Description of Serbian spruce, its planting and care, application in landscape design

The spectacular Serbian spruce is often used in landscape design. This coniferous crop has a unique structure. In addition, it is very unpretentious and undemanding to care. This plant is often used to create group compositions. In natural conditions, such spruce can be found extremely rarely - mainly in a limited area of ​​the Balkan Peninsula. At the same time, it is often grown in summer cottages.


Serbian spruce Picea Omorika is distinguished by a narrow pyramidal or columnar crown. The height of the plant can reach 50 meters. This spruce was first described by botanist Joseph Pancic.This happened in 1875. Since 1880, the plant has been actively used in landscape design. Gardeners value Omorika spruce for its decorative qualities and hardiness. The tree easily tolerates frost and is resistant to air pollution.

This culture is characterized by the following distinctive features:

  1. The average height of spruce is 30-40 meters. The trunk reaches 1 meter in diameter.
  2. The bark is yellow-brown in color.
  3. The shoots are short and have upwardly curved ends. In this case, the branches are located quite high from the surface of the earth.
  4. Young shoots are dense and bend downwards.
  5. The crown has a columnar or narrow pyramidal shape. It is characterized by a pointed crown.
  6. The needles are dense, and the needles are 8-18 millimeters long. They are blue-white on the underside and dark green on the top.
  7. The cones are characterized by an elongated shape and reach a length of 6-8 centimeters. Young cones have a green color and thinly pressed scales. As they ripen, they acquire a brown tint.
  8. Thanks to its rapid growth, spruce has powerful roots.
  9. Culture lives long enough. Depending on conditions, its lifespan is 200-800 years.
  • The plant reproduces by self-seeding.

Distribution and conditions for growth

IN natural conditions culture is growing in the valley of the Drina river, which is located on the Balkan Peninsula. Much more often it can be found in summer cottages and city parks.

Serbian spruce

Serbian spruce has found wide application in landscape design. The plant is used as a hedge or planted as the main element creating a wild effect.The culture tolerates temperature fluctuations well. It is resistant to toxic components in the air and smoke.

Hybrid varieties are used to decorate alpine hills and small forest clearings. Serbian spruce is easy to grow and does not require complex care. It looks great with other conifers.


The wild form of Serbian spruce became the basis for the development of other varieties that differ in appearance. The most common varieties include the following:

  1. Nana is a low-growing crop whose height does not exceed 3 meters. Spruce is characterized by short shoots that form a thick and lush crown. The plant has short green needles. Its length is 10-15 millimeters. Spruce is characterized by slow development. It increases in size by 10-12 centimeters per year. The plant can easily withstand shading and temperatures down to -40 degrees.
  2. Karelian - is a low plant measuring no more than 90 centimeters. It is characterized by a dense spherical crown. The tree is characterized by slow growth. In 1 year it increases by approximately 10 centimeters. The plant is resistant to temperature fluctuations. It tolerates temperature drops down to -30 degrees.
  3. Pendula Bruns is a dwarf variety of the wild plant. Its height does not exceed 3-5 meters. Starting from the middle, the branches of the plant bend in the shape of an arc. Young shoots hang down. Spruce normally withstands severe frosts. It can withstand temperatures down to -35 degrees.
  4. Wodan is a low-growing garden variety. Mature trees usually do not exceed 1-2 meters in height.The plant is characterized by short and dense branches. The crown has an irregular shape. It is covered with green needles with blue stripes. Spruce of this variety does not tolerate shade, so it should be planted in open areas.
  5. Pimoko is one of the lowest varieties. The height of an adult crop is no more than 70-90 centimeters. It is characterized by a two-color crown, which has a greenish base and bluish tips. The crown has a hemispherical or conical shape. Pimoko can withstand even strong shading. In addition, the plant is characterized by resistance to severe frosts.

Serbian spruce photo


Serbian spruce is often planted in open soil. Dwarf varieties can be grown indoors. This plant is often used in urban plantings. Spectacular varieties of culture are found in public gardens and parks. They protect residential areas from polluted roads. This is due to the culture’s resistance to harmful gases and toxic substances.

Requirements for planting and care

Serbian spruce develops normally in any type of soil. However, it does not tolerate exposure to high humidity. Therefore, it is not worth planting trees in swampy areas. When planting a crop in dense clay soil, it is important to provide drainage. It may consist of crushed stone, crushed brick, sand or expanded clay. The thickness of the drainage layer should be a maximum of 20 centimeters.

In order for the spruce to develop at maximum speed, it is important to carry out planting work correctly. Trees are recommended to be planted in spring or autumn. To plant you need to do the following:

  1. Make a square hole for planting. Its dimensions should be 60 centimeters. The interval between trees should be 2-2.5 meters.
  2. Mix the soil with humus, peat and sand.
  3. Apply complex fertilizing.
  4. Water the spruce immediately after planting. For 1 tree you should use 3-5 liters of water.

Serbian spruce image

Young specimens need to be moistened throughout the season. Otherwise, the fragile roots will lose strength or quickly dry out. For 1 tree you should use 1 bucket of water. After watering, the tree trunk circle needs to be carefully loosened. In hot weather, the top of the crown should be sprayed with a spray bottle.

Caring for Serbian spruce includes mandatory sanitary pruning. If necessary, the crown of the plant must be cleared of dry, broken and frozen branches. The formation of the crown must be carried out in winter, when the plant is dormant. At one time you can shorten the plant only by 3-4 centimeters.

Serbian spruce is a fairly popular ornamental plant that looks great on the site. To grow a strong and healthy crop, you need to adhere to a number of rules and care recommendations.
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