Description of the Canadian spruce variety Laurin, its planting and care, application

Canadian spruce Laurin is a rather interesting variety, which was obtained from a Konica seedling. This culture was bred in 1952 in a German nursery. This tree is characterized by fairly slow growth, which allows it to be actively used in landscape design. In order for the crop to remain decorative, it is important to carry out planting work correctly. Compliance with the rules of agricultural technology is also of great importance.

What kind of variety is this

Canadian spruce Laurin is a perennial coniferous crop that belongs to the dwarf varieties. The height of the plant reaches 1.5 meters.However, it can grow to such a size only by the age of 30.

The conifer is characterized by a cushion-shaped or conical crown and rigid shoots. They are covered with short and thin needles. Its structure is quite thick, soft and tender. In this case, the spines are slightly bent at the edges. Due to this, the plant belongs to the weak-thorny varieties. Laurin spruce needles are characterized by a rich green color, which does not change under the influence of climatic factors.

An undemanding dwarf spruce will be an excellent addition to any site. This is due to the fact that it has many advantages:

  • high degree of resistance to frost - Laurin spruce can withstand temperature drops down to -30 degrees;
  • resistance to many pathologies;
  • good adaptation to cultivation in the city - the crop is considered not too sensitive to gas, dust, smoke;
  • wide range of uses in landscape design;
  • high decorative properties;
  • resistance to transplantation and transportation;
  • moderate requirements for soil composition and growth zones.

The disadvantages of coniferous plants include susceptibility to dry weather. The crop also often faces sunburn and pest attacks.

Difference from other spruce trees

The description of spruce contains many characteristic features by which it can be distinguished from other plants. The Canadian variety grows quite slowly. Over the course of a year, it increases by a maximum of 2 centimeters. An adult tree reaches a height of 1.5 meters. Moreover, the diameter of its crown is 2-2.2 meters.

Another characteristic feature of spruce is the presence of rounded cones in adulthood. At the development stage they are yellow-brown in color. Ripe fruits are characterized by a dark brown color and pronounced shine.The size of the cones is 2.5-5.5 centimeters.

Canadian spruce Laurin

Application in landscape design

Spruce Laurin is perfect for use in landscape design. This culture is often used as a tapeworm or to create decorative compositions. This plant can be used to decorate small areas or alleys.

The culture is often used to decorate alpine slides and rockeries. The plant is often used to decorate small rocky gardens and park areas. If desired, dwarf spruce can be used to create a hedge or zoning an area. The culture is also suitable for creating a cozy corner for relaxation. To do this, you should plant several specimens in containers and decorate your terrace or gazebo with them.

Correct fit

The culture is considered not too sensitive to smoke and air pollution. The tree is capable of growing in the shade, but it is possible to obtain a beautiful and symmetrical crown only when grown in sunny and open areas.

The plant needs moist and symmetrical soil. Light or medium loam would be a suitable option. At the same time, spruce does not develop well in dry sandy loam soil. It is important that the top of the soil is well permeable. This provides the root system with enough air.

Planting work is recommended to be carried out in spring, when the soil is sufficiently warmed up and the temperature has stabilized. It is recommended to make a recess for planting on the site in advance measuring 70x70 centimeters.

Canadian spruce Laurin photo

If the groundwater is high, it is worth laying drainage made of crushed bricks or gravel at the bottom. In addition, fertilizers are added to the planting hole. A suitable option would be special formulations for coniferous plants.

After planting the spruce, it needs to be watered abundantly and the tree trunk circle covered with a layer of mulch. If you plan to plant several trees, you should space them at least 2 meters apart.

Growing and care

Spruce Laurin is considered an unpretentious crop and does not require complex care. However, to maintain its decorative appearance, it is necessary to irrigate the plant in a timely manner, loosen the soil, and weed the ground. Of no small importance is the formation of the crown, shading in the spring and preparation for cold weather.

This variety of spruce is considered quite moisture-loving. Therefore, the crop needs to be moderately moistened. On average, irrigation should be carried out once a week. In severe drought, it is recommended to do this more often. Experienced gardeners advise additional light sprinkling of the crown in hot weather. It is recommended to constantly monitor soil moisture to avoid water stagnation.

As a top dressing, it is worth using combined preparations for ornamental coniferous plants. If desired, it is permissible to use nutrients twice. In this case, it is recommended to apply nitroammophoska in the spring, and in the fall - products based on phosphorus and potassium.

Spruce Laurin tree

Canadian spruce Laurin is considered quite resistant to frost. However, preparation for winter is still required. At this stage, deep mulching with spruce branches is carried out. It is also recommended to tie tree shoots with rope around the trunk. This provides reliable protection from wind and snowfall.

Spruce Laurin has a fairly strong immune system. Therefore, the plant practically does not suffer from pathologies. However, the crop is susceptible to pest attacks. The most dangerous species for trees are considered to be different types of aphids, spruce sawflies and spider mites.Insecticidal preparations and acaricides help get rid of parasites.

How to propagate spruce

The culture is propagated by cuttings. This procedure must be carried out at the beginning of summer. For cuttings, you should choose branches from the bottom of the tree. Their length should be 10-12 centimeters. Before planting, it is recommended to treat cuttings with growth stimulants.

Laurin spruce is a fairly popular decorative crop that is often used in landscape design. In order for the plant to maintain its attractiveness, when growing it, you must adhere to certain rules.
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