Instructions for use of seed protectant Vial Trust, dosage and analogues

If the seed material is treated before planting in the ground, problems with infection with common crop diseases can be avoided and the plants’ resistance to negative weather factors can be strengthened. Chemicals enhance immunity and destroy pathogenic microorganisms that are found in seed embryos. The Vial Trust disinfectant is developed for pre-sowing treatment of grain crops and sunflower seeds.

Composition and release form of the product

The domestically produced combined pre-sowing disinfectant contains two active components, which determines the effectiveness of the chemical. The first active ingredient, tebuconazole, belongs to the chemical class of triazoles. In 1 liter of disinfectant its content is 60 grams. The second active component of the chemical class of benzimidazoles is thiabendazole; in one liter of the drug its concentration is 80 grams. Both active substances are characterized not only by preventive, but also by therapeutic effects.

A contact seed protectant is produced by the domestic company “August” in the form of a water-suspension concentrate, which is packaged in plastic containers of 1 and 5 liters.

In what cases is it used and how does the drug work?

A two-component fungicidal preparation is developed for pre-sowing treatment of seed material of grain crops and sunflower. Thanks to the active substances in the composition, it is possible to prevent infection with common crop diseases and strengthen the plant immunity. Thanks to anti-stress components, friendly crop shoots are ensured.

The principle of operation of the disinfectant is based on two active components that belong to different chemical classes. Thanks to the work of thiabendazole, the process of cell division of pathogenic microorganisms is disrupted. The component actively destroys pathogens of diseases such as root and basal rot and snow mold. The function of tebuconazole is to suppress the production of ergosterol in the cells of pathogens. Thanks to this substance, the risk of infection with both internal and external infections of cultivated plants is reduced.

trust vial

Farmers who treated seed material before planting with a disinfectant from a domestic manufacturer noted several advantages of the fungicidal drug:

  • the presence of anti-stress components, thanks to which the seed material germinates even in dry conditions and with deep sowing;
  • a balanced two-component composition ensuring high efficiency of the chemical;
  • preventive and therapeutic effect of the disinfectant;
  • increase in the number of seedlings after treatment and growth-stimulating effect on sprouts;
  • lack of phytotoxicity if the standards of use specified in the instructions are observed;
  • increasing plant immunity and resistance to bad weather;
  • partial disinfection of the soil around the sown seeds;
  • long-lasting protective effect and speed of action after application.

Instructions for use of the Vial Trust disinfectant

The manufacturer's instructions indicate the consumption rates of seed protectant for each cultivated plant and the rules for processing the material.

warehouse space

The consumption of the drug is presented in the table:

cultivated plant Fungicide rate Working fluid flow
Oats From 0.3 to 0.4 liters 10 liters per ton of seed. Treatment is carried out by moistening before sowing in the ground or a few days before.
Winter and spring wheat From 0.3 to 0.4 liters 10 liters per ton of seeds
Winter and spring barley From 0.4 to 0.5 liters 10 liters per ton of seed
Rye From 0.3 to 0.4 liters 10 liters per ton
Sunflower From 0.4 to 0.5 liters 10 liters per ton of seeds

It is recommended to prepare a working solution for processing seed material immediately before use so that it does not lose its qualities.First, a stock solution is made. To do this, take 1-2 liters of clean, settled water and add the amount of disinfectant specified in the instructions. Mix the mixture thoroughly until it reaches a homogeneous consistency.

pour liquid

After this, the mixing tank of the machine for pickling the material is filled one third with water and the resulting solution is poured into it. Turn on the mixer and wait until the liquid is completely mixed. Next, gradually pour in water to the full volume without turning off the stirrer. The mixing process should take at least 15 minutes.

Seeds of cultivated plants are allowed to be treated with a fungicidal preparation immediately before planting in the ground, but this can be done in advance, several days before sowing. It is important to allow the material to dry slightly after treatment with the chemical, and only then send it to the ground.

equipment with drugs

How to protect yourself

The Vial Trust disinfectant belongs to toxicity class 2 and poses a danger to human health, so care must be taken when working with it. Before preparing the pickling liquid, be sure to wear clothing that covers the entire body and rubber gloves. To prevent chemical vapors from entering the respiratory tract and causing irritation, use a respirator.

Upon completion of all work, clothes are washed and showered with soap. If the chemical accidentally gets on the mucous membranes, wash them with plenty of water and immediately go to the hospital for first aid.


The instructions indicate that the drug is approved for use together with the Tabu disinfectant. For other chemicals a test must be carried out.

canisters on grain

Storage conditions and shelf life

The shelf life of the disinfectant from the date of production is 2 years. It is recommended to keep the chemical in a separate utility room, where the sun's rays do not penetrate, at a temperature not exceeding 30 degrees.


If necessary, you can replace Vial Trust with Larimar.
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