Table of compatibility of fungicides with insecticides and rules for using drugs

A universal remedy for protecting your garden and vegetable garden from pests is tank mixtures. Often, summer residents and farmers use ready-made purchased preparations. But you can cook them yourself. It is important to take into account the compatibility of the fungicides and insecticides that will make up the mixture. A table of compatibility of substances, as well as knowledge of the intricacies of technology and rules of use will help you prepare the product in the country.

Can fungicides be mixed with insecticides?

During spring and autumn work, the summer resident has to treat the plants with several means - from insects, fungus and diseases. Spraying a plant first with one drug and then with another takes a lot of time.

Insecticides and fungicides can be mixed in a common container and sprayed at one time. But before preparing a mixture from existing products, you need to check their compatibility.

When selecting components you need to consider:

  • action of insecticides - systemic, contact, protective, wide spectrum;
  • phase of development, type of insect - gnawing, sedentary, rapidly reproducing;
  • purpose of fungicides - prevention, treatment of fungus.

Anti-rodent chemicals are also used in solutions.

mixing scheme

Compatibility table of insecticides, fungicides and microfertilizers

Compatible are those drugs that match the processing time, physical and chemical properties. The solubility of substances in water affects the order in which they are added to the container when mixing.

Decis Forte(s) Zenit(s) Zolon(s) Impact (f) New Star(s) Practitioner(s) Topaz (f) Horus (f) Efatol (f)
Decis Forte(s) + + + + +
Zenit(s) + + + + + + +
Zolon(s) + + + + + + +
Impact (f) + + + + + + +
New Star(s) + + + + + + +
Practitioner(s) + + + + + + +
Topaz (f) + + + + + + +
Horus (f) + + + + + + +
Efatol (f) + + + + + +


  • F - fungicide;
  • I - insecticide;
  • + - compatible;
  • - - are not compatible.

Products with the same effect are usually not mixed. More often, the mixture includes a drug against insects and fungi. But with excessive activity of parasites and viruses, several substances with similar purposes are dissolved in one tank.

add powder

Helpful facts about mixing popular chemicals:

  • Bordeaux mixture is not added to the solution, but sprayed separately;
  • Fitoverm and Aktara preparations are incompatible. Baikal-Em and Fitosporin are combined separately with each of them;
  • the antifungal biological product Pseudobacterin-2 is compatible with chemicals, but is not compatible with succinic acid;
  • Mixtures of antibacterial drugs and pesticides work effectively against codling moth: bitokisbacillin, lipidocd with fufanon, kemifos.
  • Biological products with bacteria work well with chemical fungicides.

Do not mix fungicides containing sulfur and oil preparations. Biological substances with a fungal base will be destroyed by antibiotics.

pour liquid

What are tank mixtures

A tank mixture is a combination of several chemicals to kill garden pests and diseases. Substances in solution can enhance each other’s effects. A single treatment with the mixture is more beneficial than repeated exposure. Plants and soil adapt better to the preparations, and the gardener saves time.

Insects and viruses get used to the constant action of one poison. They are not resistant to the complex solution, so it is more effective. You will have to cultivate the garden less often. For a farm of several hectares, less complex preparation will be required compared to a conventional one. This will save money, reduce the consumption of raw materials and water, and preserve soil fertility longer.

Ready-made tank mixtures contain two or more components. A weed killer is also added to insecticides and fungicides. Liquid fertilizer and growth stimulant add benefits to the composition. Chemical compounds inhibit plants, and fertilizing and stimulants strengthen their immunity.

tank mixtures

How to dilute a mixture of pesticides

Chemicals for pest control are mixed in water. Base quality requirements:

  • room temperature, from 10 to 22-25 degrees;
  • filtered, spring;
  • transparent.

River and rain water are not suitable for preparing the mixture.Sludge, bacteria in it can affect the chemical reaction.

Water with mineral salts is not suitable. If it is hard, the chemicals will precipitate.

To help contact pesticides adhere better to plants, you can add a soap solution. But for system tools it is useless. Soap is lye. It will act as a neutralizer for acidic drugs.

pesticide mixture

What can be mixed and what cannot?

Manufacturers indicate recommendations for mixing insect repellent chemicals in the instructions on the packaging. If there are no special instructions or restrictions, you can use the following hint on how to combine fungicides and insecticides:

  • check compatibility experimentally - mix a small amount of drugs in a bucket of water;
  • combine substances recommended for a certain growing season.

Preparations intended for spraying plants during flowering will have no or little effect after harvesting.

During the preparation of a homemade mixture, incompatible substances change the physical and chemical properties of each other. The result will be a toxic solution with sediment that will clog the sprayer holes and cause the mixture to cover the plants unevenly.

man in the garden

A solution of incompatible drugs is dangerous due to phytotoxicity. The substances accumulate in plants and cause burns, which can be noticed after 2-3 days. Also, the effect of the poison can manifest itself after a week in the form of fallen leaves.

Preparing a test solution will help check the compatibility of the components and water. As a result of the chemical reaction, a precipitate may appear and its consistency may change. In this case, you need to replace one of the components or use water from a different source.The disadvantage of preparing a homemade tank mixture is that you have to achieve compatibility of substances through trial and error.

Do not mix:

  • fungicides and minerals: boron, iron, zinc, magnesium. Fertilizers based on them also cannot be added to the solution;
  • preparations containing sulfur and calcium;
  • acids and alkalis;
  • sulfur and boron with oils;
  • boron and lime;
  • calcium with phosphorus, sulfur, magnesium, iron.

spray a flower

Lime increases toxicity, so Bordeaux mixture is not added to solutions due to the lime in the composition. An excess of growth stimulants will have the opposite, suppressive effect.

Factory tank mixtures contain auxiliary substances that balance the properties of various chemicals: solvents, stabilizers, antioxidants, preservatives, acidity and evaporation regulators.

minerals on earth

Safety measures in the use of tank mixtures

In order not to harm the plants and prepare a homogeneous solution, it is important to follow the order of mixing the chemicals:

  • water soluble;
  • dry granules;
  • concentrates, suspensions;
  • oils, emulsions.

The last to be added are surfactants, aqueous solutions, liquid fertilizers and stimulants.

If the mixture separates, flakes or sediment appear, it cannot be used - the constituent preparations are incompatible and toxic.

The mixture must be prepared and used in one day. Over time, it loses its beneficial properties. It is better to use substances with a state register number on the packaging.

field use

Spraying rules

Recommendations for treating gardens and vegetable gardens with insecticides:

  • do not spray diseased, damaged stems;
  • disinfect the garden in good, warm weather;
  • do not treat insects and weeds at the same time;
  • fertilizing with inorganic salts should be applied after spraying with pesticides.

Plants attacked by insects are vulnerable to chemicals.In hot weather, the preparations can burn the leaves and stems in the sun's rays. In spring, you need to process the plants on a sunny day without wind. Wait a week between tank mixture and herbicide applications.
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