Instructions for use of the herbicide Pyramine Turbo, how to prepare a working solution

Thanks to scientists constantly working on the creation of chemicals for agriculture, new ones are appearing that make it easier to process and grow crops. Among those especially in demand are selective pesticides. A herbicide called Pyramine Turbo is one of the new, highly effective substances that can control the appearance of weeds in beet crops.

Composition and release form of the drug "Pyramin Turbo"

"Pyramine Turbo" belongs to systemic herbicides of the pyridazinones class. The drug is based on chloridazone, the amount of which is 520 grams per liter of Pyramine.

Produced by the largest German chemical concern BASF. The form of the drug is a suspension concentrate, packaged in plastic canisters with a volume of 10 liters.

Positive and negative sides

Experts note the advantages of the herbicide:

  • non-toxic to beets;
  • guarantees a high yield of root crops;
  • does not delay the development of agricultural crops;
  • it is possible to use the pesticide at any stage of the beet growing season;
  • can be used in hot weather;
  • is a leader among herbicides with these parameters.

Pyramin Turbo

Spectrum and mechanism of action

"Pyramin Turbo" is used both before sowing and after the beets have sprouted. It is capable of destroying dicotyledonous weeds of the annual development cycle.

The main component of the drug penetrates into weeds through the roots, if the treatment was carried out on the soil, and through the foliage - in the post-emergence period. The principle of action of the toxic substance is that it stops the process of photosynthesis, as a result of which the amount of chlorophyll sharply decreases. Nitrogen metabolism is disrupted - there is less of it in the roots, and more of it in the leaves and stems.

After a few days, the suppressive effect of the herbicide is visually noticeable. The weeds curl, change color and soon die.

large canister

Consumption rates

According to the regulations for use, “Pyramin Turbo” can be used on sugar and fodder beets once or twice. In the first case, the drug solution is made more concentrated. From 3 to 5 liters of Pyramine are used per 1 hectare. With double application - 2.5 liters per hectare.

The consumption of working fluid is 200-400 liters per hectare.

Preparation of working solution

The herbicide solution is prepared immediately before starting work:

  1. Check the serviceability of the sprayer, the cleanliness of the tank, the flow capacity of the tubes and nozzles.
  2. Clean water is filtered through a filter to prevent foreign particles from entering the sprayer tank.
  3. Fill it with water to a third of its volume.
  4. Turn on the stirrer.
  5. Add the calculated amount of Pyramine Turbo herbicide.
  6. Add water to full volume.

packaged solution

How to use the drug correctly?

With a single application of the herbicide, spraying is carried out before sowing or before the beets emerge.

Double application is carried out at the time of the first and second waves of weeds. The development phase of the beets does not matter. Between treatments take a break of two weeks.

"Pyramine" does not lose its effect after precipitation. On the contrary, rain helps the pesticide reach the roots faster and kill the weed. The optimal temperature for effective action is from +10 ⁰С to +20 ⁰С.

use on equipment

Precautions when working with herbicide

When working with herbicide, it is necessary to observe a number of safety measures:

  • do not allow pregnant women and persons under 18 years of age to work;
  • use special clothing and personal protective equipment;
  • do not drink, do not smoke, do not eat until work is completed;
  • do not carry out treatment near residential buildings, reservoirs, drinking water sources;
  • do not take away used clothing after use;
  • carry out processing in the morning or evening, in calm weather.

Toxicological properties

The herbicide "Pyramin Turbo" is classified as a third class of danger to humans and bees.It poses a great threat to fish, so spraying is prohibited in the water protection zone of reservoirs.

According to the regulations for use, Pyramine is approved for aerial processing.

The activity of the pesticide lasts from 2 to 8 months. The decomposition of the chemical takes place under the influence of microorganisms within 3-4 months.

spread of toxins

Is it compatible with other drugs?

Pyramine Turbo can be used in tank mixtures with other herbicides, insecticides and fungicides. This is done to enhance the effect of pesticides and protect beets from diseases and pests.

Before use, a drug compatibility test is required, carried out on small volumes of chemicals. If there is no sediment or flakes, a conclusion is drawn that the mixture can be used.

Storage rules

The drug is stored in a special warehouse away from food products and animal feed at temperatures from -5 ⁰C to +40. The original packaging must be undamaged and have a label. The shelf life from the date of manufacture is 3 years.

box in warehouse

Similar herbicides

Drugs that have properties similar to Pyramin include Burex 430. The herbicide has the same active ingredient. It is used to destroy weeds in beet crops.
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