Description of Keibab spruce, planting and care, application in landscape design

Keibab spruce is an evergreen coniferous tree, which is distinguished by the bluish color of its needles. Due to its decorative properties, the crop is actively used in landscape design. It is perfect for creating group compositions or using as an accent. In addition, the plant is characterized by pronounced beneficial properties. In order for a crop to retain its decorative properties, it must be properly cared for.

Wood appearance

According to the description, the prickly spruce Keibab is a long-lived plant. Its maximum age can reach 300 years. An adult plant grows up to 10-12 meters.Moreover, its crown is 3 meters in diameter. At a young age, spruce has an asymmetrical crown. But with age it becomes columnar or broadly conical.

The plant has straight branches that are located at right angles to the trunk. The culture is also distinguished by its prickly needles, which are about 9 millimeters long. When young, the needles have a rich green color. With age it becomes gray-blue. Thanks to this unusual color, the plant looks very attractive and is actively used in landscape design.

This spruce is characterized by a high degree of frost resistance. It can withstand temperatures down to -40 degrees. In addition, the plant is considered very undemanding to growth conditions. It can withstand dry weather and air pollution. Therefore, spruce is often planted in large industrial cities and industrial areas.

Where is it used?

Spruce Glauka Keibab is often used to design paths and create the effect of an alpine slide. The plant goes well with low trees and shrubs. This combination is perfect for decorating a road or creating a hedge. The use of trees in design not only serves aesthetic purposes, but also provides an excellent place to relax. You can plant plants yourself or use the services of experienced gardeners.

How to plant correctly

Before planting the Kebab blue spruce, you should choose a location. It is important to consider that the crop has a superficial root system, which grows wide and suppresses plants located nearby. In addition, tree roots can damage the foundations of nearby buildings.Therefore, the plant should be placed at a distance of at least 2.5 meters from buildings.

Spruce kebab

Good illumination of the area is of no small importance. If you plant the Keibab spruce in the shade, it will lose its blue color and turn green. It is best to carry out planting work in April.

To do this, you need to make a recess in the selected area. Its diameter should be 50 centimeters and its depth 60. It is recommended to pour a drainage layer measuring 20 centimeters at the bottom. It should consist of expanded clay or crushed brick. It is recommended to pour a layer of soil on top.

The preparation of the nutrient substrate for planting is of great importance. It should consist of fertile soil, sand and peat. It is worth noting that peat can be replaced with nitroammophoska. To prepare the mixture, you need to use 150 grams of this component. All ingredients of the composition must be thoroughly mixed.

Rules of care

Prickly spruce Keibab needs proper care. Thanks to strict implementation of the recommendations of specialists, it will be possible to preserve the decorative properties of the plant.

Spruce kebab photo

Watering and fertilizing

When planting a tree in the summer, it needs to be watered several times a week. It is recommended to use 10-20 liters of water per plant. To determine the need for watering, you need to pick up the soil at the roots and squeeze it into a ball. If the mass crumbles, the plant needs moisture.

When moistening the soil, it is important to pour water not at the root, but in a circle. It is recommended to do this 20-30 centimeters from the trunk. During the first few years, the plant needs to be fed with peat or sawdust. These substances must be laid on the surface of the earth in a layer of 6-10 centimeters.


With the rapid development of culture, gardeners are trying to stop this process. Previously, the top was cut off for this purpose. However, this method does not give the desired results. The fact is that it leads to the appearance of new growths at the top, reminiscent of new trees. This makes the spruce crooked.

The most gentle method is considered to be a regular haircut. It allows you to remove branches evenly. It is best to remove 1/3-2/3 of the shoot size. You should not remove more than a third of the branches in one procedure.

It is recommended to trim the spruce and shape its crown in early spring - before the first buds appear. This can also be done in August, when the crop slows down its growth. It is important that the cuts on the branches have time to heal before winter.

Spruce kebab

Pest Control

Spruce of this variety is considered very unpretentious and resistant to diseases and parasites. However, if the rules of care are not followed, the plant may get sick. Keibab usually suffers from aphids. These pests settle on young shoots and absorb moisture from the plant. As a result, the needles become yellow and fall off. In this case, the tree loses its decorative effect.

When inspecting a spruce tree and identifying pests, action should be taken immediately. If the plant is severely damaged, diseased shoots need to be pruned. In this case, the remaining branches must be treated with contact insecticides.

In addition, Keibab spruce may suffer from spruce gall midge or hermes. These pests can be killed with insecticides. For this purpose, it is permissible to use such means as “Aktara” or “Confidor”.

Sometimes the plant suffers from brown spot and fusarium. To cope with these diseases, it is recommended to use fungicides - “Ordan” or “Topsin”. They should treat plants once every 10 days.If measures are not taken in time, there is a risk of damage not only to the crown, but also to the roots. This, in turn, leads to the death of culture.

Keibab spruce is a spectacular ornamental plant, which is often used to decorate parks and gardens. In order for a culture to grow and develop normally, it needs to be properly cared for.
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