Fungicide Bumper Super is considered an effective substance that helps cope with a variety of pathologies. The drug is effective in the treatment of septoria, rust, powdery mildew and other diseases that affect the foliage, stems and spikelets of grain crops. In order for the use of the composition to give the required results, it is important to strictly follow the instructions.
Composition and principle of action
The drug includes 2 active components:
- propiconazole – 90 grams/liter;
- prochloraz – 400 grams/liter.
The product is available in the form of an emulsion concentrate.The consumption rate of the working solution is 200-300 liters per 1 hectare.
The active components of the fungicidal drug - prochloraz and propiconazole - belong to different chemical categories. They belong to imidazoles and triazoles, respectively. This combination creates systemic-translaminar protection of plants from a variety of pathologies. These include powdery mildew, pyrenophorosis, and rust. The composition is also effective in the treatment of septoria of the ear and foliage, ascochyta blight and other pathologies.
Prochloraz can get into any part of the crop, including the underside of the leaf. With its help, it is possible to protect the plant from infection in the tissue for 1 month. By suppressing the production of sterol in fungi, it is possible to achieve the death of the pathogen. The product belongs to the third hazard class.
Propiconazole has an intraplant effect on pathogens, providing protection for new plant growth. The composition produces a pronounced therapeutic effect on the affected crop.
The drug helps to cope with a variety of pathologies. Most often it is used to eliminate the following ailments:
- powdery mildew;
- rust;
- septoria;
- fusarium head blight;
- cercosporelosis;
- anthracnose;
- ascochyta blight
Advantages and disadvantages
The advantages of the product include the following:
- high degree of root rot control;
- a combination of 2 active components that have different mechanisms of action - this helps prevent the development of resistance;
- high efficiency even under unfavorable climatic conditions;
- disinfectant effect on crops, soil and plant residues.
The only disadvantage is that the product belongs to the third hazard class. This means that you need to be careful when using it.
Compatibility with other tools
The drug can be combined with other fungicides, insecticidal substances and crop feeding agents. The only exceptions are highly alkaline compounds. In this case, the compatibility is affected by the formulation of the remaining substances.
Before using the drug Bumper Super in combination with other substances, you need to do a test.
Instructions for use
It is recommended to use the fungicide by continuous spraying. It is permissible to use the substance at different stages of cereal development. The protective effect lasts for 2-3 weeks and depends on the climate and the degree of complexity of the pathologies. It is necessary to treat crops prophylactically - before the first symptoms of mass destruction appear and in the early stages of the development of pathologies.
It is important to take into account climatic conditions and the threat of a plant being affected by a certain disease.
The standards for using the product are indicated in the table:
Culture | Spectrum of action | Application rate, liters/hectare |
Winter wheat | Rust, powdery mildew, septoria, fusarium, cercospearosis, pyrenophorosis | 0,8-1,2 |
Soybeans | Septoria blight, anthracnose blight, cercospora blight, ascochyta blight | 0,8-1,0 |
Sunflower | Alternaria, rust | 1,0-1,5 |
The total amount of working solution should not be more than 200-400 liters per 1 hectare. The listed plants can be sprayed twice. The waiting time before harvesting is 1 month. It is permissible to carry out mechanical work at the first sign of a violation.To prevent dangerous damage to cereals, it is worth spraying from the booting stage to the beginning of heading.
Precautionary measures
Food containers must not be used to prepare the working solution. When processing plantings, you should make sure that there are no children or pets nearby. It is important to use personal protective equipment. These include glasses, gloves, and a respirator. Smoking, drinking or eating is prohibited while working.
Analogues of the product include:
- Gritol Extra;
- Alioth;
- Alto Super;
- Virtuoso.
Numerous reviews confirm the effectiveness of this product:
- Elena, 45 years old: “I spray sunflower planting with this product. I can say that it perfectly helps cope with Alternaria and rust. At the same time, it is important to strictly follow the rules for preparing the working solution.”
- Marina, 34 years old: “I have been using Bumper Super in my garden for several years now. It helps prevent the development of powdery mildew and other fungal pathologies. It is important to take precautions."
Fungicide Bumper Super is an effective product that provides reliable protection against fungal infections. It is important to strictly adhere to the rules for the manufacture and use of the solution.