Dandelions are attractive, sunny flowers that complement cottage lawns and feature attractive blooms. However, they often fill the entire space and do not bring joy to gardeners. In this case, the question often arises of how to get rid of dandelions on the site forever, and there are TOP 15 ways to do this. Methods to solve the problem include chemical, mechanical and folk remedies.
Mowing is a simple and reliable way
If dandelions have filled the entire area, they have to be mowed down. To do this, it is permissible to use a variety of products - a scythe, a trimmer, a cultivator. You can also use a lawn mower.
This simple method does not make it possible to completely get rid of the weed, since the root system remains in the soil and after a certain time leads to the appearance of new shoots. However, this method is actively used, since the restoration of mowed plants occurs gradually. This way the gardener can rest until the next wave of plants appears.
Weeds must be removed during budding. This is done before flowering begins, 2 times a week. Cutting them off during the period of seed formation is considered not a very effective way, since at this stage the active stage of reproduction begins. Even cut flowers actively form fluffy caps with seeds.
If dandelions were cut at the flowering stage, they need to be removed from the beds. It is forbidden to put such plants in compost pits, since subsequently the fertilizer will actively spread weeds.
Dandelions are able to take root to a depth of 30-50 centimeters. It is unlikely that you will be able to remove them manually. If you only pull out the greens and remove the top of the roots, development will resume over time. Therefore, it is much better to dig up the plants.
First, the crop needs to be watered. This will simplify the process of removing it from the ground. After this, you need to take a suitable device. It is best to use a long and narrow garden trowel or knife for this. The plant must be carefully dug up from all sides around the root and removed with a lump of earth.
It is also permissible to use an ordinary shovel.In this case, you need to dig up the dandelion, throw out the root and return the soil back. A better solution would be to use a special root remover. It has the same principle of operation, but the process is significantly simplified.
To use this product, the device must be installed directly above the weed and deep into the ground. Then you need to pull it up and pull out the root. Weeds removed from the soil should be burned or thrown away outside the site. If you put dandelions in a compost pit, the seeds can ripen and again scatter across lawns, flower beds and beds.
The main task in the fight against dandelions lies in removing the rhizomes from the ground. To do this, it is permissible to use a regular shovel. In this case, you need to stick the blade into the ground, carefully turn out the lump of earth and pull out the rhizome from it. Then the lump needs to be lowered back.
This method helps solve the dandelion problem for the entire season. To do this, you need to lay black mulch material between the rows. It can be purchased at any garden center. It is also permissible to cover the beds completely and plant the seedlings in cross-shaped cuts. In this case, there will be no open land on the site at all.
Weeds, like other crops, need sufficient light. At the same time, the black non-woven fabric does not allow it to pass through. As a result, dandelions die. Their seeds, which were present in the ground, also lose their ability to germinate.In this case, the seeds brought by the wind will not have contact with the ground and will not send roots into it.
This method is considered quite reliable, but many summer residents do not like it. The fabric located between the beds does not look very attractive. However, this can be easily corrected by sprinkling the material with a layer of natural mulch. Hay, straw, rotted sawdust, and chopped bark are suitable for this. It is important to consider that this option can be used for cultivated land - a vegetable garden or flower garden. It will not be possible to cover the lawn with fabric.
Boiling water
To partially remove dandelions, you can use boiling water. You can also use boiling fat for this purpose. You need to water the central part of the outlet with this solution. This manipulation is carried out for 3 days. Only in this case will the dandelions disappear. It is also permissible to take a camping gas burner and spot-treat areas with grass.
This one-time method contributes to the temporary suppression of plants. A more effective solution would be fat that sticks to the aboveground part of the crops.
Table salt helps to cope with young dandelions. It will not help destroy mature weeds. To use this method, you need to take 1 tablespoon of table salt. It should be sprinkled on a small plant. It is important to try not to get it on vegetables and flowers. A high concentration of sodium chloride provokes the death and death of weeds.
Vinegar essence
To use vinegar on plants, it is recommended to do the following:
- take table vinegar with a concentration of 9% and evaporate it to obtain a solution of high concentration;
- Mix vinegar essence in equal parts with water to obtain a less saturated substance.
The solution must be poured into a spray bottle and the dandelion must be thoroughly treated. To get 100% effect, you need to dig the plant out of the ground and fill the hole with vinegar. This will help get rid of any remaining roots.
Vinegar can be replaced with hydrochloric acid. Its solution is sold in hardware stores. It is necessary to wear gloves when working with this product. The solution needs to be collected in a syringe and applied to each bush. After a few hours, the dandelions will turn dark and die.
Burning is an extreme remedy
Burning will help get rid of unwanted vegetation. To use this method, it is recommended to take a portable gas burner, turn it on and burn out all the dandelion fragments located underground. Particular attention should be paid to the central part of the bush from which the flowers grow. It is important to consider that this will help stop the development of weeds, but not destroy them completely.
Herbicide use
An effective way to kill dandelions is the use of herbicides. Such means are indispensable if weeds cover the entire area, and it is simply not possible to deal with them manually.
Chemicals lead to the destruction of the aboveground part of the dandelion and its root system. Therefore, it is important to choose post-emergence herbicides. In this case, all treatments should be carried out at the stage of basal leaves. This is done until the weed finishes flowering and the volatile seeds on the heads ripen. At the same time, autumn treatment with herbicides will not give the desired effect. At this stage, the preparation of plants for winter begins, and therefore all processes in them slow down significantly.
