Description of Inversa spruce, planting and care, application in landscape design

Spruce variety Inversa is a decorative weeping plant that has hanging branches and dark green needles. The culture is considered very unpretentious to care and has a high degree of resistance to frost. Another important feature is its unusual appearance. That is why spruce of this variety is often used in landscape design. In order for a plant to develop normally, it needs to be provided with complete and high-quality care.

History and description of the variety

Spruce Inversa is a weeping variety of Norway spruce.It was first identified in Shropshire in England. This happened in 1884. The name of the plant is associated with a special “inverted” shape. In this case, the shoots are directed not upward, as usual, but downward.

Inverse spruce is characterized by an unusual weeping shape, which has a falling top and long hanging branches. The plant has thick shiny needles. In this case, the size of the needles reaches 2 centimeters.

Young shoots are bright green in color and stand out against the background of darker, older branches. The cones also have a very decorative green color with a purple tint. The tree is also characterized by brown-red buds and a blunt shape. The bark has a rich color in the form of thin plates.

The maximum height of the spruce is 8 meters. In this case, the crown diameter is 2-2.5 meters. The plant can grow as a tree or shrub. It is often grown on a trunk. The Christmas tree is distinguished by its plasticity. From the crown, which in appearance resembles a stack of snow, various shapes are formed.

Characteristics of wood

The drooping spruce does not have a trunk and has drooping weeping branches. Only some plants have a weak central shoot, which is densely covered with knots. The branches are adjacent to the center of the plant. In this case, the lower shoots are located on the surface of the soil.

The crown has a columnar shape. If you do not prune, the spruce will develop unevenly. In the first years of life, the plant develops slowly. In 1 year it increases by 12-20 centimeters. By the age of 10, the tree rarely reaches 1 meter in height. Development accelerates in adulthood.

Spruce variety Inversa

Like many other conifers, Inversa spruce is a monoecious plant. This means that male and female cones grow on the same tree.Female specimens have a bright red hue and resemble candles. Male spikelets grow at the ends of lateral branches. Spruce pollination occurs in late spring or early summer. The plant's pollen grains are not considered to be very volatile. However, they are still carried by the wind for several kilometers.

The Inversa spruce lives on average 150 years. The culture became widespread in the European part of Russia. It can be found in mixed and spruce forests. The plant has a compact crown size. Therefore, it can be planted in small areas. In this case, single or group plantings are acceptable. The tree looks great in compositions and rock gardens. The plant is propagated by cuttings and seeds. This can also be done with seedlings.

Landing Features

To prevent the weeping spruce from losing its decorative properties, you should adhere to the rules for planting work.

How to choose a seedling

To plant a plant, it is best to choose ordinary seedlings from a nursery. It is important that they have a closed root system and are grown in containers. To check the quality of the planting material, carefully turn the container over. If the soil crumbles, it means that the seedling was planted in it recently.

Spruce variety Inversa photo

It is also worth paying attention to the structure of the branches. It is important that they bend and are elastic enough. There can be no mechanical damage on the shoots. In this case, the needles should have bright needles. The younger the seedling, the easier it will be for it to take root and withstand transplantation. The diameter of the earthen clod is of great importance. It must be at least 50 centimeters.

How to plant

Inversa spruce develops well in fresh and moist soil, which contains a sufficient amount of nutrients. In this case, pH parameters are not particularly important. It is best to give preference to sandy-clayey soil, which contains quite a lot of humus. It is important to avoid wetlands or too dense soil.

When planting spruce, you should follow these rules:

  1. Dig a hole 10-15 centimeters below the root collar. This is required for laying the drainage layer. The hole should be made a few centimeters larger than the root system.
  2. Place drainage at the bottom of the recess. Its functions are performed by crushed brick or crushed stone.
  3. Carefully remove the seedling from the container. Place it in the hole and cover it with soil.
  4. Water the plant generously.
  5. If necessary, apply fertilizer and spray the crop against pathologies and pests.

Care requirements

After planting, the tree needs careful care. Particular attention should be paid to the crown. Complete protection from diseases and pests is of no small importance.

Spruce variety Inversa photo


An adult crop can easily withstand dry weather for several weeks. A young tree needs watering. If they are not carried out, there is a risk of culture destruction. This is especially true when planting plants in winter.

Spruce of this variety must be actively watered in the first season after planting in open soil. It is important to ensure that water does not get on the needles. To avoid rotting of superficial roots, it is necessary to create a layer of mulch that will help absorb excess moisture. For this you can use pine needles, bark and sawdust.

This also helps improve the composition of the soil around the spruce root system.If you do not mulch the tree trunk circle, the gardener will need to constantly loosen the soil around the crop.


The soil needs to be loosened periodically. Thanks to this procedure, it will be possible to achieve the following results:

  • improve air flow to the root system;
  • remove weeds.

It is important to take into account that the roots of the spruce are very close to the surface of the soil. Therefore, they need to provide a constant flow of air. This will ensure the full development of the tree.

Spruce Inversa

Top dressing

This variety of spruce is considered not too demanding when it comes to fertilization. However, sometimes nutrients are still worth using. It is recommended to feed the crop at least once a year with organic or chemical compounds.


In order for the spruce to grow upward, one shoot needs to be guided and tied up. The remaining branches hang down to the ground. To give the spruce the required shape, the falling shoots need to be pinched. After completion of the trunk garter, growth will stop. At the same time, the main shoot will also droop. After reaching the required height, the branch should be cut. Thanks to this, the side branches will develop better.

Cold protection

For the winter, it is recommended to sprinkle the tree trunk with peat. The thickness of this layer should be 3-5 centimeters. Sometimes the tree is insulated with branches of other conifers. This is usually only required for young crops.

Threats to spruce

Despite the spruce's resistance to disease, sometimes it still suffers from infections. The most dangerous fungal strain is considered to be Schutte. When infected, the needles turn brown and fall off. Spruce is also susceptible to gray mold. The reasons for its appearance are considered to be increased humidity and thickening of the shoots. To cope with pathologies, it is necessary to use fungicides.

Inversa spruce is a common ornamental plant that is easy to care for. This makes the culture very popular among summer residents and landscape designers.
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