Reasons why the tips of the leaves of a date palm dry out and what to do

Date palm - a common crop grown at home. Thanks to their spreading crown and feathery foliage, the plants look impressive in any room. When growing trees, the question often arises as to why the tips of the leaves of a date palm begin to dry out. Having figured out the cause of the problem, it will be possible to restore the condition of the plantings and ensure proper growth.

Why does the date palm dry out?

There are a large number of reasons why palm leaves dry out and begin to turn yellow.Most often, the problem arises as a result of improper care, violation of planting rules, or unfavorable environmental conditions. The plant may not develop well due to non-compliance with heat, humidity and lighting conditions..

Air humidity

Drying of the tips of the leaves and acquiring a brownish tint indicates inappropriate air humidity. Among other things, the following problems may occur:

  • too dry air;
  • through blowing;
  • sudden temperature change.

It is important to take into account that in a plant that grows for several years, due to natural processes, the leaves in the lower part of the palm begin to gradually turn yellow, dry out and die. Drying can also begin during hot, dry summers.

date palm

Soil moisture

Excessive application of liquid to the soil leads to the fact that the palm tree trunk becomes soft, rots and emits an unpleasant odor. At the same time, the leaves of the date palm begin to darken and dry out. Insufficient moisture also provokes improper development of the green part of plants.

When faced with a problem, it is necessary to water moderately or temporarily suspend moisture if it is necessary to allow the soil to dry out. If possible, remove the palm tree from the pot and inspect the roots for signs of rotting. If the roots have acquired a dark shade, become soft and watery, then the chances of the plant recovering will be minimal. Damaged parts of the roots are trimmed, allowed to dry and treated with a growth stimulator.

watered flower


The attack of harmful insects leads to improper development and deterioration in the appearance of plants. If a houseplant is affected by pests, it is necessary to determine their variety in order to begin the appropriate control.The following parasites pose a danger to the date palm:

  1. Shield. The insect absorbs sap from the palm tree, leaving brown discolorations on the leaves. Subsequently, the foliage turns yellow, dries out and falls off.
  2. Red spider mite. The parasite occurs on a tree due to a violation of temperature and humidity conditions. The mite damages the stem and leaves, leaving gray and yellow plaques.
  3. Thrips. A thrips attack can be detected by brown spots on the back of the leaf. Pests lay eggs on the foliage and cause the above-ground parts to dry out.
  4. Common spider mite. A sign of the appearance of an insect is the formation of cobwebs on the leaves. The pest is especially active in extremely dry air.
  5. Mealybug. The parasite is capable of infecting the branches and crown of a date palm. Due to the influence of the scale insect, the foliage quickly dries out and falls off.

spider mite


The most common date palm disease is gray spot. Characteristic signs of the disease are gray darkening on the surface of the leaf blades. Mostly spots appear on older leaves. If measures are not taken to combat the disease, black spots, which are fungal spores, will begin to form due to the development of spotting.

To treat the disease, you will need to carefully cut off all infected parts to prevent the spread of infection. Then they are treated with fungicidal antifungal drugs.

The plant is also characterized by the appearance of root rot due to excessive soil moisture. As the disease develops, the leaves turn yellow, and then gradually darken and die.The spread of rot is accelerated by excessive watering, strong temperature changes and a lack of nutrients in the soil. Treatment of root rot is possible only at the primary stage of development. The affected roots of the plant are trimmed and soaked in a fungicide suspension solution. The soil from the pot is steamed and disinfected.

disease check

What to do about this problem?

Having discovered improper development of the date palm and drying of the foliage, it is necessary to determine the cause of the problem. If the leaves of a tree turn yellow and dry out due to improper care, it is enough to follow the recommended watering schedule, arrange a drainage system, apply fertilizers and remove dying parts of the plant. You should also provide favorable environmental conditions, including bright lighting, moist air, room temperature and no draft.

If the cause of the disease is an invasion of parasites, protective treatment will be required. For this:

  • moisten a sponge in a soapy solution and gently wipe the leaves;
  • the plant is sprayed with a biological product selected to combat a specific pest;
  • repeat the treatment at intervals of 5-7 days until the parasites are completely destroyed.

To combat date palm diseases, fungicidal drugs are used. You can also use the traditional method and wipe the affected areas with medical alcohol.

leaf control

How to prevent leaves from drying out?

A favorable microclimate and regular maintenance can help reduce the risk or completely prevent the drying out of date palm foliage. It is recommended to periodically spray the plant for preventive purposes. You should also constantly inspect the planting in order to promptly detect signs of damage by pests and diseases.
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