Rating, description and reviews of the manufacturer agricultural company "KWS AG"

The longer a company is on the world market, the more trust it has. Especially if customers respond positively to her. The agricultural company KWS AG has established itself as a responsible seed producer. They are responsible for the quality of planting material and varietal compliance. Having been on the world market for 160 years, they are exceptional. Since they are only engaged in the production of seeds. No one even judges or argues about the height of quality.

History of the company's development

The agricultural company developed together with sugar beets. This is the main focus of the company.

Agricultural company KWS AG

It was founded in 1856.in Klein-Wanzleben near Magdeburg. Then, gradually developing and opening subsidiaries, in 1900 they opened an enterprise in Ukraine.

Since 1920, breeding work began to develop new varieties of grains, potatoes and fodder beets. After the war they resumed their work in the city of Einbeck. The assortment expanded; they began to produce varieties of corn, leguminous and oilseed crops.

Since 1961, subsidiaries began to open throughout Europe. Breeding developments continued. They developed at a rapid pace, which was influenced by cooperation with other companies.

gradually developing

In 1972, a laboratory for cell biology research was opened. And then our own institute “Planta Applied Plant Genetics and Biotechnology GmbH”.

In 2008, the company opened an experimental station in Doctorovo. It conducts research activities exclusively in the regions of Russia.

Over the years, the company's income increased significantly, which made it possible to finance the opening of new enterprises outside the continent and the conduct of breeding work.

Gradually developing, the company opened its enterprises in 70 countries. The company employs 5,000 thousand people. And they trust her much more.

businesses started

Production range

Over more than 160 years of production, the company has developed many varieties and hybrids of crops. They are purchased for mass planting and cultivation for processing. The company produces seeds:

brought out a lot

  • sugar beets;
  • potatoes;
  • rapeseed;
  • sorghum;
  • sunflower;
  • grains (rye, barley, wheat);
  • corn.

In addition, the company sells plant nutrition and fertilizers. The seeds germinate thanks to special treatment.The coating mass contains components that help speed up germination and increase germination.

fertilizers for plants

The recipe was developed by KWS AG, but there are no clear standards for the components included in its composition. The important thing is that each batch has its own individual recipe. Each time its formula improves and its performance increases. This is why the agricultural company’s products are valued.

Modern developments and technologies

As the company develops, technology also develops. Cooperation with other companies and joining forces in breeding leads to changes in technology.

development and technology

Modern developments of the agricultural company allow us to produce varieties and hybrids that meet international quality requirements. The company invests 15% of its net profit in scientific work, which amounts to 150 million euros per year.

The company has been breeding for 160 years. During this time, they built subsidiaries in neighboring countries. They develop planting material that grows and develops in the climatic conditions of the country in which they are produced.

Every year the agricultural company KWS AG registers new varieties and hybrids of crops. This does not mean that the previous types were bad or showed low performance. The company strives to expand its range and create hybrids that will be resistant to unfavorable growing conditions, pests and diseases.


Company principles and strategies

Seed producers on the world market determine the following strategies and operating principles in order to provide planting material and not cause harm to their customers:

  • Always put the interests and needs of the buyer above your own.
  • The quality of planting material must meet international standards.
  • Conduct research work, develop new varieties and hybrids with improved characteristics.
  • Constantly expand the range.

improved characteristics

An agricultural company develops, and strategies and principles change along with it.

Opinions about the agricultural company KWS AG

A big plus for the company is the presence of positive reviews from those who have used their products:

positive feedback

  • Alexey Potseluev: “The purchased sugar beet hybrids are distinguished by high rates of disease resistance and yield. This is achieved through special processing. Other manufacturers are just beginning to introduce such processing, but KWS AG has been using it in its work for a long time. We will buy corn planting material and want to try to grow it.”
  • Ivan Lysenok: “We grow late varieties of sugar beets. I like that they are disease resistant. Now we are planning to purchase early varieties of the crop.”

The agricultural company KWS AG differs from other manufacturers in that for many years it has been producing planting material treated with a special solution that increases germination.

increasing germination

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