Description of Kupressina spruce, planting and care, use in landscape design

The Kupressina spruce variety is a very attractive plant, which is often used in landscape design. This culture fits perfectly into any part of the garden plot. Thanks to its narrow crown, the plant is perfect for owners of small dachas. Its characteristic feature is its slender, narrowly conical crown. The culture is distinguished by straight and rigid shoots that extend from the trunk at right angles.

Description of the variety

This crop is also called Cupressina. Spruce of this variety is classified as ordinary. Sometimes it is also called Norwegian.The culture is an evergreen tree that has a dense and well-branched crown. The maximum height of the plant is 9 meters. In this case, the diameter does not exceed 3 meters. By 10 years the tree reaches 3 meters. This culture is characterized by slow growth. In 1 year it grows by a maximum of 15 centimeters.

The tree is characterized by a well-formed narrow crown, which has a regular conical shape. The plant has strong branches that grow vertically and ensure the formation of a dense crown. The culture is characterized by straight, rigid shoots that extend from the central trunk at a right angle.

Another distinctive feature of the plant is its short needles. The length of the needles does not exceed 2.5 centimeters. They are tough and prickly. At the same time, the needles have a uniform and rich green color. Young shoots have a light green tint.

Spruce of this variety is characterized by small round female cones. Their length is no more than 1.5 centimeters. Moreover, in male fetuses this figure reaches 12 centimeters. Young buds are bright pink or light brown. It differs depending on gender. Female cones become reddish-brown over time.

Kupressina spruce is distinguished by a superficial root system, which is quite highly branched. At the same time, it is quite strong. The roots are able to hold the tree even in strong gusts of wind.

The main advantages of culture include the following:

  • high resistance to frost;
  • low maintenance requirements;
  • excellent adaptation to urban climate;
  • high degree of drought resistance;
  • attractive appearance;
  • no need for regular fertilization.

Spruce variety Kupressina

Another advantage is the lack of need for crown formation. It becomes cone-shaped naturally.

Landing rules

Growing Cupressina spruce is not difficult. However, for this it is important to carry out the planting work correctly. In order for the ephedra to retain its decorative properties for a long time, it needs to be properly cared for. It is recommended to root the seedling in the spring - before the beginning of the growing season. It is also permissible to do this in the fall - before the onset of cold weather.

When choosing a landing site, it is recommended to consider the following:

  1. Give preference to a sunny area or slight shade. It is important to remember that with enough sun the needles become dense and thick, while in the shade they can thin out.
  2. Plant the crop in fresh sandy or loamy soil. The soil should be loose and slightly acidic.
  3. Ensure sufficient moisture supply. In this case, the groundwater must be quite deep.

Sand is not suitable for this type of spruce. Also, it should not be grown in urban areas. In addition, the culture does not tolerate dry soil. However, moisture stagnation is also contraindicated for it.

How to choose a seedling

To get a high-quality and healthy plant, it is important to purchase high-quality planting material. This should be done in a specialized nursery. All conifers are characterized by fragile roots. Therefore, it is best to buy a seedling in a container. In this case, it is worth paying attention to the needles. It should be bright and juicy, without dry or damaged fragments.

Spruce variety Kupressina photo

Landing instructions

To plant a spruce you need to do the following:

  1. Dig a hole 60 centimeters deep and 50-60 centimeters in diameter.
  2. Prepare the substrate. To do this, you need to mix leaf soil, turf, sand and peat in a ratio of 2:2:1:1.
  3. Pour 5 liters of water into the hole.
  4. Carefully immerse the seedling with a lump of soil into the hole.
  5. Align the trunk vertically and cover it with substrate. It is important to ensure that the root collar is flush with the ground surface.
  6. Water the plant.

Care and cultivation

Kupressina spruce is a very attractive crop that is often used in landscape design. In order for the plant to maintain its decorative properties, it must be properly cared for.

Immediately after planting the plant, the tree trunk circle should be covered with a mulch layer measuring 5-6 centimeters. It is permissible to use peat for this. This procedure helps to increase the temperature of the soil, ensures that it retains moisture, and saturates it with useful elements. Subsequently, it is necessary to promptly remove weeds from the site and from time to time use sand or organic matter as mulch.

In dry weather, spruce needs to be watered systematically. It is recommended to carry out 1 procedure per week. For 1 tree it is worth using 10 liters of water. The plant also benefits greatly from sprinkling and spraying the crown. To do this, it is recommended to use warm water. Carrying out such procedures helps wash away dust from the needles and ensures their hydration.

Spruce variety Kupressina

During the first 5-7 years, coniferous crops develop slowly. That's why it needs to be fed. The universal drug Novofert is perfect for this purpose. When using the substance, you should strictly follow the instructions. It is important to avoid overdosing on nutrients. If this recommendation is not followed, there is a risk that the plant will stop growing within 10 years.

The tree does not require crown formation. However, from time to time it is worth carrying out sanitary pruning.For the winter, the plant does not need to be insulated, since it can withstand temperatures down to -34 degrees. In addition, the tree is resistant to large amounts of snow.

Pest Control

Most often, Kupressina spruce suffers from the following pathologies and pests:

  1. Rust is a fungal pathology that affects the plant in the spring. As pathology develops, yellow bubbles appear on the tree. To cope with the disease and prevent the appearance of fungi, it is worth using copper-based products. “Hom” and “Abiga-Pik” are suitable for this.
  2. Schutte – This disease is also called brown snow mold. With this disease, the needles may turn red, brown or yellow. In advanced cases, the needles completely fall off. To avoid the development of pathology, it is necessary to control humidity. In addition, it is important to avoid thickening the plantings. To treat Schutte, you need to pour fungicides at the root. It is also worth adding immunostimulants and micronutrients.
  3. Sitka Spruce Aphid – This small parasite causes yellow spots to appear on old trees. Over time, it provokes the falling of needles. To remove aphids, it is necessary to repeatedly treat the plant with potassium soap, onion or garlic infusion.
  4. Nun butterflies can completely eat up needles. Such means as “Decis”, “Karate”, “Bitoxibacillin” will help to destroy parasites.
  5. Spruce leaf roller - weaves a web around the crown. At the same time, its larvae cause damage to greenery. Abundant irrigation of the crown with a soap solution will help to cope with parasites.

Spruce variety Kupressina


The plant is often used in landscape design. At the same time, it can be used to decorate the site in different ways.The culture looks beautiful in single plantings and in combination with other crops. It can be combined with herbaceous plants, trees and shrubs and other conifers.

The tree is used as a tapeworm in small areas. It is worth considering that the plant does not tolerate air pollution well, so it is not recommended to plant it deep in the garden. The culture looks very beautiful in combination with a stone fence.

Kupressina spruce is an excellent decorative crop that fits perfectly into a variety of compositions. In order for the plant to retain its attractiveness for as long as possible, it requires careful care. Control of diseases and pests is of no small importance.
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