surface.

Branch with berries

Pit preparation

They begin to prepare a planting hole for cherries in the fall. During this period, the necessary fertilizers, in particular superphosphate, are applied so that they have time to dissolve before spring.

It is recommended to add a little lime or dolomite flour to acidic soil, and then dig up the area. After 14 days, dig a hole about 0.8 m wide and at least 0.5 m deep. A couple of buckets of compost or humus are added to the top fertile layer of soil, and in the spring another 1 kg of wood ash is added.From the resulting mixture a tubercle is formed at the bottom of the planting hole.

You should not be too zealous with fertilizers so that the cherries do not produce excessive growth of branches, which will not have time to ripen during the season and will die in the winter.


To obtain a high-quality and abundant harvest, Raditsa cherries require proper care and compliance with agrotechnical conditions.

Feeding and watering

Sweet cherries need fertilizing only 2 years after planting. Until this period, it has enough nutrients and fertilizers that were added to the soil during planting. At the beginning of spring, nitrogen is applied to the tree, and with the beginning of autumn, they begin to prepare it for wintering. For this purpose, superphosphate is incorporated into the soil.

Cherry fruits

To ensure good yield, Raditsa is fed with green fertilizers. Lupine, vetch or sainfoin are best suited for these purposes. They are sown in the circle of cherry trees at the beginning of summer. It is advisable to plant nearby vegetation that attracts bees for pollination. With the onset of autumn, the entire green cover is mowed down and embedded in the soil to rot and obtain fertilizer.

Raditsa cherry is not a drought-resistant crop and therefore requires regular watering. The seedlings are watered a couple of times a month. Before the onset of cold weather, the soil in the circle around the trunk is thoroughly watered again so that the root system does not freeze.

An adult tree is irrigated 4 times during the growing season. In autumn, the tree needs weekly watering. If flowering occurs during a dry period, more moisture will be required.

Weeding and loosening

Immediately after planting, weeds are regularly removed around the cherry tree. After each watering or heavy rainfall, it is necessary to loosen the soil and renew the layer of mulch.

Crown formation

When forming the crown of the Raditz cherry, it is taken into account that the trunk should rise 20 cm above the skeletal branches. With the onset of spring, all annual shoots are removed. There should be 3 skeletal branches in the lower tier. At a height of 0.7 m from it, the next tier is formed from 3 more shoots. When the cherry tree reaches an age of more than 5 years, it will only need sanitary pruning, which involves removing frozen or damaged shoots.

Cherry pruning


Raditsa is a self-sterile variety and requires mandatory planting of pollinators nearby. Therefore, experienced gardeners advise planting several more varieties nearby:

  • Revna;
  • Tyutchevka;
  • Here we go.

It is also possible to plant early-blooming cherries near Raditsa, which can also serve as pollinators.

Prevention of diseases and pests

Despite the increased resistance to disease, Raditz cherries require timely preventive measures against certain pathogens and pests that can harm the plant.


As a preventive measure, as well as to combat aphid infestations, it is recommended to spray cherries with Confidor. The first time it is used until the buds begin to bloom, and then after 14 days. To make the product stick to the wood better, it is recommended to add a little soap solution to it.

Confidor extra

Tobacco dust solution for parasites

To combat aphids, an aqueous solution of tobacco dust is also effectively used in early spring. Due to the fact that there is almost no foliage on the trees during this period, it is also recommended to add a little soap to it to enhance adhesion to the branches.

Cherry fly traps

The cherry fly causes a lot of trouble, so special yellow-colored traps are effectively used to combat it. Hang them until the flower buds begin to bloom. You can purchase such a device at a gardening store.

"Nitrafen" for moths

To combat moths, gardeners use the drug Nitrafen, which is sold in specialized stores. It is diluted according to the attached instructions, and the treatment is carried out before the buds begin to swell.

Nitrafen for moths

Bird net

In order to protect the crop from bird invasion during the formation of ovaries and ripening fruits, gardeners throw a fine fishing net or mesh material specially purchased for this purpose over the cherries.

Treatment in spring

With the onset of spring warmth, Raditsa cherries require preventive treatments and measures. In particular, the tree trunk must be whitened with a mixture prepared from clay, lime and water. Also at this time of year, spraying is carried out with the drug “Inta-Vir”, as well as “Carbamide”, diluting 300 g of the purchased powder in a bucket of water.

Preparing for winter

With the onset of the first frost, the Raditz cherry seedling must be covered. First, a frame is built around it, and then agrofibre or spunbond is thrown over it. At the bottom, the material is pressed down with stones or bricks. With the onset of spring warmth, the shelter is immediately removed so that the cherries do not rot.

