The German manufacturer of pesticides, the Bayer company, has prepared an innovative systemic drug “Infinito” for fungal diseases of potatoes. The product is especially important for farmers who grow crops on an industrial scale. But the instructions for using the Infinito fungicide recommend using it on private farms, protecting potato crops from late blight.
- Composition and release form of the product
- Mechanism of action
- Advantages of the fungicide "Infinito"
- Period of protective action
- Impact speed
- Preparation of working solution
- Instructions for use and consumption
- Precautionary measures
- Degree of toxicity
- Compatibility with other fungicides and toxicity of the drug
- How to store it correctly
- Similar means
Composition and release form of the product
The carbamic acid derivative propamocarb hydrochloride has long been used in the fight against pathogenic microorganisms. It is not without reason that the substance is included in fungicidal preparations. In 1 liter of Infinito there are 62.5 grams of a representative of the carbamate class.
The same amount of fluopicolide. It is used for factory-made fungicidal-type preparations. The substance is active against fungi of the Oomycetes class.
The concentrate is produced in the form of a suspension, where particles of chemical substances are dissolved in water. The suspension does not decompose for a long time, so the mixture is used for spraying vegetable crops. In addition to the main components, the Infinito preparation contains up to 10 inert ingredients that provide the viscosity of the concentrate and an electrical charge. Due to this, during processing, particles of the suspension are attracted to the surface of the leaves and stems.
The product is packaged in 5 liter canisters.
Mechanism of action
The action of the main components is contact and systemic in nature. Once on plant parts, the substances cause the death of fungi. The contact action of the fungicide is associated with inhibition of the reproductive functions of pathogens. Therefore, after spraying, infection of leaves and stems stops.
But Infinito also acts systemically on pathogens, penetrating inside in doses that are safe for the plant. A mixture of contact and systemic fungicide destroys internal and external infections of fungal origin. As a result of the action, microorganisms die both on the surface of plants and inside plant cells.
Carrying out preventive measures leads to increased resistance of vegetable crops to the action of pathogens. The use of a fungicide stimulates the growth of potatoes and tomatoes. Hence the increase in vegetable yields.
Advantages of the fungicide "Infinito"
The drug "Infinito" has:
- a new mechanism of action due to the inclusion of fluopicolide in its composition;
- property to protect plants from late blight on leaves and stems;
- duration of action;
- ability to increase productivity;
- the ability to protect potato tubers from diseases.
The drug is recommended for spraying seed and food crops for medicinal and preventive purposes.
Period of protective action
Infinito is valued for its ability to protect vegetable crops from pathogenic fungi for a long time.
After treatment for 1-2 weeks, the plant is protected by the components of the drug.
Impact speed
Treat plants with Infinito in the morning or evening. Already after 2-4 hours, the substances begin their protective effect on the leaves and stems. In infected plants, fungi and spores will die and their spread will be stopped.
Preparation of working solution
To dilute the suspension, take 5 liters of clean water. Half the amount of water is poured into a special spray bottle. Add 15 ml of fungicidal suspension, stirring thoroughly. Then add the rest of the water. The concentrate particles must be completely dissolved. For 20 ml of Infinito take 6 liters of water. This amount of working solution is enough for one hundred square meters of garden area.
Instructions for use and consumption
The drug is used to prevent the occurrence of fungal infections, spraying 2 times per season:
- For potatoes, the consumption of working fluid is 1.6 liters per hectare of planting. Spray the drug after flowering of the crop twice with a break of 10-15 days. Last time 2 weeks before harvesting the tubers.
- Tomatoes are sprayed 2 weeks after planting the plants in open ground.The processing frequency is the same as for potatoes.
- The drug will help cucumbers resist rot during the growing season. 15 ml of suspension is enough for double treatment.
- 40 days before harvesting cabbage heads, it is necessary to carry out the last spraying of the vegetable beds.
For farmers, the consumption of the working solution will be 400 liters per hectare.
Precautionary measures
Fungicide "Infinito" is a toxic drug. It is necessary to protect children and animals from contact with agrochemicals. The solution for spraying must be prepared in a special container. When using the product you must:
- protect the skin and mucous membranes from contact with liquids;
- apply all the product at once, without leaving excess in accessible places;
- do not pour the remaining liquid onto the ground or into water, but dispose of it;
- Do not eat food, avoid smoking and drinking alcohol.
They try to carry out the Infinito treatment in the morning or evening in calm, windless weather. Do not use the drug in areas located near an apiary, places where bees collect nectar, or reservoirs.
After treatment, wash your hands and face thoroughly with soap. You can treat exposed areas of the body with a solution of ammonia or chlorhexidine. The mouth is rinsed and the mucous membranes are washed with water. If chemicals are ingested, take activated charcoal and cleanse the stomach by inducing a gag reflex.
Degree of toxicity
Fungicide "Infinito" carries a moderate danger to humans and animals. Bees can be poisoned by toxic substances if the drug is used without following the norm. Once in the soil, agrochemicals do not decompose for a long time and are removed only after 15-20 days.Therefore, after excess fungicide gets into the ground, it is necessary to carry out measures to disinfect the soil. To do this, the area is spilled with water and soap or soda (200 grams per bucket) and dug up.
Compatibility with other fungicides and toxicity of the drug
The Infinito fungicide can be used with other drugs of systemic or contact action. But before that, the compatibility of the product is determined. If precipitation occurs or the temperature of the working solution of the mixture increases, it is necessary to stop using it in the fight against fungal infections of garden plants.
How to store it correctly
The drug "Infinito" is stored in utility rooms outside the home, in an inaccessible place. The container must be tightly closed. The suspension is stored for 3 years. The storage temperature should not fall below 15 degrees in the cold season and rise above 35 degrees in the summer.
Similar means
To avoid resistance to the components of the fungicidal drug, it is replaced with analogues. Among the products that have similar actions, the concentrated suspension “Consento” is noted. It is based on propamocarb hydrochloride and substances that have a detrimental systemic effect on pathogens and a protective effect on vegetable crops.
Other drugs based on carbamates, such as Quadris and Acrobat, also cope with pathogenic fungi.