Instructions for use of fosethyl aluminum and consumption rate, analogues

Obtaining a voluminous harvest is possible with comprehensive plant care. It is necessary to pay attention not only to fertilizing and watering crops, but also to protecting them from pests, diseases, and increasing disease resistance. Aluminum phosethyl (phosphite) exhibits protective and medicinal effects on plant crops, and the powder has low toxicity for bees and other beneficial insects.

Composition and release form of fosetyl aluminum

The product is a systemic fungicide that exhibits protective and medicinal properties. Wettable powder is the form of release of the drug. Standard packaging is a bag weighing 2.5 kg (a kilogram of powder contains 800 g of active ingredient).

Aluminum fosethyl belongs to the chemical class organophosphorus compounds. When using the drug, you need to remember that the powder is diluted with water and not with organic solvents.

The powder exhibits characteristics when stored dry, but is destroyed upon contact with strong oxidizing agents.

How the drug works and what it is used for

Aluminum fosethyl is a systemic pesticide. Poisoning of harmful insects occurs as the solution spreads through the vascular system of plants. The powder performs the following functions:

  • protective – prevents damage to plants by fungi or insects, prevents the spread of pests. It is recommended to completely treat plant crops with the drug solution;
  • medicinal quality allows you to help plants affected by pests. When treating diseased plants, you need to understand that their yield will be reduced.

The effect of the drug begins within 30-40 minutes after processing plant crops. Since the solution quickly penetrates the plant, there is no threat of it being washed off during rain or watering. And the protective qualities last for 2-3 weeks.

phosphoethyl aluminum

Consumption rates and instructions for use

There are certain nuances when processing individual plant crops with aluminum fosetyl (recommendations are given in the table):

Name of culture Powder consumption (g/are) Features of use
Grape 25 sprayed against mildew before flowering, during the formation of berries, with an interval of 10-14 days
Onion 20-25 during the growing season they are treated against peronosporosis
cucumbers 20 during the growing season they are treated against peronosporosis
Peaches, pear, cherry 0.5% solution treated against late blight rot after flowering
Apple trees 0.5% solution After flowering, the base of the trunk is watered with a solution against late blight rot

phosphoethyl aluminum

Safety precautions when using fungicide

We cannot exclude the risk of harmful effects of pesticides on the human body if they come into contact with the skin or mucous membranes during spraying of plants. Therefore, it is important to adhere to safety rules:

  • spraying is carried out in clothes with long sleeves that provide body protection;
  • It is recommended to first put on rubber gloves, protect your eyes with special glasses, and cover your head with a hat;
  • When diluting the powder, follow the instructions from the manufacturer.

After processing the plants, you need to wash thoroughly with running water and wash your hands with soap. It is important to consider the recommendations of the powder manufacturer indicated on the packaging.

Compatibility with other substances

The manufacturer does not recommend combining the application of nitrogen fertilizers and pollination/watering of plants with aluminum phosethyl. To increase the effect of the powder, it is mixed with other contact preparations (substances that affect pests upon contact with the integument of pests). Before combining fungicides, you need to ensure their biological or chemical compatibility. Fosetyl should not be used with copper-based substances.

spraying bushes

How to store it correctly

It is advisable to allocate a separate room for storing pesticides. The manufacturer recommends storing the substance in an airtight container with a sticker with the name of the fungicide, since aluminum phosethyl oxidizes to phosphate when interacting with moisture and air.

To clean up accidentally spilled powder, use a dustpan and dry rags, and be sure to wear protective gloves.

What can be replaced

Based on the active ingredient fosetyl aluminum, the drug "Alette" is produced, used for processing onions, cucumbers, and strawberries. The drug “Efatol” has a wider range of applications, which is used for spraying grapes, pears, cherries, sunflowers, apple trees, and peaches.

The use of pesticides should not be underestimated, since the use of substances helps increase crop yields. In modern conditions, the fertility of the land is decreasing, climatic conditions are changing, and without the use of pesticides it becomes difficult to combat plant diseases and pests.
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