Cherry pruning

Sanitary Raditsa cherry pruning is done in the spring, before the buds begin to bloom. At this time, all damaged shoots are removed from the tree, as well as those that did not survive the winter and were frozen. It is also necessary to cut out shoots growing inside the crown.

Cherry pruning


Cherry variety Raditsa reproduces in three main ways:

  • vaccinations;
  • seeds;
  • cuttings.

Experienced gardeners claim that the most effective method is grafting. To implement it, you will need a cutting and a ready-grown rootstock. It is preferable to cut cuttings in the fall and store them in a cool place. As a rootstock I use root shoots, as well as seedlings of any variety. To improve survival rate, the scion and rootstock are selected to be of the same diameter at the cutting site.

To propagate cherries using cuttings, planting material is prepared, which is twigs with growth buds about 0.3 m long. They are placed in a root formation stimulator for 12 hours and planted in a previously prepared greenhouse.

Further care consists of constant watering and maintaining the temperature at +25 °C.

Cherries are propagated by seeds only for the sake of growing a high-quality rootstock. In this way it is impossible to obtain a tree with the same characteristics as the mother plant. Very often the fruits of such plants turn out to be inedible and unattractive. But the grown rootstock will be compatible with any other variety.


Experienced gardeners have already accumulated some experience in growing and caring for Raditz cherries. Some of their recommendations turn out to be very valuable.

Ripe cherries


In order for the cherry yield to be at a high level, another pollinating variety must grow nearby. Otherwise, you won’t be able to wait for a rich harvest. The tree loves soil with a low acidity level, so care should be taken to deoxidize the soil and add a small amount of lime to it. Don’t forget about timely feeding. With a lack or excess of nutrients, cherries can shed some of their ovaries.

Additional watering

During the period of flowering and fruit formation, the tree needs additional watering. They should be stopped as soon as the cherries begin to ripen. Otherwise, the crop may crack and spoil right on the tree. If the autumn was dry, then additional irrigation will also be needed at this time so that the plant survives the winter well.

Cherry pruning

To increase the yield of cherries, it is also recommended to pinch the ends of young shoots as soon as they reach a length of 0.6 m. This technique will make the crown thicker and provoke the formation of a large number of fruit buds.


During the existence of the Raditsa cherry variety, gardeners learned from their own experience about all its advantages and disadvantages. They share their impressions with colleagues.

Natalya Mikhailovna: “I have been choosing cherries for my garden for a long time and considered several options. Raditsa attracted attention because the varietal characteristics promised good fruit taste and early ripening. Together with it, I purchased another variety with a similar flowering period for pollination. I must admit that I received the harvest quite early. In the conditions of the Moscow region, the family enjoyed red cherries already in mid-June. We managed to remove 6 buckets of harvest from a mature tree. The berries had an excellent taste and grew dense and juicy. We even managed to make some small preparations for the winter.”

Vitaly Anatolyevich: “I chose Raditsa for my garden on the advice of friends. I didn’t need a pollinator because my neighbors have a tree with similar flowering times growing behind the fence. The seedling began to bear fruit 4 years after planting. Now the plant is already mature and produces stable high yields.Due to its high resistance to diseases, there is no need for constant chemical treatments. Under the tree, the wife plants various flowers with a pungent smell to repel pests. There are enough cherries not only to provide for a family of 4 people during the ripening period, but also for preparing a small amount of preserves and freezing for the winter.”

Angelina Dmitrievna: “The radish remained on my site from the previous owners along with the pollinator. Our family liked the variety, so we didn’t uproot it. Every spring the tree pleases with lush blossoms, and with the beginning of summer you can pamper yourself with fresh, delicious fruits. We don’t make any preparations for the winter; we treat our friends and acquaintances with surplus cherries. We don’t have enough time for care, so we limit ourselves to watering and seasonal fertilization, and also carry out sanitary pruning in the spring. We carry out treatment against diseases and pests once, as soon as it gets warm. We use with Inta-Vir».

Alexandra Nikolaevna: “Raditsa purchased the cherry at the fair, paying attention to its varietal characteristics. However, at that time I did not attach any importance to the fact that the tree necessarily needs a pollinator variety. When the seedling grew up and the time came to bear fruit, almost no fruit was produced, although the flowering was abundant. Frustrated, I wanted to remove the tree from my garden. However, a friend helped with advice.

As it turns out, she has also been growing the same variety for a long time and produces abundant harvests. Only a friend grows several varieties of cherries at once, and there are several cherries in the garden. They are the ones who serve as pollinators for Raditz. After listening to the advice, I decided to give my tree a second chance and planted another cherry and early cherry nearby.A few years later, the tree was rehabilitated in my eyes and pleased me with a rich harvest of beautiful cherries with excellent taste, which both adults and children enjoyed.”
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