Instructions for use of the herbicide Prishans, mechanism of action and consumption rates

Prishance is a two-component herbicide, which, according to the instructions for use, is used to control annual and perennial dicotyledonous weeds. The drug has systemic and selective activity. The herbicide is recommended for use for post-emergence treatment of grain crops in the early stages of weed growth.

Composition and release form of the herbicide Prishans

This herbicide contains the following active substances: 2,4-D (2-ethylhexyl ether) and florasulam. The drug has the form of a suspension emulsion. The herbicide Prishance is manufactured in China, the Russian registrant is LLC Chance. Sold in 5 liter plastic canisters.

Spectrum and mechanism of action

Prishance is used to control dicotyledonous weeds. Plants that the herbicide combats: chamomile, sow thistle, ragweed, bedstraw, chickweed, wormwood, spurge and others. Spraying the field is carried out in the early stages of weed growth.

The herbicide penetrates the weed through the leaves and roots and acts at the cellular level. A couple of hours after irrigation, the weeds stop growing. The first noticeable signs of wilting appear after 2-4 days. Plant leaves curl and turn pale. Completely weeds die in 1-2 weeks.

chance herbicide

Advantages and disadvantages of the product

Benefits of using Prishance:

  • rapid destruction of dicotyledonous weeds;
  • resistance to precipitation;
  • long range of application.

Disadvantages of the herbicide:

  • use in a conservation area is prohibited;
  • field processing is carried out at temperatures from +8 to +25 degrees Celsius;
  • requires restrictions on crop rotation.

Consumption rates for different plants

Prishans is used in the following dosages (at a working fluid consumption of 200-300 liters per hectare):

  1. For grains: 0.4-0.6 l/ha.
  2. For corn: 0.4-0.6 l/ha.
  3. For winter barley: 0.4-0.5 l/ha.
  4. For millet: 0.3-0.5 l/ha.

drug consumption

How to prepare a working solution?

The working mixture is prepared on the day of use.A tractor sprayer is used to spray the field with a herbicide. Its tank is filled 1/3 with clean, free water. With the mixers turned on, the required amount of herbicide is poured. Then add the required amount of water to the sprayer tank and mix the solution well. It is advisable not to turn off the mixer during field work.

Instructions for use of the finished mixture

The herbicidal solution is used in the phase of 3-5 leaves (during the tillering period) of the main crop, in the early stages of weed growth. Winter crops are sprayed in the spring. The field is processed after the main crop has sprouted, only once per season.

It is better to spray weeds in the phase of 2-6 leaves, at a height of 5-10 centimeters, in the rosette stage, before stemming begins.

agricultural machinery

In case of severe infestation and the predominance of overgrown weeds, the maximum dosage of the drug is used. The herbicide is not recommended for use if the main crop has suffered from frost, drought, poor nutrition, disease, or insects. The optimal temperature for field irrigation is from 8 to 25 degrees Celsius.

Precautions when working with herbicide

Persons who have no medical contraindications are allowed to work with the herbicide Prishance. When spraying a field, a person must wear a protective suit, a respirator, rubber boots and gloves. After completing field work, it is recommended to wash your hands and face with warm water (with soap), and also rinse your mouth with a soda solution. Do not inhale vapors or drink the herbicide mixture.

Toxicity of the drug

Prishans belongs to toxicity classes 2 and 3. The drug is not toxic to humans, animals, fish, birds, and beneficial insects.It is not recommended to spray the field during the active summer of bees. It is prohibited to irrigate grain crops in environmental protection zones. The drug quickly disintegrates in the soil and does not accumulate in groundwater.

man sprays

Compatibility with other tools

Prishance herbicide can be used in conjunction with other pesticides, as well as insecticides and fungicides. It is not recommended to mix the drug with humates. All chemicals should be checked for compatibility before use.

Shelf life and storage conditions

It is recommended to store Prishan in accordance with the standards developed for pesticides. A separate warehouse is allocated for storing this herbicide. It is recommended to keep the pesticide separately from products and goods. The optimal storage temperature is from 5 to 20 degrees Celsius.

huge warehouse

The product must be used before the expiration date. In undiluted form in tightly closed original packaging, the herbicide can be stored for 3 years from the date of manufacture.

Are there any analogues?

The drug Prishance has analogues. These are the herbicides Florastar, Primadonna, Primavera, Lambada. All of these chemical protection agents have a composition similar to Prishance and are used to kill weeds in grain crops
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