Pathogenic microorganisms that infect garden plants become accustomed to fungicidal drugs, continuing to have a negative effect on crops. Among the new products is the fungicide "Consento", the instructions for use of which are simple and accessible to every vegetable grower. The effectiveness of the product from the German company Bayer has been tested by gardeners and confirmed by positive reviews.
- Purpose and form of release
- How does the fungicide "Consento" work?
- Advantages and disadvantages
- Preparation of working solution and instructions for use
- Potato
- Tomato
- Cucumber
- Onion
- Sunflower
- Precautionary measures
- Safety rules when working with fungicide
- First aid
- Degree of toxicity
- Compatibility with other tools
- How to store it correctly
- Analogs
Purpose and form of release
A special feature of the drug “Consento” is that, belonging to the class of carbamates, it acts systemically and translaminarly. This means that one of the components of the fungicide propamocarb hydrochloride penetrates the roots of the plant, killing spores of soil fungi. The substance acts to reduce the photosynthesis of phospholipids and fatty acids, blocking the growth of mycelium, disrupting the formation of cell membranes.
But at the same time, propamocarb hydrochloride has a positive effect on the growth of seedlings, stimulating the development of the root system and aerial parts of vegetable crops.
The second component of the product, fenamidone, is highly effective against pathogens of vegetable plants. The substance tends to get on the developing parts of the plant, depriving pathogens of a source of energy.
Strains of pathogens of late blight, alternaria, and peronospora remain sensitive to the drug "Consento" constantly.
The fungicide is released in the form of a suspension. The substances are crushed and dispersed in an aqueous environment. The composition, in addition to the main components, contains surfactants and stabilizers. The preparation also contains substances necessary to increase viscosity and having electrical charges. Therefore, the product sticks to parts of the plants and is not washed off.
The concentrate is packaged in canisters of 5 liters, bottles - 0.5 and 1 liter, bottles - from 100 to 10 ml.
How does the fungicide "Consento" work?
The systemic effect of the drug is provided by propamocarb hydrochloride. In a liter of suspension its content is 375 grams. It is this substance that penetrates into pathogenic fungi, acting at the cellular level. After using Consento, the growth and reproduction of pathogens is stopped.
The concentration of phenomidon is 75 grams.It blocks mitochondrial respiration, which leads to a stop in sporulation.
The fungicidal effect continues after treatment with the drug for 7 to 15 days.
Advantages and disadvantages
There are many advantages to using Consento. They are that:
- the occurrence of late blight, alternaria, and downy mildew in vegetables is controlled;
- The fungicide can be used at any phase of plant development;
- there is protection against diseases of young growth, leaves, stems;
- works in any weather;
- packaged in convenient packaging with a dispenser.
Among the disadvantages of the product is its high cost. Not everyone can afford to purchase a liter bottle of fungicide for 1,800 rubles. In addition, do not forget that the agrochemical requires compliance with safety rules when used. It has a hazard class of 3.
Preparation of working solution and instructions for use
Dilution of the “Consento” concentrate is carried out immediately before processing the plants. It is best to spray, both preventive and therapeutic, in the morning or evening. At this time, the sun is not as strong and the solution will not evaporate.
Prevention of fungal diseases is carried out 3-4 times during the growing season every 10-15 days. Do not forget that before harvesting vegetables, 3 weeks must pass after the last fungicide treatment..
Prepare the liquid directly in the sprayer compartment. For 5 liters of water you need 20 ml of concentrate. This amount is enough to cultivate a garden area of 100 square meters.
The late blight fungus often affects tubers and the above-ground parts of potatoes, which reduces the yield of the vegetable crop by 2 times. Therefore, for preventive purposes, plantings should be sprayed with a spray bottle 4 times per season.
The break between treatments is 10 days.
This representative of the Solanaceae family often suffers from pathogenic fungi. In addition to late blight, Alternaria blight occurs in tomatoes, affecting all parts of the plant. Diseases destroy vegetable fruits, reducing their yield by 10-20%.
For prevention, treat the bushes with a working solution of 5 liters. For medicinal purposes, when the first signs of rot appear, it is necessary to treat the fungicide “Consento” three times.
Downy mildew slows down the development of cucumber plants. At the same time, the lashes and leaves become covered with yellow spots, become brown, and die. Cucumbers can be saved by spraying with a working solution of the “Consento” product. Start growing in the first days of the growing season. A week later, repeat the procedure. And so 4 times.
If the crop is already infected, then the parts affected by the fungus are first removed. After this you need to spray.
Infection with the downy mildew fungus leads to the death of the bulbs, which leads to a decrease in yield and rotting during storage.
The risk of peronosporosis is reduced if you treat the beds with Consento onions. The working solution is prepared before treatment by thoroughly stirring a 20 ml bottle of concentrate in 5 liters of clean water. You can protect onions from infection only with 4 sprays every 8-15 days.
Sunflower farmers know the damage pathogenic fungi cause to seed baskets. But by treating them with “Consento”, you can be sure that the sunflower will not be damaged by gray and white rot or Alternaria.
To treat a sunflower field, you need to prepare a working solution according to the instructions.
Precautionary measures
Spraying with a fungicide requires compliance with safety measures, since the use of chemicals is associated with danger to humans. Frequent and excessive use of the product is unsafe for the environment. "Consento" belongs to the 3rd toxicity class, so the drug is not lethal for humans. But if you inhale large amounts of vapor, signs of poisoning may appear.
Do not pour the remaining drug into bodies of water, otherwise the fish and other inhabitants of the pond, lake, or river will die. Fungicide fumes are dangerous for bees.
Before processing plants, you should prepare special clothing to protect against contact with the working fluid.
Safety rules when working with fungicide
You should work with chemicals for no more than 1 hour. In this case it is necessary:
- wear overalls or a robe;
- cover your hands with rubber gloves;
- on the face - a respiratory mask;
- Protect your eyes with special glasses.
Do not smoke, eat or drink while spraying. After treatment, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and rinse your mouth.
Persons under 18 years of age should not be allowed to treat with fungicide. Women during pregnancy and lactation are prohibited from engaging in preventive garden treatments. Events are undesirable for women over 35 years of age.
Poisoning often occurs in those who are overtired or sick with colds.
First aid
If you feel unwell, nausea and vomiting after working with the fungicide “Consento”, you should:
- lay the person down, removing contaminated clothing;
- rinse mucous membranes with clean water;
- give activated carbon tablets;
- induce vomiting by irritating the back of the throat.
It is recommended to give as much fluid as possible. Consulting a doctor in such cases is mandatory.
Degree of toxicity
The drug, which belongs to the 3rd toxicity class, does not pose a danger to humans and animals. But it cannot be used near fisheries farms. Apply the product in the morning or evening, when the flight of bees is limited. The wind speed during processing should not exceed 4-5 meters per second.
Since chemicals take a long time to decompose in the soil, it is necessary to pour excess solution into the soil sparingly. After all, this will lead to soil contamination.
Compatibility with other tools
The drug can be used with other fungicides. It is imperative to determine the compatibility of the products, otherwise the processing will be useless. Mix a small amount of concentrates. If an insoluble precipitate remains in the working solution or the mixture is heated, then the products are incompatible with each other.
How to store it correctly
Pesticides require storage in a place where they are inaccessible to children and pets. The container must be hermetically sealed. Storage temperature from – 15 to +35 degrees C.
To improve the results of preventive measures, you can replace the drug with similar fungicides: Infinito, Quadris, Acrobat. The products are similar in composition and effect on pathogenic microorganisms that cause fungal diseases in vegetable crops.