Description of Daisy White spruce, its planting and care, winter hardiness and growth rate

Canadian spruce Daisy White is a coniferous crop that is distinguished by a cone-shaped crown and can be used to decorate rock gardens and rockeries. This plant is also often used as a single element of the garden. Summer residents and landscape designers value this crop for its low maintenance requirements, beautiful color and slow growth. In order for the tree to retain its decorative properties for as long as possible, it is worth providing it with proper care.

What it is

According to the description, the distinctive feature of this culture is the unusual color of the crown.Daisy White borrowed the shade of the needles from the mother plant - gray or white spruce. Another feature of the culture is slow growth. An adult plant is small in size. The maximum height of the tree is 2 meters. The crown diameter at maturity is 80 centimeters.

Until the age of seven, spruce grows only 2-4 centimeters per year. Then this figure increases to 10 centimeters. Unlike her mother's culture, Daisy White is characterized by greater sensitivity to the sun. Young plants can get sunburn.

The crown of Daisy White is very dense. In this case, the branches include densely located internodes. The needles reach a length of 9 centimeters. They are dark at the base and light at the ends. The plant becomes especially attractive in spring and summer - during the growth of young shoots. They acquire a bluish, light yellow, white-cream color. Therefore, spruce of this variety is often used in landscape design.


Canadian spruce adapts well to the Russian climate, but can hardly withstand air pollution. Under natural conditions, the culture is found in Canada. When grown in Russia, spruce turns out to be shorter.

Canadian spruce Daisy White

Rules for planting and care

The rules for planting the Canadian variety are the same as the mother spruce. It is best to plant the crop in late autumn. It is important to choose the right place for the plant:

  1. An area that is not illuminated by direct sunlight at midday is ideal for planting. The plant is very sensitive to overheating. Active exposure to the sun leads to burns and a decrease in decorativeness.
  2. You should not plant the spruce in a place that is too shady. This will cause the plant's needles to become paler.In addition, young needles will lose their expressive color.
  3. The culture develops best in light and well-drained soil.
  4. It is important to control the depth of groundwater. It must be at least 1.5 meters. It is recommended to ensure that the root collar does not become wet. Otherwise the tree will die.

Before carrying out planting work, preparations should be made on the site. First you need to dig a hole. Its width should be 60 centimeters and depth - 70. It is recommended to place a thick drainage layer measuring 20 centimeters at the bottom of the hole. Brick fragments or expanded clay are suitable for its creation.

Preparing the soil for planting spruce is of no small importance. In this case, it is worth using leaf humus, sand, turf soil, clay and acidic peat. It is recommended to add 150 grams of nitroammophoska to the finished substrate.

To plant a plant, the prepared hole must be filled with substrate. Then the pit should be watered generously and left for 2 weeks. After the specified time, the crop can be planted. To do this, you need to make a hole in the hole, distribute the root system in it and sprinkle it with earth. It is recommended to compact the soil carefully to avoid the formation of voids.

Canadian spruce Daisy White photo

After planting is completed, you should make sure that the root collar is not buried in the soil and does not rise above it. It should be flush with the ground surface. Then the plant needs to be watered. However, first you need to make a border of earth along the edges of the hole. After finishing watering, it is important to wait until the moisture is completely absorbed into the soil. After which the tree trunk circle can be covered with a mulch layer.Acidic peat or coniferous bark is ideal for this purpose. This helps protect the soil from drying out.

This type of Canadian spruce requires compliance with basic care rules. It is recommended to water the plant regularly and shade it from aggressive sunlight. The crop also responds well to sprinkling and loosening of the tree trunk. Nutrients need to be added 2 times a year. To do this, it is worth using special mineral preparations that are intended for coniferous plants.

Timely pruning is of no small importance. To do this, it is worth removing shoots damaged by infections and dry branches. It is best to prune at the end of May. At this time, active sap flow ends.

Young seedlings require special attention. In winter it is recommended to protect them from severe frosts, and in summer – to protect them from direct sunlight. For this purpose it is worth using white non-woven material.


It is best to propagate Canadian spruce by cuttings. It is recommended to start the procedure in the first half of June. To do this, you need to pinch off ripe lower branches measuring 10 centimeters from the main crop. This must be done with the so-called heel, which will be the key to good rooting and growth of the culture.

Spruce Daisy White

Harvested cuttings must be treated with a growth stimulator. After which they can be planted in the ground, deepening them by 2 centimeters. During the rooting period, it is important to systematically moisten the substrate.

What can harm the plant

Canadian spruce is susceptible to a large number of dangerous pathologies. This plant may suffer from rust, fusarium, and rot. There is also a risk of developing wound cancer and spruce spinal cord.In addition, Daisy White spruce may suffer from pest attacks. The most common parasites include mealybugs, gall aphids, and hermes.

To prevent problems from occurring, the tree must be systematically inspected. When identifying signs of fungal pathologies, it is recommended to use fungicides. To kill insects, it is necessary to use insecticidal preparations.

A common source of infection is the interior of the crown. It has a high density, and therefore, with age, a lot of dry needles, dust and dead branches accumulate there. In such an environment, parasites actively multiply and diseases develop.

To prevent infection, it is worth doing preventive cleansing of the inside of the crown. This procedure is recommended to be carried out at least 3 times a year. To do this, the crown must be carefully moved apart, dry fragments removed and sprayed with nutritional compounds. Regular sprinkling of the tree is of no small importance. It has a pronounced moisturizing effect and washes away the mites that have settled in the crown.

Spruce Daisy White photo


Daisy White spruce is a very valuable plant that helps purify and disinfect the air. This culture releases phytoncides and helps cope with pathogens. When placing trees in groups, it is possible to protect the area from dust. In addition, spruce remains attractive even in winter. This helps to enliven the appearance of the area.

Role in landscape design

Daisy’s White spruce trees are characterized by small size. Therefore, the culture goes well with other varieties of coniferous plants. It can also be combined with herbaceous crops.Such combinations look great in flower beds, flower beds, rock gardens and rock gardens.

This variety is adapted to growing in rocky soil. It is permissible to plant it on rocky hills, combining it with other conifers. Spruce Daisy White fits perfectly into Japanese and French gardens. It should be planted in narrow ridges and used to decorate parterre lawns.

Daisy White spruce is an attractive plant that is often used to decorate summer cottages and create unusual garden compositions. In order for a crop to retain its decorative properties, it is important to provide it with proper care.
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