Description of the Wils Zwerg spruce, planting and care, use in landscape design

Spruce Vils Zwerg is a dense evergreen shrub, which is distinguished by its columnar shape and slow growth rate. With the onset of spring, the shoots of this crop are covered with light green needles, which gives it a very impressive appearance. The advantages of the plant include its unpretentiousness. This allows you to actively use culture in landscape design.

What does a tree look like?

The first seedlings of this plant went on sale in 1936 in Germany. At the same time, the culture immediately attracted the attention of landscape designers with its properties. This variety has short needles.On average, the length of the needles, according to the description, is 15 millimeters. It has four sides and is dark green in color. With the arrival of spring, the needles lighten.

Wills Zwerg spruce is characterized by slow development. Typically, by the age of 10 years, the size of the tree is no more than 1.2 meters. Only by the age of 30 does it stretch up to 2 meters. At the same time, the plant remains quite narrow. The crown diameter usually does not exceed 60-80 centimeters. This dwarf crop has a straight trunk that is covered with brown bark. The branches are short. In this case, the shoots are quite strongly branched and slightly raised upward.

The plant is recommended to be grown in well-lit areas. At the same time, it does not lose its decorative properties in partial shade. The plant is considered undemanding to the composition of the soil, but is very moisture-loving. Its frost resistance parameters reach -35 degrees. Experts note that culture does not develop well in a polluted urban environment.


Spruce Wills Zwerg is grown in climatic zones 3 and 4. The plant requires soil with a moderately acidic reaction. Suitable options include loam and sandy loam soil. The crop does not tolerate stagnant moisture near the roots, prolonged drought, or increased soil salinity.

When choosing a place to plant spruce of this variety, it is recommended to give preference to an area that is protected from strong gusts of wind. The fact is that in this case there is a risk of damage to young shoots and deterioration in the appearance of the tree.

Spruce Wills Miniature tree

Landing requirements

Purchased Vilcwerg spruce seedlings need to be planted in spring and autumn. Plants in containers can be moved to open soil at any time when the air temperature is positive.To do this you need to do the following:

  1. A few days before planting the crop, prepare a hole. Its width should be 60 centimeters and its depth 70.
  2. Place a layer of drainage at the bottom of the hole. It may consist of small pebbles. Crushed brick or expanded clay are also suitable.
  3. Pour 1-2 buckets of water into the hole.
  4. Prepare the substrate to fill the hole. To do this, you need to take garden soil and mix it with sand and peat. The share of additional components should be 30%. In this case, they need to be mixed in equal parts.
  5. Plant the plant so that the root collar remains flush with the ground surface.
  6. Water the plant generously and mulch the bed with sawdust or pine needles.


After planting, the plant requires good care. In hot weather, the crop needs to be watered on time. In dry weather, Wills Zwerg spruce is recommended to be moistened weekly. For 1 plant it is worth using 10-12 liters of water. The soil around the trunk should be loosened to a shallow depth - up to 5 centimeters.

Another useful measure for caring for the plant is mulching the soil surface with peat. This procedure is recommended to be carried out 1-2 times a year. In this case, the layer thickness should be 5-6 centimeters.

Spruce Wills Zwerg photo

You should feed the spruce no more than 2 times during the season. Pruning is carried out exclusively when forming a hedge. In this case, it is enough to shorten the protruding lower branches. With the arrival of spring, it is worth carrying out sanitary pruning. In this case, it is necessary to get rid of diseased and dry branches.

Young seedlings need to be covered for the winter during the first 3-4 years. This will help prevent them from being damaged by snow and ice.A common problem that gardeners face when growing crops is damage to the crown bud. If this happens, the crown quickly loses its decorative properties. In this case, the tree stops growing upward and becomes loose and untidy in appearance.

Pest Control

The culture is considered quite resistant to diseases and pests. However, sometimes when growing a plant, some problems still arise. Among the most common diseases it is worth highlighting:

  • Schutte is a fungal infection that turns the needles brown and causes them to fall off;
  • gray mold - appears when plantings are very dense or soil moisture is high;
  • brown rot - occurs when the soil is wet.

The listed diseases are fungal in nature. Therefore, fungicidal drugs will help to cope with them. In addition to pathologies, spruce often suffers from attacks by pests - aphids, beetles, caterpillars, and mites. To avoid such problems, the plant must be systematically treated with an infusion of wormwood or garlic. It is also permissible to use a soap solution for preventive purposes.

El Wills Zwerg

If signs of plant damage by parasites appear, it is recommended to cut off the diseased shoots and burn them. In this case, the remaining fragments of the crop should be treated with any insecticidal substance.

How to propagate

It is recommended to propagate the culture using cuttings. To do this, in the spring you need to prepare cuttings measuring 7-12 centimeters. To root, they need to be planted in a composition based on sand and peat and watered generously with a solution of a growth stimulator. After 2-4 months, the cuttings will take root. At this stage, it can be transplanted into a small pot, and after 1 year - to a permanent place.

Application in landscape design

The culture has excellent decorative properties. It goes well with other spruces, thujas, compact pines and creeping conifers. The plant can be planted in rock gardens or along paths. It goes well with flowering perennials - roses, barberry, forsythia.

Spruce Wills Zwerg is a fairly popular and sought-after crop. This plant fits perfectly into a variety of garden compositions. At the same time, it requires minimal maintenance.
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