Prickly spruce is considered one of the most famous crops among many coniferous plants. It is highly resistant to adverse factors and has a dense waxy layer on the needles. This plant has excellent decorative properties, which allows it to be used as an element of landscape design. For crop cultivation to be successful, it is important to adhere to the basic rules.
Description of the species
Prickly spruce is a very beautiful tree, which is distinguished by a conical crown and blue or silver needles. This plant reaches a height of 30-50 meters.In this case, the diameter of the trunk can be 2 meters, and the size of the crown can reach 12.
The main trunk is covered with a very thin brownish-gray bark. In mature trees it is characterized by a scaly structure. The crown has excellent decorative properties and resembles a symmetrical pyramid, which is tightly covered with branches. In mature plants, the lowest branches droop slightly.
Young stems are considered large and powerful. Most often they are naked. Moreover, the shades are different and range from light brown to dark orange. The buds are conical or cylindrical in shape.
Initially, the prickly spruce, like the common spruce, is distinguished by its rich green color. However, the dense wax layer on the surface of the needles gives them a light tint.
This crop needs to be grown in a sunny area. This plant is characterized by slow development. At the same time, its root system must be limited or the tree must be planted in a place where it will not interfere with other plants.
Properties of spruce
This is a spectacular tree 30-50 meters high. It is often used in landscape design. At the same time, not everyone knows that the culture has a number of useful properties. The main characteristic of the plant is its bactericidal properties.
Spruce contains terpenes, or essential oils. They are phytoncides with a wide spectrum of action. These biologically active components are characterized by pronounced volatile properties. Therefore, they are constantly released into the environment.As the temperature increases, the amount of essential oils released increases. In the heat, a pronounced pine smell is felt near the spruce.
Phytoncides suppress pathogenic bacteria, fungi that cause decay, and some types of protozoa. By inhaling the aroma of pine needles, a person can get rid of pathogenic microorganisms and strengthen the immune system.
In addition, spruce has a beneficial effect on the condition of plants that are nearby. It benefits pets. In winter, farmers prepare vitamin supplements for their feed from crushed pine needles.
Considered the most attractive blue spruce. It is also called blue or silver. In addition, popular varieties of prickly spruce Picea pungens include the following:
- Oldenburg – characterized by a dense cone-shaped crown. By the age of 20, the crop grows up to 5 meters. This tree is characterized by slow growth. The needles are quite thick and prickly. It is distinguished by its silver-blue color and bluish tinge.
- Fat Albert is a plant with a dense, wide-pyramidal crown. The culture reaches a height of 10-15 meters. The needles are considered quite prickly and have a silver-blue color.
- Hoopsie – this tree reaches a height of 12-15 meters. In this case, the crown reaches 3-4.5 meters in diameter. It has a conical shape and sufficient thickness. This crop grows quite slowly. To give it a clear shape, formative pruning is carried out. The needles are silver-blue in color and large in size.
- Iseli Fastigiata – this plant has a compact crown of a narrow conical shape. Its height reaches 5-8 meters. The shoots are quite strong and densely arranged.The annual growth reaches 15 centimeters.
Landing Features
This culture is considered very light-loving. In the shade it becomes loose and loses its richness. Therefore, it is recommended to choose a lighted area for planting.
Prickly spruce has a deep root system. Due to this, it is resistant to drought. The plant is also characterized by resistance to the influence of drafts and is considered not too demanding on the composition of the soil.
However, when grown in poor soil there is a risk of reducing the decorative properties of the tree. It is recommended to plant prickly spruce in moist podzolic soil, which has a moderate water balance.
The tree does not tolerate soil that is too fertile or too wet. At the same time, it easily withstands the influence of negative factors - dust, smoke, smog. The plant also tolerates pruning without difficulty.
Planting of prickly spruce is carried out in spring or autumn. In the first case, the procedure is performed at the end of April, in the second - in the first half of September. This tree grows well in sandy and loamy soil.
However, it cannot withstand proximity to other cultures. The wide branches of the plant form a dense shadow that prevents the development of other crops. When planting in groups, the interval between plants is at least 2-3 meters.
After this, the recess must be sprinkled with a soil substrate consisting of leaf soil, sand, turf and peat. These components are mixed in a ratio of 2:2:1:1.
When planting a crop, it is important to ensure that the root collar is at ground level. When planting a seedling, it is recommended to make a hole, water it and cover it with a mulching layer of peat 5-7 millimeters thick.
The plant is considered very sensitive to watering. It is recommended to water trees 1 year old 5-6 times a day in small portions. Since spruce has a shallow root system, it will not be able to absorb much moisture.
The culture practically does not need fertilizing. Moreover, excess amounts of nutrients lead to lignification of lateral branches. As a result, the tree begins to develop not upward, but outward.
Prickly spruce is often used in landscape design. The plant is resistant to weather conditions and is not particularly demanding on the composition of the soil. The crop can be used for single plantings or planted in small groups. It looks especially impressive with Serbian spruce and single-color fir.
Prickly spruce is a common crop that looks good on any summer cottage. This plant is considered undemanding to care and combines harmoniously with other plantings. Therefore, it is often used for decorative purposes.