The principle of action of herbicides is as follows:
- the composition is retained on the plant by means of an adhesive;
- active components provoke metabolic disorders;
- it takes at least 6 hours for the product to absorb;
- The weeds first turn pale, then turn yellow, and then dry up.
You can destroy dandelions in your garden beds using a variety of means. It is important to consider that there are herbicides with a broad spectrum of action. They will also affect other plant species that will die. If such substances are used incorrectly, there is a risk of destroying lawn grass and cultivated plants. In addition, most herbicides have a prolonged effect, and therefore they will suppress the treated crops for several weeks.
The methods of applying herbicides also differ. Such preparations are used for spraying dandelions or for spot application. In any case, you need to use chemicals very carefully, carefully reading the instructions. The use of personal protective equipment is of no small importance.
The herbicide is highly effective. It can be used to treat overgrown ornamental lawns and cereal plantings. The product is inert to such plants, therefore it exhibits maximum effectiveness. "Lintur" helps destroy annual and perennial weeds without harming the soil.
The drug can be used in spring and autumn. This helps get rid of overwintering weeds. In addition, the product is effective during the appearance of the first shoots and the active development of unwanted vegetation. The product blocks cell development in the first hours after use. The drug "Lintur" is characterized by a cumulative effect. Therefore, it protects the area from weeds for a long time.
The concentrated composition is released in ampoules. It must be mixed with water before use.In this case, you need to take 1.8 grams of the substance per 5 liters of liquid. Spraying dandelions should be done in sunny and dry weather.
It is important to consider that the active component of the product can cause harm to neighboring plants. To prevent negative consequences, they need to be covered with a protective film. There is also no need to dilute too much of the drug. Lintura solution cannot be stored.
This systemic herbicide has a selective effect. It is produced in the form of an aqueous solution. The composition is sold in sachets of 2, 3 and 4 milliliters. You can also find bottles with a capacity of 24 milliliters in stores.
The active substance of Bis-300 is clopyralid. It can be used to destroy different types of perennial weeds. The composition can be used to treat beds with strawberries, lawns, and fields with cereals.
To prepare the working solution, it is recommended to pour the required amount of herbicide into a tank of water and mix the components thoroughly. Strawberry beds should be cultivated in the fall - after harvesting. For 3 liters of water you should take 3 milliliters of the substance. This volume is enough for 50 square meters of land.
"Dialen super"
This is a selective herbicide that protects corn and grain crops from various types of weeds. The active component of the product is dicamb. The drug is produced in the form of a water-soluble concentrate.
The product is sold ready-made. Therefore, it is easy to use.For 1 hectare it is required to use 250-300 liters of solution.
Herbicide "Hacker"
This product has a selective effect and helps destroy dicotyledonous weeds on lawns. The composition does not harm cultivated plants. “Hacker” affects the dandelion’s hormonal system and prevents its cell division. Disruption of biological processes causes the death of the weed.
The concentrated composition is diluted with water. For 5 liters it is recommended to take 2.5 grams of powder. The finished solution is enough for 100 square meters of land. The substance should be sprayed in dry, windless weather. It takes 2 weeks to completely destroy pests. To reduce the likelihood of seed spread, treatment should be carried out at the beginning of the season.
This selective weed killer helps maintain your lawn and control weeds. The composition is characterized by high absorption rate and resistance to precipitation.
"Deimos" is available in the form of a high concentration product. To use it, you need to mix 20 milliliters of the substance with 3 liters of water. This volume is enough to process 100 square meters of land. It is permissible to use the composition only in sunny and calm weather.
The active component is very quickly absorbed by tissues, so the active growth of dandelions stops after just a few hours. The first noticeable results can be seen after 1-2 weeks. This period depends on the weather. Complete destruction occurs within a month.
The deep penetration drug copes with dandelions at the stage of sprout formation. The effect of the product lasts six months from the moment the soil is treated.Magnum enters the crop structure through the foliage and prevents the production of amino acids. As a result, cell division stops, which leads to the death of the weed.
The concentrated composition must be diluted in stages. To do this, 300 grams of the product must be mixed with 1 liter of water and mixed well until the composition is completely dissolved. After this, you need to add 9 liters of water and mix again.
The finished product can be sprayed on an area with dandelions. The drug penetrates into the tissue structure within 4 hours. In this case, visual signs of effectiveness are observed after 1-2 weeks.
"Tornado Extra"
This broad-spectrum herbicide works on annual and perennial weeds, and dandelions are no exception. "Tornado Extra" is used in the spring before planting begins.
The drug is intended for treating sprouts during the growing season. When it gets on the foliage, the composition blocks the production of compounds that are responsible for plant development. This helps destroy the above-ground part and roots.
To prepare a working solution for spraying, it is recommended to mix 40 milliliters of the product with 3 liters of water. The composition must be thoroughly mixed and the problem area treated. The treatment is carried out in warm, dry weather. The waiting period is 2 weeks. If the soil is intended for planting garden plants, you need to wait until the weeds die.
Dandelions cause gardeners and gardeners a lot of inconvenience. That's why they try to fight them in different ways. To do this, it is permissible to use different means - mechanical, chemical, folk. It is important to strictly follow the instructions.