Description of the Amal melon variety, planting and cultivation

Melon Amal f 1 is one of the few melon varieties that are grown not only in Bulgaria and Spain, Moldova and Ukraine, but also in Russia. The hybrid, bred in France, is adapted to the climate of southern and central Europe.

Melons grew wild in Africa, melons were cultivated in Asia Minor and Central Asia, in Ancient Egypt. The tender pulp of the dessert vegetable is rich in:

  • calcium and magnesium;
  • manganese and copper;
  • potassium and sodium;
  • vitamins of groups A, B, E, C;
  • iron and chlorine.

melon Amal

The fruits of a herbaceous plant that creeps along the ground are low in calories. People who are afraid of gaining weight can safely include melon in their diet.

Characteristics of the Amal hybrid

It is difficult to grow Central Asian varieties of melons in Siberia and other regions of Russia, where summer ends quickly, so summer residents plant Yamal melon, which manages to ripen in just 60–70 days. Ellipse-shaped fruits differ:

fruits of the plant

  • sweet and tender pulp;
  • smooth skin;
  • delicate aroma;
  • cream color.

The early-ripening hybrid is not afraid of downy dew and dry rot, and is not susceptible to fusarium. Over 50 tons of melons are harvested per hectare, each of them weighs 3–3.5 kg, sometimes 4. They tolerate transportation well, are not damaged, and retain their marketable appearance. For these characteristics, the Amal variety is highly valued by farmers.

tender pulp

Thanks to the abundance of microelements and vitamins, the fruits have medicinal properties. A juicy and sweet dessert speeds up recovery from anemia; melons are useful to consume:

  • when the body is exhausted;
  • with hormonal imbalances;
  • in case of cardiac dysfunction;
  • for diseases of the nervous system.

The calorie content of the aromatic product does not exceed 33 kcal per 100 g, so it is included in some diets. The juice is used in the fight against worms.

smooth skin

Planting technologies

Among the different melon varieties, the Amal hybrid is most suitable for growing in central Russia. The heat-loving crop is not afraid of drought, but dies from drafts, does not tolerate acidic soil, and does not bear fruit in the shade.

In Western European countries, Moldova, Ukraine and the southern regions of Russia, where there are no sharp cold snaps or prolonged rains in April, Amal melon seeds are planted in open ground. The air should warm up to at least 16 degrees. The holes are made at a distance of 70 cm, leaving one and a half meters between the rows.

hormonal imbalances

Where the summer is shorter, the sun is not as hot, as in the south you have to grow seedlings in peat pots.Before sowing, Amal melon seeds are disinfected by placing them in a pink solution of potassium permanganate for half an hour. After this, they are left in water, which helps to select empty seeds and speed up the appearance of sprouts.

After a day, the melon seeds are laid out on damp material. When they begin to open, plant several peat cups in the ground.

When warm weather sets in and 5 leaves appear on the bushes, the seedlings are moved to the garden bed. They choose a place for it where the sun shines all day, the wind does not penetrate, and there are no drafts. The best predecessors for Amal melon are:

have to grow

  • cabbage;
  • potato;
  • beans.

In order for the crop to bear fruit well, it is not necessary to plant it after pumpkins and zucchini; the plot for the garden bed must be changed every 2 years. In the northern regions, Amal melon is grown in trellis or tunnel-type greenhouses.

Gardeners who have been growing melons for several years now graft melon sprouts onto pumpkin. This planting technology allows you to collect sweet and aromatic fruits in cool and short summer conditions.

bore fruit well

How to prepare the soil?

When studying the description of the requirements for growing melons, you need to pay attention to one of the main points. The soil in the melon bed must have normal acidity; with an increased level, beneficial microorganisms die, because of this the crop experiences a deficiency of substances necessary for growth and development.

The Amal melon variety should not be grown in alkaline soil. Excess calcium salts make it hard and dense. The ground for melons is dug in the fall to a depth of about 25 cm, and cultivation is carried out in early spring. Rotted manure, which is one of the best fertilizers for melons, is applied at 4 kg per square meter of soil.You can put it directly into the holes, reducing the proportion by 2 times.


It is easy to determine the acidity of the soil yourself by pouring vinegar on the ground. If this indicator is increased, foam will not form. In the fall or 2 weeks before sowing the Amal hybrid variety, such soil is treated with lime, chalk and dolomite flour are added.

The beds are prepared in April, the finished seedlings are sent into the ground in early or mid-May, when frosts are not expected and the temperature remains stable. Seeds of the Amal variety are buried in the soil about five centimeters, 3 or 4 pieces each. The wells are staggered and moistened. Of all the sprouts, one and the strongest are left.

beneficial microorganisms

Features of care

During the growing season, Amal melon needs watering at the root. Only warm water is used; it should not be allowed to drip onto the leaves and flowers, otherwise the roots will rot and growth will slow down. The soil should be treated with a solution of potassium permanganate, which will help avoid the development of pests and protect Amal melons for diseases. In order for a dessert vegetable to reward you with a harvest, you must:

  1. Loosen the soil.
  2. Remove weeds.
  3. Apply fertilizers.
  4. Tear off stepsons.

loosen the soil

The Amal hybrid needs air; there is not enough of it when the ground becomes crusty, so it must be broken up. Melon beds are not mulched; the grass is removed. The first and second lashes are left on the bush, the rest are cut off. Only one fruit should develop on each of them. To make it grow larger, the shoot is pinched. Weeds must be controlled until the melon grows.

When the first leaves appear, the Amal hybrid is fertilized with minerals. Dissolves in a liter of water:

  • 2 g superphosphate;
  • 1 gram ammonium nitrate;
  • 1.5 calcium chloride.


The product is poured under each melon bush. After 2 weeks, the procedure is repeated.Fertilizing is completed with watering, which is stopped long before the fruits ripen. It is better to moisten melons in the morning.

To prevent the Amal melon from rotting when it touches the ground, summer residents place a wooden board or plywood under it. Farmers who plant hectares of mashnuts will not do this.

every bush

The fact that the Amal melon is ripe is indicated by a dry stalk and yellowed peel. In some regions this happens in July, in others in August. The hybrid is harvested at one time, picking off not quite ripe fruits. Then they are well transported, stored and ripened for a long time.

Summer residents who plant the Amal variety write reviews in which they note the amazing taste and aroma of melon. Experienced gardeners manage to grow 10–13 kg of sweet dessert per square meter of land.

dry stem
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